December 2015

Index to this edition

CHRISTMAS – The Facts and the Fiction

xmasA look at what many believe to be a ‘Christian Festival’
by Rev. Ivan Foster

Scripture makes clear why the Son of God was born of a woman in Bethlehem nearly 2000 years ago. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” I John 3:8.

He came to destroy the very works which are the chief means used by the majority in Christendom to celebrate His birth.

‘Christmas’ – a Roman Catholic term referring to a celebratory Mass in honour of Christ – is that section of the year in which pagan activities are freely and unashamedly indulged in and all in honour of the incarnation of the Son of God.

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The ambiguities of Pastor James McConnell

Patstor_mcconnellIt is a little disconcerting to say the least to watch Free Presbyterians taking a prominent role in supporting Pastor James McConnell, as he appeared in a Belfast court on the charge of making “grossly offensive” remarks about Islam in his pulpit back in May 2015.

Undoubtedly, ‘Free Speech’ is on trial at this time but that vital issue will be subverted and any support given will be seen as an endorsement of James McConnell and his rather dubious beliefs and practices.

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Reflections on Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

By Rev Ivan Foster (Retd).

bible_imageThe book of the Revelation was penned by John under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost at the end of the 1st century AD i.e. some 1900 years ago.

The essential character of Christianity, its message, its philosophy and its code of conduct, NEVER CHANGES for its “author and finisher” is Christ the unchanging and unchangeable One.

As we briefly consider something of these two chapters in Revelation it is essential that we, and preachers especially, bear this in mind.

These two chapters contain messages to the seven churches in Asia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. These churches were all in the area which we now call Turkey.

The messages were direct communications from the ‘Great King and Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ.’

They were intimate and detailed, indicating the knowledge the Saviour has of His people.

That in itself should cause us to tremble. The favourite lie of the devil is that “The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it,” Psalm 94:7. These chapters show that to be a great deception!

I have but three main points which I desire to make and they are directed chiefly at ministers today.

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Can Mervyn Storey’s actions in heading a Stormont Department which funds sodomy and blasphemy be defended or excused?

stormontMervyn Storey remains an elder in the Free Presbyterian Church, despite his links with recent controversies regarding the funding of ungodly activities, activities which are deeply offensive and blasphemous.

That would suggest that there are those who believe that what he did was without sin and involves no transgression of God’s Word.

There has been no public response by Storey to criticisms of his actions in these matters. Nor, indeed, have any of those who have gone “from house to house” tattling out empty, spurious excuses for the man, had the courage to openly answer the case made against him.

Of course, this was the pattern adopted by those who sought to defend poor Dr Paisley’s decision to enter a power-sharing government with Sinn Fein/IRA back in 2007.

Such a tactic is in itself an unwitting admission of the weakness of their case.

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dirty_handsWhy does Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary share accreditation with Roman Catholic colleges??

An interesting fact regarding Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has just come to light, thanks to research done by the Editors of “Banash” website, Sharon Kirker and Marie O’Prey.

The Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has received accreditation from ‘The Association of Theological Schools’.

The Association website has this ‘blurb’ by way of introduction to just what it is.

“More than 270 graduate schools of theology in the United States and Canada form The Association of Theological Schools. Member schools conduct post-baccalaureate professional and academic degree programs to educate persons for the practice of ministry and for teaching and research in the theological disciplines. These schools differ from one another in deep and significant ways, but through their membership in ATS, they demonstrate a commitment to shared values about what constitutes good theological education. Collectively, ATS member schools enrol approximately 74,500 students and employ more than 7,200 faculty and administrators.”

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The above article is feature on the latest edition of “The Heart of the Matter” broadcast by Pastor Ralph Ovadal of ‘Pilgrims Covenant Church’.
Listen to that broadcast here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in a series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

You can listen to these studies using the player below. Each new study will be added as it becomes available.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 19
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 20
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 21
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 22
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 23
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 24

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Latest news stories

Ian Paisley ‘felt betrayed’ by DUP and Free Presbyterian Church, says wife

Seamus Mallon’S Attack on peacemaker John Hume leaves a sour taste

Former SDLP mayor and republican internee Pat McCarthy accepts MBE

Bomb scares: ‘Garden shed’ terrorism may seem amateurish but these devices are deadly and part of our daily lives

Declassified files: Robinson’s resignation as DUP deputy leader ‘paid off handsomely’

New York RC Archbishop, a Taoiseach and an angry face-off over IRA violence and ‘genocide’

Declassified files: Government rejected Hermon plea to outlaw Sinn Fein

Investigation begins as drug dealer shot dead near Dublin pub

Man shot dead outside Dublin pub only recently released from prison

Irish State Papers: Gardaí ‘grossly negligent’ in Kerry babies inquiry

Ancient Irish had Middle Eastern ancestry, study reveals – (The Garden of Eden to be exact!!!)

European court stops Ireland deporting alleged Isil recruiter

Britain pays EU ‘£1BILLION EACH MONTH’: Yet another reason we should quit the eurozone

New Year’s Eve: All leave cancelled for armed police in London amid unprecedented security operation

GERMANY – Rising tensions over EU migrant influx exposed as TWO THIRDS of Germans expect ISIS attack

Husband, 86, appears in court accused of shooting wife dead at a care home – (The tragedy is the inevitable result of the teaching of Evolution. Being mere animals putting us out of our misery is kind!!!)

Filipino priest suspended for riding hoverboard during Christmas Eve mass – (Surely it falls short of the ‘blasphemy of the mass’ – as the 39 Articles teaches – in which he frequently engages!!)

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More news

December 30

The IRA tarnished the very word republican: Seamus Mallon – (And yet SDLP voters consistently transferred votes to Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

Ex-SDLP leader accuses DUP of bullying UUP out of north-south bodies

Next year critical for SF as elections loom on both sides of the border
Prince Charles donated money to RC church at centre of march furore – (We always knew where his loyalties lay!!)

Schools violence: Police called out ten times every day

Prince of Wales gives £2,000 to marching disputes church – (The church which objects to loyalists walking past on the street outside a few time each year!!)

Unionists slam cost of dissident policing in wake of parades figure – (Protests are costly to police, not parades because of the violent opposition of Romanist!!)

Police force ‘dragging feet’ after finally confirming it will interview ex-Provo

Eamonn McCann: Mother Teresa not such a good role model – (This is from the pen of one born into the Londonderry RC community and was a prominent ‘Civil Rights’ activist in the 60s-70s!!)

Dublin judge bans Irish man from driving for 80 years – will be eligible to drive again when he’s 104

Man accused of recruiting people in Ireland to participate in ‘Jihad’ resisting deportation, court told

UK Police warn of ‘looting’ in wake of floods

It’s not mean-spirited to think aid cash would be better spent at home


December 29

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order

Thatcher thought Anglo-Irish Agreement ‘gave Irish all the glory, none of the headaches’ – (It was a sell-out by the British government but it was also a judgment upon a people which had forsaken God’s truth and which continues to do so!!)

NIO memo noted tensions and conflicting wings at top of DUP in 1988 – (The rot began as far back as that!!)

‘Steam has run out’ of Ian Paisley, but Peter Robinson is ‘a dangerous man’

Islam and Christianity stand for peace, harmony and human development, says Imam – (The devil’s promotion of deceitful ecumenical Syncretism)

Anger as Northern Ireland bomb squad deals with 700 security alerts in the last three years – (No mention of how much that all cost!!!??)

Sinn Féin wants to maintain misery in Ireland, former Irish Labour leader Pat Rabbitte claims

National Archives 1985: John Hume sought talks with the IRA Army Council

Declassified files: Hume wanted to talk to IRA Army Council – (It was they that really called the shots and they still do!!)

Declassified files: Paisley vowed never to talk to SF; McGuinness pledged to fight on

Killing of loyalist was bid ‘to rebuild IRA support’


December 28

Dear Santa letter from 1932 turns up in Belfast archive – (An indicator of true poverty and the wickedness of today’s ingratitude amongst children!!)

Seamus Mallon: Sinn Féin ‘played John Hume like 3lb trout’-(Hume’s nationalism made him more ready to be hooked than most trouts!!!)

Belfast: Man arrested after police car fired at

Bomb casualty in plea for victims to be recognised

Tributes to reporter who unmasked Slab Murphy – (He did a good job on Martin McGuinness as well!!)

Sinn Fein defends criminals in general election campaign team

Don’t blame Sinn Fein for undermining law, they’re only following orders – (This a hard-hitting article in a Republic of Ireland newspaper!!)

The real ‘teddy bear’ in Adams’s closet isn’t cuddly

RC Archbishop Diarmuid Martin: Ireland becoming ‘increasingly ambiguous in its understanding of God’

EU referendum: Michael Howard says ministers should have free vote

EU chiefs ‘plan to bombard voters with propaganda’

Spectacular footage of successful Russian bombing of Islamic State’s oil-smuggling rackets into Turkey

Austrian police warn of risk of fresh terrorist attacks in European capitals

Hundreds evacuated and swathes of UK underwater as rivers reach record levels – (Will no one ask “WHY”??)

UK Flooding: video demonstrates the scale of devastation as ‘severe’ warnings issued for England and Wales

Absurd foreign aid NEEDS to be spent at home on flood-hit Britons

Hundreds of prisoners including murderers and sex offenders released by mistake

Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven – (These unscriptural, false comments are said to “enhance” the pope’s “progressive reputation”)

You won’t hear it, but news from Afghanistan is bad. Very bad.

Jeremy Corbyn not trusted to safeguard national security by 71% of Britons

ISIS plan to bring back slave trade in the West leaked in chilling terror booklet – (Such a trade is predicted in Scripture, Revelation 18:13!!)


December 26

Fears of rift among republicans as ‘Slab’ loyalists blame SF for not shielding him from the law – (The basis of the ‘peace process’ becomes ever more wicked and sinister!!)

How much longer must this foostering over Sinn Féin and its IRA links go on

Real IRA could launch one-off attacks on mainland Britain, ministers warned

Prison service apologises to police widow over failure to reveal her husband’s killer had been freed

Father-of-two becomes latest victim of Troubles – 20 years on

Teacher arrested following probe into claims she praised the IRA on social media


December 25

Slab’s conviction shows how deep criminality runs within the Provos – (The author of this article is in the DUP and in coalition with Sinn Fein/IRA – he ought to know his subject!!!)

A monument to Irish men who died fighting for the British has been vandalised

Queen’s Christmas Day message: Monarch quotes from Bible to address a nation shaken by year of atrocities – (Sadly, not the KJV!)

Queen to refer to ‘moments of darkness’ in Christmas speech

Isis faction of terrorist group Al-Shabaab linked to foiled Kenyan bus attack

Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch

British Muslim family banned from US flight were linked to ‘extremist’ Facebook page


December 24

Reflect on Christian values, David Cameron says in Christmas message – (Strange words from a pro-sodomite, pro-abortion politician!!!)

DUP defends deal with Sinn Fein after Adams’ IRA comments – (They would defend an agreement with the devil!!)

Irish Justice Minister defends non-jury court – (Claims Adams should know “better than most” why it is needed!!)

‘Slab’ terror court here to stay, Adams warned

IRA spy ring watching Leinster House holds the key to Sinn Féin’s outlook

Raid on Murphy lands uncovered cross-Border oil pipe in outhouse – (A ‘good’ republican smuggler!!!)

IRA victim’s parents horrified by Sinn Fein backing for ‘Slab’ Murphy – (I never cease to be surprised that victim’s families are surprised at the cruelty of Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

PSNI face probe after suspect in a brutal robbery escapes at court

Role of Dublin priests in Rising must be acknowledged – Dublin RC Archbishop Diarmaid Martin – (Seamus Murphy, a Jesuit priest and a philosophy professor at Loyola University in Chicago called it an unjust war!!!)


December 23

Gardaí believe ‘Slab’ Murphy case may trigger Sinn Féin-IRA split

People who were in the IRA not criminals, says Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams – (That is the view of those leading the power-sharing administration as well!!!)

Fury after Gerry Adams claims IRA members not criminals – (Is there fury amongst the DUP power-sharers?? I don’t think so or they would quit immediately!!)

Sinn Fein chief Adams blasted for claiming IRA were not criminals

IRA Not Criminals Say Adams – What now for the “Fresh Start”? – TUV statement by Jim Allister

Mary Lou: ‘I’ve met Slab three times. He’s a very nice man’

Republican support for the rule of law depends on who is accused of breaking it

Martin McGuinness supports new cross-border task force that he says will relentlessly tackle the ‘scourge of criminality’ – (Who would believe this admirer of ‘Slab’ Murphy!!??)

Mask slips to show cancer at heart of SF – Defending Adams’ defence

Foster sets out her vision for future in message to party – (“People left behind” – Yes, Arlene, those who could not go along with the immorality of joining with terrorists in government!!)

All change at Stormont: Almost 30pc of MLAs not standing for re-election – (I wonder why???)

Probe into (Scotland’s) ‘Provo princess’ primary school teacher

Irish Catholic priest: 1916 Rising was an unjust war – (Where does that place all those who celebrate its participants etc???)


December 22

Tax fraudster ‘Slab’ Murphy hailed by McGuinness for peace process role – (How can power-sharing Unionists continue to promote a “peace” that was engineered by Murphy and murderous republicanism??)

‘Slab’ Murphy and gang ‘betrayed’ by prosecution, says source – (And so the ‘whitewash’ starts!!)

Now Mary Lou backs ‘good republican’ Slab

Compare and contrast: Mary Lou on Ansbacher accounts – and on Slab

Adams launches astonishing attack on (Irish) DPP Loftus

SF reaction to ‘Slab’ Murphy trial part of ‘persecution complex’

Provo reliance on illicit funds ‘forced Adams to back Slab’

Parents of IRA murder victim Paul Quinn disgusted at latest Adams stance

Sinn Féin doublespeak and denial re-surface in wake of Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy verdict

Analysis: Murphy defence exposes Sinn Féin contradictions

French border guards ‘colluding’ with gangs smuggling migrants into Britain, MEP claims

Task force gears up to tackle cross-border crime

No Austerity for GAA When it comes to Government Funding

Let us speak out on EXIT from EU or we QUIT: PM warned of gag on Eurosceptic ministers


December 21

Gerry Adams says Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy was treated unfairly – (How many poor victims in South Armagh were treated ‘unfairly’ by the IRA??)

Adams claims Thomas “Slab” Murphy unfairly treated

Gerry Adams under fire after he leaps to defence of Provo godfather Murphy

Gerry Adams had little choice but to stand by ‘Slab’ Murphy – (If the present ‘Peace Process’ is built on Murphy, a man with a murderous reputation, then it it is an evil contrivance indeed!!)

Instead of feting criminals, Adams should ask himself just why ‘Slab’ didn’t get a jury trial

SF leader Gerry Adams faces political scorn after he backs up criminal – (That is all he has ever done!!!)

Adams slammed after claiming ‘Slab’ Murphy is a ‘good republican’

Gerry Adams insists tax fraudster Thomas “Slab” Murphy is a “good republican” – (He has every mark of such!!!!!)

Sinn Fein is again left reeling as Adams fails to cut ties to criminals

Adams paints a picture of his morally decrepit criminal gang of fools – (Maybe the light is dawning for those long beguiled by Sinn Fein!!)

‘Slab’ conviction cannot be hailed as a victory over cross-border crime

Armed (English) Police ‘Want To Go Back To Patrol Cars’

Armed police to be given more protection over shoot to kill

Cameron to review legal protection of shoot-to-kill police officers

EU referendum: David Cameron already planning pro-Europe dossier to keep Britain in the Union – (The deceitfulness the politicians!!)

Air France bomb: Kenya confirms explosive device found in toilets of plane carrying 473 people from Mauritius to Paris

Air France emergency landing: Six passengers questioned after BOMB found in plane toilet

Air France Boss: Bomb Alert Was ‘False Alarm’

Lord Janner dead: Former Labour peer found unfit to stand trial for alleged child sex abuse dies aged 87 – (There is a Higher Court which can’t be avoided, Hebrews 9:27)

Sinn Fein won’t support anti-terror laws following Paris attacks

Ex-Sinn Fein treasurer and his brother jailed for stabbing


December 19

MP fury as 40-pupil Irish school replaces college axed over low numbers – (Life under Sinn Fein!!!)

Irish school approved for 38 pupils on site closed for having ‘only’ 140

SF TDs silent over Adams’s links to IRA tax dodger

Adams response to Murphy conviction shows ‘SF not fit to govern’

Gerry Adams under fire over ‘Slab’ support

Auditors’ concern over cash to MLA’s bouncy castle enterprise

Analysis: Foster’s rise makes unionist unity more plausible than ever

Arlene Foster speaks out about IRA attempts on her and her father’s life

Virginia Schools Shut Over Arabic Assignment

Mother Teresa To Be Saint As Miracle Approved – (Just where in the Bible is this ridiculous practice taught???)

December 18

Arlene Foster is first woman elected as leader of DUP

Arlene Foster becomes Northern Ireland’s first female DUP leader

New DUP leader Arlene Foster sets out vision for the future

North’s new First Minister survived an IRA bombing

Arlene Foster: I’d accept no prosecutions if Provos told who put bomb under school bus

PSNI officers disciplined over Peadar Heffron bomb attack failings

Garda Kingsmills information ‘raises more questions than answers’

Migrants launch ‘unprecedented’ attack on lorry drivers at Calais

UK Government accused of cover-up as data suggests million EU migrants unaccounted for in Britain

Sinn Fein – IRA Panel has Zero Credibility

Farmer accused of being senior IRA commander convicted of tax fraud

Gerry Adams refuses to condemn Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy after tax conviction – (‘Birds of a feather’ etc . . . .!!)

Adams won’t say if ‘Slab’ is still ‘good republican’ – (Well, he has all the credentials!!!)

‘Untouchable’ IRA godfather was lionised by Sinn Féin

How IRA turned south Armagh into a fuel complex

Damage done by Murphy’s activities will take decades to clean up

Sinn Féin integrity brought into critical focus -Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy convicted

Tax dodger ‘Slab’ Murphy could get slap on the wrist

Tax fraudster Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy faces five years in jail for illegal empire

Independent TDs offer €5,000 each in failed bid to secure bail for IRA suspect


December 17

Majority of Catholics back Union Flag on designated days

Protestants slain by rogue Para unit deserve justice too

NI abortion law ‘incompatible’ with human rights – (Once again, man’s law is elevated above God’s Law!!)

Judge fails to back ending of Northern Ireland abortion ban

Northern Ireland’s abortion law ‘incompatible’ with Human Rights Act – judge’s landmark declaration puts onus on Stormont

Unborn Have Human Rights – Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister

Asbestos from Brighton bomb kills detective

This is trial by Stephen Nolan, exclaimed rattled McConnell

Judgment reserved over preacher in ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon – (Having an RC priest as a character witness was doubtless deemed a smart move by Pastor McConnell!!)

Pastor James McConnell Islam remarks case judgement reserved

Judgement reserved in ‘heathen Islam sermon’ Pastor McConnell trial in Belfast

Russian strikes on Syria opposition ‘helping IS’ – UK foreign secretary Philip Hammond

Turkish MP who claimed sarin gas was delivered to Isis in Syria through Turkey faces treason charges


December 16

Abortion: Judge to determine scope of Northern Ireland law – (The ‘Judge of all the earth’ already has laid down the law on this matter!!)

Top British General thought the Irish (nationalists) were ‘shocking old cry babies’ – (And clearly implied that some RC priests were IRA propagandists – he was right!!)

Pastor James McConnell: Judge rejects bid to end Islam remarks trial

After the drama of Monday, McConnell case settles down for legal details

Syrian refugees: First families arrive in Northern Ireland

Christopher Meli murder: Teenagers charged with murder of father-of-one

Five teenagers arrested in Christopher Meli murder probe

(Irish) Police searching land after dissident republican arms dump discovered

‘AK47s and mortars’ found during dissident republican searches (in Co Louth)

Terror attack threat in Northern Ireland still ‘severe’, warns Theresa Villiers

Paisley: Dissidents being squeezed by security services

Bomb ‘planned for Londonderry hotel police recruitment event’

Northern Ireland interfaces: More residents want peace walls to stay

Syrian refugees arrive in Northern Ireland

Muslim Nations Form Coalition To Fight Terror

Saudi Coalition Could Lead To Greater Conflict

Saudi Arabia assembles 34 Muslim country coalition to fight ‘terrorism’ – but there’s no mention of Isis – (Rather significant!!!)

Turkish MP, Eren Erdem claims Turkey supplied Isis with sarin gas materials for chemical weapon attacks

Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts to the (UK government) Department of Work and Pensions

Cruz Emerges As Trump Rival Ahead Of Debate


December 15

Foreign aid scandal: Iran, China, Zimbabwe.. why is YOUR cash given to foreign dictators?

Sharia in the UK: The courts in the shadow of British law offering rough justice for Muslim women

Inside Britain’s Sharia courts

Young boys attacked ‘because they were Protestants’

‘DUP remains focused despite change at top’ – Campbell

Martin McGuinness reckons he can get on with just about anybody – (Better look out those he can’t get on with!!!)

Big challenge awaits Foster as DUP leader and First Minister

Jenny Palmer to stand for Stormont on UUP ticket

Order your popcorn now … unionist battle is going to be some spectacle

McGuinness call for probe into McConnell sparks laughter in court

Case against ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon Pastor James McConnell hangs on just five words, his QC tells Belfast hearing

At last, the courts defend our right to expose hoodlums

Video – Donald Trump shakes hands with Sinn Fein leader months before IRA Canary Wharf bomb

Three charged with Christopher Meli’s murder

Police (in England and Wales) ‘overwhelmed’ by domestic abuse cases

EU referendum: UK exit on knife edge as poll shows British public now 50/50 over leaving


December 14

Catholic bishop’s ‘lovely’ day with Apprentice Boys in Londonderry – (Ecumenical exercise and it looks like Protestants fell for it!!)

Pastor James McConnell goes on trial over ‘satanic Islam’ sermon

Pastor McConnell arrives for trial over Islam sermon

Fact – D’Hondt still exists proof Fresh Start is nothing of sort

Flags: What do you want to see flying on your local council building?

‘Divine wrath claimed IRA lives’

Sinn Fein not committed to an anti-austerity left wing government (in Dublin)

Prosecutions Prepared Against Illegal Muslim Schools

Downing Street denies Cameron ready to drop EU migrant benefit demands

Donald Trump in front as panic sets in among Republican party establishment

Bradford councillors rebel after health and safety officials order toaster to be removed over fire fears

Gay clergyman banned from taking services after marrying partner 


December 12

NI gay blood ban likely to be lifted if advisory group recommends

‘DUP climb down’ on gay blood welcomed – (Sad reading!!)

Senior PSNI officer suspended following HM Revenue and Customs probe

Senior Catholic cop suspended during probe

The British soldier who joined 1916 Easter Rising on leave – (That is called ‘treason’ everywhere but in Ireland!!)

Robinson jokes ‘Tiocfaidh ár Lá’ with McGuinness – (Obviously taking lessons from Gregory Campbell!!!)

Katie Hopkins backs Donald Trump: ‘We have lost control of some areas’

Donald Trump: More UK Muslims join IS than UK army

Enrique Marquez, former neighbor of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, reportedly spoke of ‘sleeper cells’ to patrons at his job

Angela Merkel is doing more damage to the future of the West than Donald Trump

IRA victims attack Tony Blair over ‘whitewash’ evidence

Stephen Pollard: Labour now allies itself to terrorists and ISIS fraudsters

Assault rifles part of arms haul found near Roslea


December 11

SF minister gives £160k to Irish language centre

Donald Trump: petition to ban presidential candidate from the UK becomes most popular ever

Trump says UK politicians should THANK him and Britain is ‘trying to hide Muslim problem’

DUP’s Arlene Foster one woman who was born to be a leader

‘Release more classified Troubles files’ call from former soldier

Police called to probe DUP MLA Paul Girvan’s ‘gypsy’ comment – (Interestingly, ‘Daily Mail’ calls Tyson Fury the boxer, a ‘gypsy’!!)

Man accused of blackmail ‘claimed to be from the UDA’

‘Fr’ Gerry Reynolds defended Gerry Adams’s stance on IRA questions – (The old Roman Catholic deceit of ‘Mental Reservation’!!!)

RE needs to be renamed, include non-religious viewpoints and focus less on indoctrination – (Remove all BIBLE TRUTH from it in other words!!!!)

Jeremy Corbyn and the conman accused of funding Islamic State: Labour leader stood up for fraudster

Jeremy Corbyn helped secure bail for conman stealing £1million from elderly to FUND ISIS

Germany heading for financial MELTDOWN set to sink the EU, says leading expert

School orders parents to fill in consent form for kids CHRISTMAS PARTY amid religion fears – (Is Donald Trump right???!!!)

‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation

As the petition to ban Donald Trump reaches 400,000, here’s who has been let into Britain


December 10

Victims groups criticise ‘abject failure’ over Troubles legacy

Troubles victims use newspaper ad to attack Goverment over legacy issues

Motion Passed Condemning Attempted Removal of National Anthem From Remembrance Service

Travellers deemed more worthy of preferential treatment than military personnel in NI, says Sammy Wilson

Murder probe into death of IRA spy: Irish police following ‘definite leads’

Irish police blame legal logjam for 17th adjournment of IRA spy inquest

Denis Donaldson killing: Family to take European court action

Video: Donald Trump attends Sinn Fein fundraiser amid anti-IRA terror protests in 1995 – (Sort of explains the character of the man!!)

Britain’s power grid at risk of ISIS terror attack which could KILL thousands

Police finally set to interview former IRA chief over Birmingham pub bombings

Sinn Féin holds no ‘moral compass’, claims (Irish) Labour minister

‘Labour-IRA attitude’ under scrutiny as Young Fabians invite former terror commander to be guest of honour at Christmas party

Lee Rigby killer Michael Adebolajo sues over teeth lost in prison – (Unbelievable!!!)


December 9

Watch: Campbell – You lack credibility; McGuinness – I hope you stay here to enjoy power-sharing with us

Robinson wins damages over false blocked peerage claims

Private Eye owners pay damages to Peter Robinson

Arlene Foster still favourite despite break-up of DUP dream team

Arlene Foster signals ‘business as usual’ for DUP if she takes over

DUP old guard rallies behind Foster as 30 propose her for leader

Dodds decision reflects waning local influence of MPs

Up to 50 murders allegedly linked to a British spy in IRA ‘included state agents’

PSNI ‘has no appetite’ for Stakeknife probe

Elliott intervenes to have poppy ban lifted

GAA club formed honour guard at paramilitary funeral because deceased was a former member – (Any feeble excuse covers sympathy with terrorists!!!)

Now Adams leaves door open to coalition with (Irish) Labour

Republic’s leader condemns ‘political misconduct’ highlighted by journalists

When Jeremy met Gerry


December 8

Nigel Dodds rules himself out of DUP leadership contest

Nigel Dodds ‘did not face pressure’ to drop DUP leadership bid

Nigel Dodds rules himself out of DUP leadership race

Analysis: In the end, Dodds just didn’t want DUP leadership enough

Arlene Foster puts name forward to lead DUP

Arlene Foster ‘humbled’ by colleagues’ support for DUP leadership

Robinson says over 75 per cent support Foster

Foster ‘may be Robinson’s preferred heir’… but Wilson will not rule out DUP leader bid

DUP’s Arlene Foster sitting pretty as Dodds rules himself out of race to succeed Robinson as leader

DUP man Moutray to step down from the Assembly

IRA killers at Loughgall ‘died under judgement of God’

McGuinness rejects ‘surrender to Westminster’ criticism over welfare powers

Jim Allister Exposes McGuinness’ Hypocrisy on National Security and “the Past” – (A very good question and the usual silent response!!!)

‘Renua Ireland’ leader, Lucinda Creighton attacks SF over ‘Army Council links’

New home defence law ‘incompatible with human rights convention’, judges told

Leytonstone attack suspect Muhaydin Mire appears in court on attempted murder charge

SF’s muddled response to McCabe murder shows confusion on party line

Sinn Fein edifice shakes as signs of dissent surface

Kingsmills survivor refused legal representation during inquest – (The right to question witnesses is too big a risk for the establishment to take!!!!)


December 7

Ian Paisley’s brother dies in Canada

Adams will do anything to be Taoiseach in 2016

Leytonstone terror attack: Muhaydin Mire charged with attempted murder

North desensitised to ‘extreme violence’, conference told

Call to change Northern Ireland school worship system – (The ‘worship’ in state schools is utter ecumenical!!)

Mandatory Christian prayers in schools ‘should be axed’ – (In a way it marks the departure from all that is ‘Christian’!!)

Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, says judge

Schools offered £30,000 extra funding to hire and promote gay and transgender teachers – (Evidence, if more was needed, that the judge is right!!)

Catholic priest will back ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon cleric McConnell in court – (That should win him his case!!)

December 5

Enniskillen: Threat against DUP minister Arlene Foster sparks security alert

Suspect device close to homes of loyalist band members

Device was ‘primed to explode’ at a PSNI recruitment meeting in Derry hotel

‘No evidence’ to link Co Tyrone man to attempted murder of policeman in 2008

Coroner appeals for Kingsmills witnesses and information

Brother of IRA Disappeared man Brendan Megrew: ‘He was shot in the head by someone facing him, his last few moments must have been terrifying’

Irish Deputy Prime minister, Joan Burton won’t ‘jeopardise’ country’s future with Sinn Féin deal

Make Fr Reynolds’ vision of a united Church a reality – (Here is evidence of the treachery of Ecumenism and the sell-out of our Protestant heritage currently taking place!!)

FBI investigates California shooting as act of terrorism

Paris attacks ringleader ‘had UK connections’


December 3

Syria air strikes: RAF Tornado jets carry out bombing

Britain bombs Syria: Tornado jets target Syrian oil field 57 minutes after Commons votes for airstrikes

UK Syria air strikes ‘successful’ in bombing Isil oilfield as Labour descends into open warfare over Hilary Benn’s historic speech – latest

San Bernardino shooting: ‘Husband and wife’ suspects dead and named as Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik after 14 killed in California – latest

Pearse McAuley sentenced to 12 years for attacking his ex-wife

Pearse McAuley: A violent terrorist with a lengthy record – (Just your average republican!!!)

Man charged with Castlederg bomb attack on (Roman Catholic) policeman

Former priest Henry Moloney guilty of sex assault on pupil

Sammy Wilson rules out DUP leadership bid

Nama inquiry: Sammy Wilson to appear before Stormont committee

Martin McGuinness defends Sinn Fein pact with the DUP

Weapons find raises questions over PIRA decommissioning

Victims’ champion raps party held for fugitive IRA man – (When will Unionists learn that Sinn Fein/IRA has been pretending a “change of heart” from their terrorist days!!!)

Fury over Sinn Fein Molloy’s ‘Brits’ murderers jibe

Widow of murdered RUC officer ‘disgusted’ at complaint by husband’s killer – (It merely displays the unrelenting, evil disposition of the republican mind!!)

Does IRA killer Seamus Kearney have no shame? Anyone with decency would be begging forgiveness – (The answer is a simple NO!!!)

Even by murky nature of British black operations in Ulster, the MRF was an enigma

What next on the past?

Cameron ‘hypocrisy’ on same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland

Friends of Sinn Féin raised $60,000 in six months – (The same ‘friends’ who raised money for Sinn Fein/IRA to aid their terrorism!!)

Micheál Martin – leader of Fianna Fáil party – dismisses Sinn Fein coalition talk

December 2


Syria air strikes vote: David Cameron tells Tory MPs to ignore Jeremy Corbyn and ‘terrorist sympathisers’ by voting for bombing

Taxpayers Demand Sinn Fein-IRA Repay Irregularly Claimed Benefit Money

Convicted Colombia Three member Celebration Underscores Sinn Fein-IRA Terror Links – (SF does not really try to hide its links with terror because the DUP will not challenge them and jeopardise the power-sharing gravy train!!)

Irish anti-terror police find assault rifles in Co Monaghan arms dump

AK47s and mortars found in dissident searches

Suspected dissident republican arms dump found by Irish police

Seized arms were stolen from Provos by dissidents – (Stolen or handed over???!!!)

Finds show not all Provisional’s arms put beyond use

Trade unionist challenged on air over dissident past – (He previously refused to condemn those who support armed violence)

Gerry Adams won’t rule out Sinn Féin-Fianna Fáil coalition

SF keener on coalition than it has admitted so far

NI abortion law: Ruling could allow terminations for girls under 16

Shameless IRA killer Seamus Kearney reports his victim’s widow to the police

December 1

NI abortion law ‘breaches human rights’

Abortion Ruling – Courts Should not Seek to Legislate

TUV’s Allister vows to expose Stormont ‘greed and squander’

Jeremy Corbyn rolls over in face of shadow cabinet opposition and gives free vote to Labour MPs on Syria air strike

Labour MPs to get free vote on Syria

Labour MPs will get a free vote on whether the UK should launch air strikes in Syria

Syria air strikes vote on Wednesday, says David Cameron

Syria air strikes: Extra RAF planes to be sent to base as Britain prepares for war against Isis

PM Calls Syria Airstrikes Vote For Wednesday

Sinn Fein’s politics are as outdated as the party’s leaders

Shooting victims ‘had failed to turn up to be shot’ – (Tut, tut – these people who won’t keep their appointments – what an inconvenience!!!!!)

Two men shot in legs in west Belfast

Planners ask for Castlederg IRA memorial ‘equality’ assessment

McGuinness pays tribute to Fr. Gerry Reynolds – (If Sinn Fein/IRA thought highly of him – enough said!!!)

Life as a judge in Britain: ‘I think I’ve heard it all – then a case shocks me with a new level of depravity’ – (The Bible clearly warns of such, 2 Tim 3:1-9)

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November 2015

Index to this edition

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Gospel Mission

Meetings: Monday-Friday at 8.00 pm & Lord’s Days at 3.30 p.m.

Evangelists: Rev. Larry Power and Mr. Colin Maxwell

We give all a very warm welcome to these meetings

“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins,”
Colossians 1:14.

A house divided cannot stand

28456803-ruined-house-propped-and-with-broken-roof“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand,” Matthew 12:25.

The above verse, containing that very well known and wise adage declared by the Lord Jesus, was referred to recently by a friend from up the country, when discussing with me the situation that prevails within the Free Presbyterian Church.

There has undoubtedly been a division within the denomination since the days when Dr Paisley went into power-sharing with Sinn Fein. That decision entailed a going back from and an abandoning of long-standing principles.

Read more

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TUV’s Jim Allister questions the use of money to finance immorality and blasphemy, the very matter the Free Presbyterian Church Government and Morals Committee has protested against! (See article – ‘Protest at blasphemous play’)

Subject: Written Answer AQW 50864/11-16 – Outburst Queer Arts Festival

“To ask the Minister for Social Development for his assessment of use of his Department’s funds to support the Outburst Queer Arts Festival in Belfast in staging The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven.”

The Minister’s answer to the question is given below.

“The Outburst Arts Festival made an application for funding from the Belfast City Centre Event Grant Scheme for a festival that is running from the 13 – 21 November 2015 with events taking place in various venues across the City. The application was assessed by Departmental officials against set criteria and an offer of funding was made. The grant was not specific to any particular event within the festival programme.”

Here is an admission by the Minster that his Department did fund the ‘Festival’ which included the blasphemous ‘Gospel according to Jesus Queen of Heaven’!!!

The Minister for Social Development is Mervyn Storey MLA, a Free Presbyterian elder!!!

Thus we have the tragic situation of the Free Presbyterian Government and Morals Committee condemning this wickedness while a member of that Presbytery heads a Department in Stormont that is helping to finance that very wickedness!

This is the situation that compromise, silence, fear and a ‘stick your head in the sand’ attitude toward the sin of power-sharing with the IRA has brought us.

It is time for ordinary Free Presbyterian members to make their views known to Presbytery on this shameful situation.

“Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate,” Jeremiah 44:4.

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtr)
18th November, 2015.


Below is a response to a further question asked by Jim Allister MLA of the Minister for Social Development, Mr Mervyn Storey.

Subject: Written Answer AQW 50866/11-16 – Outburst Queer Arts Festival

To ask the Minister for Social Development (i) what funding his Department and its arm’s-length bodies have provided to Outburst Queer Arts Festival; (ii) to outline the purpose of such funding; and (iii) what funding went towards the staging of The Gospel According to Jesus Queen of Heaven.

In response to the three questions you raised in relation to the Outburst Queer Arts Festival I would advise as follows:
My Department has provided grant funding of £3.5k towards the cost of the 2015 festival.
This grant was a contribution towards the overall costs for venue hire and artists fees for the festival.
This grant was not offered for any specific event within the festival programme.

So, £3500 of public money was paid by Mr Storey’s department to aid a festival which included the wicked depiction of the Lord Jesus Christ as a “transexual”!!! It is beyond belief that a professing Christian can be guilty of such a betrayal of the Lord Jesus by aiding to any degree this vile, unspeakable blasphemy.

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty,” 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.

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Protest at blasphemous play

The letter below is from the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Government and Morals Committee protesting against a blasphemous play in Belfast.

The newspapers to which it was sent did not print it!!

Dear sir,
Your paper on Monday contained the details of a theatre production. This production is a blatant blasphemous attack on the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and deeply offensive to the Christian community.
Blasphemy is defined as the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God.
The Bible declares in Revelation 17:14 that Jesus Christ is “Lord of lords and King of kings” but the title of this play links the name of Jesus with the phrase “queen of heaven”. This deliberate inaccuracy is irreverent and, as such, blasphemous.

The content of the play displays the Lord Jesus Christ as being transgender while the teaching of the Bible leaves no doubt that this view is false.
The Lord Jesus Christ is eternally named the “Son of God”, we think of the well known text of Scripture in John 3:16 and we read of the “only begotten Son”.
In regard to the incarnation of Christ, words are often quoted from Luke 1:35 when Mary is told “that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God”.
At the time of the crucifixion, we read that the title “King of the Jews” was displayed by Pontus Pilate.
To invent another Jesus is an attempt to present another god and another way of salvation. Christ clearly stated in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

In an interview with “The Scotsman” in 2009 the writer of this play stated that the production was “about rescuing Jesus from the fundamentalists”. The Lord Jesus Christ does not need to be rescued. He came to “seek and to save” those who are ensnared in a life of sin. This is a universal condition but the same means of salvation is available to all, for we read in Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Festival director Ruth McCarthy states, “the christian values of love, tolerance and understanding are at the forefront of this piece.” However, she is deeply mistaken in that view.
When the Lord Jesus Christ spoke of love, He said “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” You cannot love God if you blaspheme His name and person. Rather, we should live in obedience to His commands.

To display such a production is grievous in the sight of a holy God and shows no regard for the many Bible-believing Christians in this land. Therefore we call upon the organisers to stop this event.

Yours sincerely
Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster Government and Morals Committee

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“Prophetic Truth maintained from the Apostles until now”

Synopsis of a message preached at Kilskeery Annual Conference on Saturday 31st October, 2015,

by Rev Brian McClung (Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church)

“Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus…But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.” 2 Timothy 1:13, 3:14

There were ‘things’ which Paul taught Timothy which he wanted this young man to ‘hold fast’ and to ‘continue…in’.

Among these ‘sound words’ or doctrines, that Paul preached and taught, are references to the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come,” 2 Timothy 3:1. See also 2 Timothy 4:1,8. “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom, . . . . . . Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

Read more

Please note: All of the recorded messages from the conference are available on CD, which may be requested from the editor.

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Remember, remember the 5th of November!

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” Isaiah 54:17

This day is notable in English history for two great deliverances wrought by God for us. On this day the plot of the Papists to destroy our Houses of Parliament was discovered, 1605.

“While for our princes they prepare
In caverns deep a burning snare,
He shot from heaven a piercing ray,
And the dark treachery brought to day.”

And secondly-to-day is the anniversary of the landing of King William III, at Torbay, by which the hope of Popish ascendancy was quashed, and religious liberty was secured, 1688.

This day ought to be celebrated, not by the saturnalia of striplings, but by the songs of saints. Our Puritan forefathers most devoutly made it a special time of thanksgiving. There is extant a record of the annual sermons preached by Matthew Henry on this day. Our Protestant feeling, and our love of liberty, should make us regard its anniversary with holy gratitude. Let our hearts and lips exclaim, “We have heard with our ears, and our fathers have told us the wondrous things which thou didst in their day, and in the old time before them.” Thou hast made this nation the home of the gospel; and when the foe has risen against her, thou hast shielded her. Help us to offer repeated songs for repeated deliverances. Grant us more and more a hatred of Antichrist, and hasten on the day of her entire extinction. Till then and ever, we believe the promise, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper.” Should it not be laid upon the heart of every lover of the gospel of Jesus on this day to plead for the overturning of false doctrines and the extension of divine truth? Would it not be well to search our own hearts, and turn out any of the Popish lumber of self-righteousness which may lie concealed therein?


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Same-sex marriage statement

Statement from the Government and Morals Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster on the Northern Ireland Assembly debate on “Same-Sex Marriage.”

(As it appeared in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of November 2nd, 2015)

“For the fifth time in the space of three years the redefinition of marriage is to be debated in the Northern Ireland assembly, under the guise of it being a matter of equality.

It is very interesting to note the comment made by the NIHRC in their submission to the Legislative Consent Motion in 2013. They said:

“The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECt.HR) and the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC) has confirmed that the restriction of the institution of marriage to opposite sex couples is not in violation of international human rights standards.”

So here are two international bodies mentioned and they say it is NOT an issue of equality, it is NOT a right!

Some would also say that we are falling behind the rest of the world and are dinosaurs but according to the statistics less than 10% of the member states in the UN have redefined marriage.

What we are witnessing is part of a liberal agenda to force Northern Ireland into redefining marriage despite the view of its people. Gerry Adams described equality as the “Trojan horse” and the Labour’s Ivan Lewis, the Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary said, “my party believes the government should give serious consideration to introduce legislation at Westminster to extend same-sex marriage to Northern Ireland”, in other words it should be forced upon Northern Ireland.

These views have little to do with rights or equality, rather it is one group wanting to ride rough-shod over everyone else with a differing opinion, regardless of the impact that it may have on children, families or society.

When we consider the treatment of Ashers Baking Company and any who challenge the LGBT agenda, Bible believing Christians are left feeling that they dare not express their dearly held opinions or they will be accused of hate crimes or will become the subject of a media witch hunt.

As a Denomination we hold to the Scriptural definition of marriage as that of one man and one woman for as long as they both shall live (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:6-9). We believe that this is God’s pattern for the well-being of family life, in the bringing up of children and for the good of society at large. A deviation from this godly pattern has no benefits but rather will be the forerunner of more broken homes and broken lives.

Any sexual relationship outside of the marriage bond is contrary to the law of God and is sinful. This is not to be construed as hatred against the individual rather it is love that warns them of the consequences of such conduct for by the words of Paul we learn that there were those in his congregation who had been saved and changed from such lifestyles. (1 Cor 6:9-11).”

Government and Morals Committee of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in a series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

You can listen to these studies using the player below. Each new study will be added as it becomes available.

Previously published studies can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 11
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 12
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 13
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 14
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 15
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 16
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 17
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 18

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Latest news stories

NI abortion law ‘breaches human rights’

Abortion Ruling – Courts Should not Seek to Legislate

TUV’s Allister vows to expose Stormont ‘greed and squander’

Jeremy Corbyn rolls over in face of shadow cabinet opposition and gives free vote to Labour MPs on Syria air strike

Labour MPs to get free vote on Syria

Labour MPs will get a free vote on whether the UK should launch air strikes in Syria

Syria air strikes vote on Wednesday, says David Cameron

Syria air strikes: Extra RAF planes to be sent to base as Britain prepares for war against Isis

PM Calls Syria Airstrikes Vote For Wednesday

Sinn Fein’s politics are as outdated as the party’s leaders

Shooting victims ‘had failed to turn up to be shot’ – (Tut, tut – these people who won’t keep their appointments – what an inconvenience!!!!!)

Two men shot in legs in west Belfast

Planners ask for Castlederg IRA memorial ‘equality’ assessment

McGuinness pays tribute to Fr. Gerry Reynolds – (If Sinn Fein/IRA thought highly of him – enough said!!!)

Life as a judge in Britain: ‘I think I’ve heard it all – then a case shocks me with a new level of depravity’ – (The Bible clearly warns of such, 2 Tim 3:1-9)

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More news

November 30

Dissident republican Colin Duffy due in court charged with directing New IRA terror gang

Gun attacks favoured by republicans for decades

TUV conference: Jim Allister critical of ‘catastrophic failure’ of Stormont executive

IRA revelations have utterly vindicated TUV, Allister tells conference

Traditional Unionist Voice leader calls for voluntary NI coalition

Agreement ‘a trade-off of climb downs’ – Allister

Murderers should not get blanket amnesty, says FW de Klerk

Colum Eastwood: Sinn Fein said they’d stand up to Tories… then they rolled over

Sinn Fein shamed by their deal, says SDLP’s Colum Eastwood – (Not shamed by their history of murder and terror!!!)

Convicted Colombia Three member honoured with ‘night of celebration’ by sinn Fein

Kate Hoey: quitting the EU unites right and left

Turkey and its 75 million people on the brink of being allowed into EU

Switzerland overwhelmingly votes for burqa ban with £6,500 fine for Muslim women who rebel

Illegal immigrants entering Europe tops 1.5 million according to EU


November 28

‘IRA’ claims it fired shots at PSNI car in Belfast

Labour’s shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Vernon Coaker distances himself from McDonnell’s IRA kneecapping ‘joke’

Labour MPs have only one option – a mutiny

Stormont: Any wonder voters cynical if this is what claims to be democracy

Foyle Pride chair to contact Ombudsman over Deputy Mayor’s remarks

Sinn Féin councillor given 20 years to pay back benefits

EU and Labour MEPs say we MUST welcome back jihadis because border controls are RACIST


November 27

Former Police Ombudsman Baroness Nuala O’Loan slams the lack of a fresh start for victims

Peace charity praises Robinson and McGuinness – (Praise from an ecumenical group is no praise!!)

No culprits found for tricolour at Stormont – (That is the story of security in NI – Republican ‘fifth columnists’ will always find a sympathetic helper!!)

Belfast shooting ‘attempt to kill police officers’

Police officers ambushed by republican dissidents in Belfast

Picture of shot police car reveals how close officers came to death in Belfast attack

Questions about IRA double agents that just won’t go away – (Except if they threaten power-sharing in Stormont!!)

Volley of shots fired at police officers in Andersonstown

Jeremy Corbyn told to resign by Labour MPs as Syria vote engulfs his leadership

Labour Shadow Chancellor and IRA sympathiser John McDonnell said ‘bombs and bullets could unite Ireland’ and joked ‘gutless wimps’ opposed to Sinn Fein should have their knees blown off

Child sex abuse inquiry: Westminster, churches and local councils to be put under spotlight

White House on lockdown after someone jumps fence


November 26

McGuinness ‘must be questioned’ over IRA informer’s murder – (Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same, Job 4:8)

Russian pilot interview: Turkey did not issue warning before downing plane

One fifth of Stormont Assembly members are ‘unelected’ or appointed by parties

Stormont Fresh Start: Sticking plaster approach to a festering wound will not suffice

Feeny alert: Police confirm bomb left near village

Application to dismiss ‘Slab’ Murphy case rejected – (Just ‘maybe’ this ‘poor-mouth’ IRA millionaire is about to get is ‘comeuppances’!!)

Freddie ‘Stakeknife’ Scappaticci: ‘Probe into 50 murders’

Frank Hegarty: Martin McGuinness ‘needs questioned’ over murder, son says

Seven ex-paras in High Court action over Bloody Sunday probe

Burton and Adams clash in Northern Ireland debate

Donaldson stands by offer to base Trident in Northern Ireland

M&S leaves Northern Ireland logo off ‘Best of the British Isles’ cake – (That shows the threat of boycott from nationalist shoppers!!)

EU referendum: DUP’s Sammy Wilson gives backing to Ukip Brexit campaign, blasting David Cameron’s ‘pathetic demands’

Service remembers RUC men murdered 40 years ago


November 25

Spending review: £400m could be cut from Stormont budget – (Smoke and mirrors economics!!)

Stormont Fresh Start: Sticking plaster approach to a festering wound will not suffice

Dodds said DUP could not be led from Westminster

Alex Salmond: United Ireland is as inevitable as an independent Scotland – (Scottish Protestants need to realise that SN is a sister to SF and has a core of Irish republicans!!)

Stakeknife – a colossal Scandal – (The pigeons really really DO come home to roost!!)

Must be no Untouchables in Investigation of Hegarty Murder

West Belfast: Bomb-making components found in dissident searches

Nurses to get freedom of Belfast for service during the Troubles

Glastonbury Abbey: ‘Monks perpetuated myths’ – (Popery is entirely an unbiblical a myth!!!)

NHS boss re-appointed after retiring on £1.4m pension pot

Russian plane was in Turkish airspace ‘for just a few seconds’

Brink of war: Russian jet WAS shot down in Syrian airspace as Putin sends warship to Med


November 24

Welfare reform bill for Northern Ireland passes through Commons

Government slammed over Northern Ireland benefits changes ‘fast-track’

DUP and SF MLAs rise to applaud Peter Robinson in the Assembly

DUP edges away from firebrand politics of Paisley era – (DUP has been edging in that direction for nigh on 25 years!!)

Ian Paisley donation to settle libel case with Sinn Féin’s Martina Anderson

Ian Paisley and Martina Anderson settle libel claim over radio comments

Robinson’s retirement makes me no less motivated, says Allister

Axed councillor Ruth Patterson tells DUP’s Pengelly she’s coming for her seat

DUP MLA vows to challenge paramilitary conviction figures – (She seems to forget she is in coalition with such!!)

Isis suspects who slipped back into Republic of Ireland being monitored by gardai

Majority of British public favour leaving EU, poll finds – (That’s before the pro-membership propaganda campaign starts!!!)

Former top Provo still waiting on Birmingham bombing police interview


November 23

Peter Robinson says NI has been ‘transformed’ in final leader’s speech – (IRA in government thanks to the DUP is quite a transformation. Only a fool would believe his spouting!))

Ruth Patterson: Belfast councillor expelled from DUP

War on Isis: UN in rare unanimous vote calls on world to unite against jihadist group – (As Bible prophecy indicates, the middle east has become the centre of world affairs!)

Brussels terror alert: US aidworker named among 21 dead in Mali, as Belgium warns of ‘imminent attack’ after chemicals and explosives found

Paris attacks: Brussels on lockdown over threat of ‘imminent’ Isis attack

Britain poised for Syria air strikes after Labour revolt against Jeremy Corbyn

IS are not terrorists, says Sinn Fein MLA – but then says that they are – (It chokes him to voice the slightest criticism of fellow terrorists!!)

Outrageous SF MLA Comments Show IRA and ISIS Brothers in Arms

Sinn Fein MLA Phil Flanagan backtracks on ‘Islamic State not terrorists’ comment – (Who would believe his about-turn!!!)

‘Fresh Start agreement an insult to victims’ – Jim Allister

Fears that SF may walk away from corporation tax pledge

Robinson admits DUP leadership election rules have to change

Medics ought to be ashamed over abortion letter, says campaigner – (Abortion does not merely risk the life of the unborn but ends it!!!)

Pro-lifer Bernadette Smyth slams medics’ ‘shameful’ abortion letter

Second Belfast shooting: Gunman ambushes van men in Turf Lodge in ‘revenge attack’ for Traveller shooting – (This the legacy of Sinn Fein/IRA’s lawless dominance in the area for decades!!)

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard ‘simulates capture of Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque’ – (‘Signs of the times’!!)

Why we should pray for Islam to undergo its own reformation – (The idiot who wrote this is an Irish Presbyterian ‘elder’ who doesn’t believe his own “Confession of Faith”!!)

If terrorists get compensation, they must be chased through the civil courts


November 20

Victims Forum demands apology over Stormont deal omission

Peter Robinson: Sinn Fein blocked deal on past over access to secret files

‘The people will decide my legacy’ – Robinson – (Eternity’s verdict will be different from that of the pundits!!)

Peter Robinson: Northern Ireland first minister says the time is right to quit

David McKittrick: Robinson was key to allowing Paisley enter government with Sinn Fein

Foster and Dodds favourites to succeed Robinson

Retirement of Peter Robinson – TUV statement

UUP issues just 47-word statement to mark Robinson’s 45 year career

McGuinness pays tribute to Robinson – (Just what every person of integrity would desire!!!!)

Martin McGuinness hopes to re-name role as ‘joint first minister’

RUC man’s killer Seamus Kearney to walk free after just two years in prison – (This is the true legacy of ‘power-sharing’!!)

New terrorist attack as gunmen hold 170 hostages in Mali Radisson hotel where French troops are stationed

Britain will be in EU forever: Brussels boss Juncker scoffs he will NEVER let us leave


November 19

Peter Robinson: NI first minister set to quit within weeks – (What an evil legacy he leaves behind!!!

Peter Robinson: Possible contenders for the DUP leadership race

DUP’s Peter Robinson: I’m standing down within weeks

Robinson to step down as First Minister in New Year

Despite criticism, DUP says deal will end paramilitarism – (That is one way to get rid of ‘terrorists’ – call them ‘paramilitaries’!!!)

Fresh start agreement: Cross-community group accuses Northern Ireland political leaders of betrayal

PSNI disappointed at failure to address legacy of Troubles in Stormont deal

‘Nothing has changed in IRA structures’, say UUP over Stormont deal

Sinn Féin under fire over welfare cuts move

Analysis: By SF’s own figures, there isn’t enough money to protect all

Questions over how benefit top-ups will be funded

Latest deal represents a defeat for Sinn Fein – (Yeah, right!!!)

Former soldier’s arrest over Bloody Sunday wrong says Tory ex-Defence minister

Bloody Sunday soldiers ‘were not hired killers’

Until there are mass IRA arrests, pursuit of old ex-soldiers must end

Sir David Attenborough supports right to die ‘if misuse problems can be solved’ – (Not surprising since he is an evolutionist.)

No “Fresh Start” from IRA

British jet may have been first target as Islamic State shows ‘bomb’ that brought down Russian plane

Mastermind of attacks on Paris believed killed in dawn raid by police

Belfast Muslim’s praise for Islamic State’s rule in Mosul

Paris attacks: female suicide bomber Hasna Aitboulahcen liked wearing cowboy hats but joined an Islamic State terror cell

Europe is sliding towards the abyss, and the terrorists know it

Boko Haram overtakes Isis as world’s deadliest terror organisation

Anglo-Irish deal was ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ moment for unionists


November 18

Northern Ireland power sharing saved – (Yes, in the light of events in Paris, terrorists in government is such a wonderful idea!!)

Stormont deal: Short-notice Assembly sitting to push through welfare plan – (Push through the latest deception before anyone can get a close look at it!!!)

Stormont deal: Agreement lacks full backing of trio of key parties, including UUP

Stormont deal: Alliance party hits out at agreement

Smaller parties greet deal with scepticism and questions

Stormont deal ANALYSIS: DUP-SF tell smaller rivals – you don’t matter

ANALYSIS: Agreement fails to offer comfort to victims

Stormont deal: Criticism from campaigners over dealing with past

NI deal ‘a bitter pill’ for Troubles’ victims, says commissioner

Stormont deal Sinn Fein blames Tories for its U-turn on welfare pledge

Ruth Patterson: ‘I earned my stripes but Emma Pengelly is a blow-in… I might join TUV and contest her seat’


November 17

PM: Not good enough to say Islam is religion of peace then deny any extremism connection – (Is the light dawning in that dark place called his brain!!!)

Paris – There are No Good Terrorists – Jim Allister, TUV

Paris: Isis and IRA inspired by the same evil, says Allister

SF’s failure to back ISIS motion condemned – (This should be remembered when reading SF’s ‘condemnations’ of Paris attacks. They are liars and hypocrites!!! )

Condemnation of Paris attacks by Sinn Fein branded ‘sickening’

Islamic State is plotting deadly cyber-attacks – George Osborne

Jeremy Corbyn’s shoot-to-kill view rejected by Labour’s Shadow foreign secretary, Hilary Benn

Jeremy Corbyn savaged by Labour MPs over shoot-to-kill opposition

Stormont talks: Speculation that political deal is imminent – (Doubtless, another step downward!!)

Anglo-Irish Agreement: Thirty years on, we can now determine our own constitutional destiny – (Who does this ‘ejit’ think he is fooling? We can determine nothing without Sinn Fein/IRA’s consent!!!)

Newry, Mourne and Down Council’s £150k for Irish language plan is ‘madness’ – (Par for the course!!!)

Bloody Sunday: No arrests until soldiers’ bid to stop murder probe is heard

Europe must learn how to combat Isis menace modelled on Northern Ireland’s Troubles – (In other words, ‘ground the jet bombers immediately’!!!)

Spain ‘issues arrest warrant’ for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over 2010 Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla attack

Sharm el-Sheikh plane: Security service says terror attack caused Russian aircraft to crash in Sinai

Russian plane crash: flight brought down over Sinai by bomb in ‘terror act’

Putin offers £33MILLION reward to capture Russian plane crash terrorists who planted BOMB


November 16

Paris attacks: International manhunt for terror suspect on the run – latest news

Paris terrorist held Syrian refugee passport, says Greek government official – (This will be played down by the ‘powers that be’!!)

Paris attacks terrorist suspect Ahmed Almuhamed ‘was rescued near Greece after his refugee boat sunk’

Paris Terror Attacks: Police let suspect slip away from road block

Far-right protests break out across France as tensions reach boiling point

BREAKING: Paris terror attacker still on the run, say French security officials

Paris attacks: Live updates as two brothers identified as terror attackers and police launch international manhunt

Paris attacks: Special forces on streets of UK amid fears Britain could be next target for Isil – (Up to 450 radicalised Britons have returned to the UK from Syria!!)

SAS on our streets as Paris weeps: Britain on alert as French condemn act of war

‘First of the storm’ ISIS issue chilling terror warning to West after Paris massacre

France is fighting unwinnable war against terror – (Disaffected French Muslims, open borders and battle-hardened fighters flowing in from Syria and Iraq!!!)

Paris attacks: French PM warns that more attacks could come as rocket launcher found in pre-dawn police raids

BREAKING: Mastermind of Paris terror attacks named as Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoud

Paris attacks: Five faces of death including mastermind behind the massacre revealed

UK: Following Paris attacks Muslims told in Bedford meeting to ‘struggle for an Islamic state’

Paris Attacks – TUV statement

Alasdair McDonnell loses SDLP leadership to Colum Eastwood

We will not guarantee support for Stormont House deal: SDLP

SDLP’s Dominic Bradley MLA backs Paul Quinn’s family’s campaign for justice – (Pity they don’t stand against the honouring of murderers!!)

Dissident thugs linked to vile nail gun ‘crucifixion’ attack

Anglo-Irish Agreement: deal was crushing blow for unionism – (And it went downhill from then on!!!)

Paris, Balcombe Street and unusual US donors – (What happened in Paris has happened time and again in Ulster thanks to Adams, McGuinness and Co!!!!)

Isis terrorists follow in the bloody footprints of other armed lunatics like IRA Provos

Jeremy Corbyn and his friends need to say whose side they’re on

Republican smugglers using Provo cell structures – (That’s because they are the Provos!!!)

Over 600 wait to wed as gay marriages ‘go live’ today – (What price Rep. of Ireland will pay for its wickedness!!)


November 14

Paris attacks: Cameron warns of British casualties

Remembrance services are not designed to suit those who attend them

Paramilitary figures ‘defile’ remembrance events: Enniskillen victim

Enniskillen bomb families ‘told investigation on hold’

Northern talks set to drag into 10th week

UK Troubles role information impasse holding up Stormont deal

Stormont deal held up by stand-off on national security

Victims ‘not convinced’ that deal will meet their needs

Young pretender: Alex Kane profiles the SDLP’s Colum Eastwood

Grandmother wants to die ‘because she has lost her sparkle’ – (Such deplorable ignorance and folly is the harvest of ‘ecumenical, liberal theology in mainline churches!!)

Family of Stakeknife victim speak out for first time

DUP calls for probe after Sinn Féin council wages controversy

McGlinchey’s ‘IRA’ comments won’t be investigated – (Another example of ‘political cowardice and compromise’!!)

Gardai and PSNI to chase criminals across border – (The Irish Republic would not cooperate when it was the IRA that was being pursued!!!)

Pat Carey steps down as Fianna Fáil’s director of elections

Fianna Fáil in turmoil as Garda launch formal inquiry

Europe in ‘race against time’ to stem refugees and stop chaos


November 13

Sinn Fein’s McLaughlin pulled National Anthem – (Is Mike Nesbitt and the UUP still apologising???)

Hopes fade of Stormont talks deal happening this week

NI parties and two governments still can’t get deal over line

Catholics who feel Northern Irish are less likely to back unity than those who feel Irish

Colum Eastwood supporters make claims of bias at BBC

Pat Hume joins list of Eastwood leadership backers

It’s Young Turk versus old guard as SDLP searches its soul

Execution of criminals ‘imminent’ says new armed group in chilling threat

Judge looks at Bloody Sunday inquiry challenge

Para commander promises support for arrested man

Put an end to this Bloody Sunday charade

Ex-serviceman from Southport asks why Northern Ireland is forgotten on Remembrance Sunday

Unionist anger as anthem dropped at Stormont Armistice service, republicans rail at impromptu rendition

Sinn Féin ‘U-turn’ as councillors stop using party bank account

Sinn Féin ‘to pay back £19,000 in benefits’

Maria Cahill: I ‘deeply regret’ joining Republican group


November 12

Christian fury over sex change Queen Jesus play at Belfast Queer Arts festival – (Man’s mocking of God sinks deeper!!)

Armistice Day: National Anthem singing at Stormont remembrance service a ‘childish stunt’ says Sinn Féin

Armistice Day row erupts after God Save the Queen ‘dropped’ from Belfast service

Mike Nesbitt could be left ‘out in the cold’ – (Is that really such a bad place for him????)

Should Sinn Fein and DUP alone make deal?

Stormont rendition of National Anthem regrettable: Nesbitt – (Such a pathetic man!!!)

Bloody Sunday: Ex-paratroopers launch legal bid to halt murder inquiry

Bloody Sunday murder inquiry ‘could be derailed’ after seven former soldiers launch legal action

Bloody Sunday soldier potential victim of anti-security forces trap – Jim Allister

Ex-soldier arrested over Bloody Sunday shootings released

Bloody Sunday: Former British soldier released on bail

Bloody Sunday: The arrest of an ex-Para will undermine a fragile peace – (What SF/IRA want is a one-sided process whereby its hundreds of murders are ignored!!)

Police ombudsman team to probe Kingsmills massacre – (Nearly 40 years too late!!!)

‘Gun-for-hire culture’ in Dublin, parliamentary watchdog told

Willie Frazer fears his life may be in danger

November 10

Substance of Stormont deal agreed, says Peter Robinson

Sinn Fein and DUP optimistic deal can be struck before end of week

Debt warning over deal to save powersharing in Northern Ireland

Robinson suggests laughing at Nesbitt whenever deal struck

Questions over terror inquiries as soldier held over Bloody Sunday

Until there are mass IRA arrests, pursuit of old ex soldiers must end

Bloody Sunday: Paras ‘betrayed’ over arrest of former soldier

Big two risk serious reputational damage if they fail this time

Nesbitt has unwittingly helped SF and DUP make a deal

Gardai ‘taken unaware’ by ‘attempted robbery in which Real IRA member Ronan MacLochlainn was shot dead

Mairia Cahill is refusing to talk about her past dissident links

DUP deputy mayor unrepentant in ‘gay prayer’ remarks row


November 9

Bloody Sunday: Ex-soldier arrested over Londonderry shootings – (Why cannot men such as Adams and McGuinness be charged with their involvement with terrorism and its resultant murder of hundreds of innocent people?????)

Bloody Sunday: Former British soldier arrested in new phase of investigation

John Pat Cunningham: Former soldier to be prosecuted over Benburb shooting

Enniskillen 28 years on: A deafening explosion, a silence, then screams

Horrors of Ballygawley still vivid in memories

Results of poll on IRA’s links with SF reflect reality: MP

David Cameron: EU reform is ‘mission possible’ – (Cameron’s stance on the EU is completely deceitful. Britain will never leave the EU!!)

EU referendum: David Cameron told four-year halt to migrant benefits ‘illegal’ – live – (Over to you Davy!!!)

Sunday trading law proposals ‘facing defeat’ – (Sadly, opposition is not motivated by obedience to God’s Word!!)

Jamie Bryson on: Peter Robinson, Peter Curistan and the inevitable Poppygate

Privilege is a two-way street, Peter

Former TUV councillor for Ballyclare joins Ulster Unionists – (Political musical chairs!! It highlights the unreliable of today’s politicians!!)

Ukip’s ex-Northern Ireland chairman Henry Reilly joins TUV

Expelled Ukip member Henry Reilly joins the TUV

Ulster rugby fans’ fury over absence of poppy from shirts during Remembrance Sunday game – (A much greater wrong was their Sabbath-breaking!!!)

No poppy on Ulster Rugby kit a mistake: Trevor Ringland

Irish bar in England causes outrage after ‘refusing customers wearing poppies’ on Remembrance Sunday

‘Vibrancy’ of NI Christianity lacking compared to Africa: Nigerian cleric – (Little wonder when he affiliates himself with the spiritual morgue that is the Church of Ireland!)

Ronny Deila slams Celtic supporters who sang pro-IRA songs during Remembrance Day silence

Sharm el-Sheikh hotels ‘using fake bomb detectors’

November 7

Ballygawley bus bombing: Former soldier meets women who helped save his life

Shrug of the shoulders to greet latest Stormont deal

DUP plays down ‘Robinson to quit this week’ report

No name change for Londonderry

Just 1 in 4 think Army Council doesn’t run SF – (Remember this is in the Irish Republic!!!)

Sinn Fein denials on who controls it aren’t washing with voters in the Republic

Gerry Adams: grievances, spies, spooks and the lies

Police officer in hit-and-run murder attempt out of hospital

UUP woman shocked at stance on homosexuality – (What this silly woman needs to ‘understand’ is God’s view of sodomy: Romans 1:26-32!!)

Shame of rough justice served out to RUC widow June McMullin

IRA bomb man among academics in boycott Israel call – (Such is the hypocrisy of Irish Republicanism!!)

Farrell refuses to rule out moving back to the DUP – (Out of the frying pan into the fire, Raymond. They financed sodomy!!)

Taoiseach Enda Kenny lays wreath at the war memorial in Enniskillen

November 6

Shameless DUP ready to Again Embrace IRA in Government – (The spirit of Lundy at work before our eyes!!!)

NI police officer hurt in lorry hit-and-run stable in hospital

Lorry ‘driven at speed directly at police officer’ in attempted murder hit-and-run

Hit-and-run on PSNI officer is attempted murder

Newry: Man arrested after digger is used to rip ATM from wall in robbery

Monaghan arrest and ATM found after Newry raid

Russian plane crash: Black box analysis indicates Metrojet A321 ‘was downed by bomb’
Black box data reveals ‘sound of explosion’, says Russia

British plane ‘dodged missile above Sharm el-Sheikh which passed within 1,000 feet of aircraft’

British Sharm el-Sheikh flight in ‘missile’ incident

Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness in David Cameron meeting

Castlereagh break-in: Claim that theft was permitted investigated by Police Ombudsman – (That view was widely held at the time!!)

UUP councillor explains change of heart on proposed papal visit – (What a bunch of ‘toadies’!!!)

Refugee crisis: Germany imposes restrictions on Syrian refugees in surprise U-turn

Forecast leaves SDLP a shadow of former self – (SF is doing to it what it did to the old Nationalist Party!!)


November 5

Complaint against Peter Robinson made to PSNI by Peter Curistan

Call for police to probe McGlinchey paramilitary-style funeral

GAA defends guard of honour at Declan McGlinchey funeral

Questions raised over PSNI’s ‘effectiveness of evidence gathering’ after shots fired in tribute to son of INLA leader McGlinchey

Former IRA member: ‘We all know that Gerry Adams was an extremely senior member of the IRA for years. Everybody knows it’

IRA informer Stakeknife Scappaticci led ‘murderous campaign’ to strengthen his position as British spy, court hears

Scappaticci ‘allowed to engage in murderous campaign’

Controversy over Orange Order ‘KKK’ artwork

Elton John tells DUP to get real about same-sex marriage – if there was a public vote it would ‘sail in’ – (At his age, this sodomite has not to long to wait to find out just who is right!!!)

Belfast plans to mark 75th anniversary of Blitz

RUC widow’s fury at failure to halt killer’s temporary release

Deal or no deal, Peter Robinson’s role key before finally bowing out

Derry’s SF Mayor not attending remembrance day service

Arlene Foster says people are “not really Protestants” if they don’t go to church – (Being a ‘Protestant’ entails more than church attendance!!!)

November 4

‘13% in NI want united Ireland in short to medium term’, survey suggests

Poll finds only 25% of Catholics (in NI) wants united Ireland now – (At least some of them know when they are well off!!)

Just 36pc of people in Republic want to see united Ireland in near future – (Sinn Fein/IRA murdered hundreds in pursuit of this unsupported political objective!!!)

IRA killer turned police informer Sean O’Callaghan claims Provos still want to murder him – in spite of ceasefire

Sinn Fein remains ever the apologist for the Provisionals – (That is because they are the ‘Provos’!!!)

Sinn Fein using Provisional IRA cash to undermine democracy

Unionists Need to Heed Irish Labour’s Sinn Fein = Army Council Warning

Paramilitary trappings at funeral attended by pupils – (But apparently not by the police!!!)

Paramilitary Display at McGlinchey Funeral – Where Were the PSNI? – (The dead man was on their ‘path of peace’ we are told!!!!)

Fury as shots fired in tribute to son of INLA leader McGlinchey

Declan McGlinchey was on path to peace before his sudden death, say family – (There is no peace where he has gone!! – Isaiah 48:22)

My absence over gay vote deliberate: Alban Manginess – (His vote would have stopped a victory for the sodomite supporters!!)

Outrage as school allows Muslim pupils to walk out of assembly during national anthem – (What a harvest will come of such folly!!!)

Another nail in EU’s coffin as member states REFUSE to accept migrants under quota system

Nationalists called heathens over Pope invite and gay marriage support

Unionists remain on the wrong side of history – (Opponents of sodomy are on the ‘right side of the Bible’ which is more important!!)

Labour is taking legal advice over an email about Mairia Cahill

November 3

Gerry Adams launches attack on British intelligence chiefs

Poll: Pope Francis invite to Belfast causes uproar – was the council right to issue invitation?

Almost two thirds of NI people ‘comfortable with same-sex marriage’, survey suggests

Poll: Should gay marriage be legalised in Northern Ireland – (Register your opposition and do not allow a propaganda victory for the sodomites!!)

TUV Supports Traditional Marriage – Jim Allister’s Assembly speech.

Trimble sceptical over DUP comments

Irish deputy prime minister: Vote for Sinn Féin is a vote for army council

SF mayor ‘to make history with wreath at cenotaph’


November 2

Same-sex marriage: Proposal wins assembly majority but fails over DUP block – (Shame on the MLAs who backed this wickedness or who abstained in the vote!!)

Stormont majority backs same-sex marriage for first time – (Truly a day of shame for Ulster!!)

Majority of MLAs vote in favour of same-sex marriage – (Doubtless, the DUP funding of sodomite organisations has played its part in this event!!)

Northern Ireland MLAs vote ‘yes’ for gay marriage – but motion is torpedoed by DUP veto

Same-sex marriage: DUP accuses Slugger messenger of point scoring – (Further evidence of the departure from the “old paths” within the DUP!!)

Only one nationalist MLA does not support gay marriage – (That really does tell us a lot!!)

Same-sex marriage vote: Churches stand firm on traditional views

UUP’s Farrell quits with a parting dig at Mike Nesbitt

Widow of murdered RUC officer kept in dark over killer’s prison leave

Double Standards on Compensation for Republicans and UDR Man

Tom Elliott anger over plan for Stakeknife payments

Sumte: German village with 100 residents and ‘zero infrastructure’ told to take in 750 refugees

Refugee crisis: two Syrian men beaten with baseball bats by masked gang in Germany

Until the naturally dysfunctional Belfast Agreement is torn up, we are doomed to a perpetual cycle of political conflict and failure

Disappeared families ‘given cold welcome at Stormont’

Poppy Day bomb survivor begins legal action for new probe

Judge Travers agony over daughter Mary’s murder revealed in book

November 1

Adams has to travel in two different directions

Get ready for the Sinn Fein split — will Mary Lou end up leading Labour?

Maddie hunt resources show NI massacre victims are ‘second class’

Robinson has been a key figure in the DUP, and they have no-one else like him

Risk of ‘carnage’ from bomb on Belfast windowsill

IRA’s murder of Paul Quinn ‘most excruciating death possible’ – (“ . . . the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10)

Stormont to vote on changing law to allow same-sex marriage

Gay marriage: Assembly set to vote on proposal for fifth time

Majority could back same-sex marriage motion, says SDLP MLA Claire Hanna

Kyle Paisley not in favour of ‘recriminalisation’ of homosexuality – (A completely unscriptural position to adopt!!)

It’s now time to move on, Kyle – Belfast Telegraph editorial

Province paid three times more than Republic into joint project

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October 2015

Index to this edition



or, “Ulster was warned of the dangers of the road it was being urged to take!!”

Some ‘Burning Bush’ Articles from 2006 and 2007 which indicate that the folly of “power-sharing” with terrorist and its consequences was clearly set forth.

Concerns within the DUP (November 2006)

There are worse things than the alleged “worse things” which might follow rejection of the St Andrews Agreement!! (December 2006)

These are the future leaders of Ulster if the St Andrews Agreement is endorsed (December 2006)

Oath of support for police — a solid rock or sinking sands?? (January 2007)

Unwelcome support for St Andrews Agreement camp (January 2007)

Sinn Fein/IRA continues to dictate terms (February 2007)

Power-sharing with murderers — right or wrong? (July 2007)

The choice for Christians within the Democratic Unionist Party (July 2007)

A brief record of some of the victims of the recent times of IRA terrorism (July 2007)

The scandal of government funding for sodomites (July 2007)

Murder and blatant hypocrisy on display in Ulster (September 2007)


Continuing Stedfast

Kilskeery Communion Service, October 25th, 2015.

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers,” Acts 2:41-42.

As we receive four young people into membership today the question – “What is a Christian” is worthy of consideration.

The answer is given by the greatest of all authorities, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple,” Luke 14:25-27.

Folly. There have been those who have foolishly stated that there is ‘no other qualification for membership of and fellowship in the Church of Christ than being born again.’ I believe that such a notion is wrong and is born of a desire to widen the “strait gate” and broaden the “narrow way” referred to by the Saviour in Matthew 7:13-14.

Read more

Listen to this message using the player below.


Commonly called ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’

(A series of studies based upon messages preached by Rev Ivan Foster, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church in 1987 and presently being repeated in the Young People’s Fellowship meetings in the church)

The Preface to the Prayer – “Our Father which art in heaven” , Matthew 6:9.

I think it profitable to point out that though this prayer is commonly called ‘The Lord’s Prayer’, it is in truth a disciple’s prayer. Our Saviour could never have prayed a prayer, at the heart of which was a confession of sin and a seeking of forgiveness. The Lord Jesus is our Great High Priest Who is “without sin,” Hebrews 4:15. Read more

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Can we know the time of Christ’s return?

To many Christians the concept that God’s people may understand the timing of Christ’s return seems to be an heretical notion. The words of Christ are often cited in support. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only, Matt 24:36. Yet these words emphatically do not mean that God’s people will be ignorant of when Christ will appear. In fact, the saints living in the time leading up to that return and who study the Scriptural teaching on Christ’s return will have a very clear idea of when Christ will return – just like Noah knew when the flood was coming!

Below is a recording of a prayer meeting message preached by Rev. Andy Foster, as part of an ongoing series of studies in Matthew 24 & 25, which deals with this matter.

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Kilskeery Annual Autumn Conference


Friday 30th October 7.30 pm

“The united testimony of Scripture”
Preacher : Rev Gordon Dane (Crossgar FPC)

Saturday 31st October 7.30 pm

“The truth maintained from the apostles until now”
Preacher : Rev Brian McClung (Newtownabbey FPC)

Lord’s Day 1st November

11.30 am: “The Testimony of the prophets & apostles”
7.00 pm: “The Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ”
Preacher : Mr Stephen Toms
(Secretary of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony)

  • The central purpose of our conference is to set forth the TEACHING of the BIBLE
    on the subject of prophecy.
  • It is what God’s Word says and not what great men in the past may have said on this matter, for they were but men and were fallible.
  • “The word of God, as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments,
    is the only infallible rule of faith and practice.”
  • Therefore our messages are nothing but simple expositions of God’s prophetic Scriptures, rather than a setting forth of the opinions of men.

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Protests at the Papal Antichrist’s Visit to USA

The following is a report with links to videos by a brother, Sean Cummings.

This brother is unknown to me but I present his report for it is encouraging to know that there are those ready and willing to undertake the daunting task of entering into a large multitude of fervent Romanists who would not welcome such a witness. 

May the Lord bless this effort and honour the distribution of His Word amongst the poor sinners gathered to honour a man the Westminster Confession of Faith rightly calls: “There is no other head of the Church, but the Lord Jesus Christ; nor can the Pope of Rome, in any sense, be head thereof; but is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalteth himself, in the Church. against Christ and all that is called God.” (Chapter XXV, paragraph VI.)

Rev Ivan Foster.


Here is a brief recap of how the evangelism went during the pope’s visit to Washington DC and Philadelphia this past week.  We praise God that He gave us utterance of the gospel, He enabled His word to go out with power and little to no oppression, and that He gave us boldness to share so much of what is wrong with Romanism.  He also kept us safe in the face of adversity.  In Washington DC, we found out that on Wednesday that undercover cops had been assigned to us to ensure our safety, and in Philadelphia on Saturday, six cops walked us back to our hotel.

(One of the videos included in the report is below. There are links to more videos in the full report)

Read more

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Part 9: A glorious doxology

roman_soldierAn outline study of Jude – an important little book for today, by Rev Ivan Foster.

“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen,” Jude 24-25.

As this call to arms comes to an end, it is most significant that it concludes with one of the most noble, most glorious most relevant doxologies in the Bible. Here is a profoundly wonderful elevating of God and that in terms so marvellously relevant to the subject matter the apostle has been dealing with.

Here is a glorious note to conclude an urgent appeal to beware of the creeping destructiveness of apostasy: “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling.” While Jude sought to arouse believers to the danger of those who would sow the seeds of detestable error which would lead to a turning from God and a falling away, his fiñnal words extol the power of our God to keep His flock.

Read more

Please note: You can download all these studies as a single PDF file here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster has begun a new series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

You can listen to these studies using the player below. Each new study will be added as it becomes available.

Previously published studies can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 4
Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 5
Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 6
Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 7
Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 8
Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 9
Bible pictures of Christ, Pt 10

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Report of the Free Presbyterian gospel witness at the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska, County Laois, Republic of Ireland

Rev Larry Power, Interim Moderator of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, reports on the three-day gospel outreach at the ploughing championships in Co. Laois, of which he was an outreach team member.

There were some 281,000 people attended the three day event with 1500 exhibitors. The Free Presbyterian team gave out some 35,000 gospel calendars, had about 1200 people (judging by the cups of tea given out) calling into the gospel marquee for literature and oftentimes to talk about spiritual things. Some 230 New Testaments and 220 Bibles were given out upon request.

Please pray for each item of literature thus distributed to people who came from all parts of Ireland and, it has to be said, by and large received graciously and courteously by the people. Many of those contacted spoke of their previous visits in former years and mentioned that they still had the gospel calendar received then.

The front of the calendar distributed this year.
The front of the calendar distributed this year.
The Free Presbyterian marquee with two of the brethren handing out gospel calendars and literature
The Free Presbyterian marquee with two of the brethren handing out gospel calendars and literature

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Latest news stories

Adams has to travel in two different directions

Get ready for the Sinn Fein split — will Mary Lou end up leading Labour?

Maddie hunt resources show NI massacre victims are ‘second class’

Robinson has been a key figure in the DUP, and they have no-one else like him

Risk of ‘carnage’ from bomb on Belfast windowsill

IRA’s murder of Paul Quinn ‘most excruciating death possible’ – (“ . . . the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10)

Stormont to vote on changing law to allow same-sex marriage

Gay marriage: Assembly set to vote on proposal for fifth time

Majority could back same-sex marriage motion, says SDLP MLA Claire Hanna

Kyle Paisley not in favour of ‘recriminalisation’ of homosexuality – (A completely unscriptural position to adopt!!)

It’s now time to move on, Kyle – Belfast Telegraph editorial

Province paid three times more than Republic into joint project

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More news

October 31

Pressure on Peter Robinson to quit, perhaps within weeks

Peter Robinson: Tax credits is latest roadblock to Stormont deal

Comment: Unionists’ response to armed IRA avoids difficult questions

Dudgeon predicts sodomite marriage majority in assembly

Londonderry teenager’s nose broken by ‘Catholic gang’

Real IRA threatens to “paint the streets red with blood” after close associate of Alan Ryan stabbed

Brother of slain RIRA leader Ryan ‘sliced from ear to ear’ in city attack

IRA garda killer is member of Louth crime prevention group

BJU President Pettit makes historic visit to Wheaton’s campus – (Despite the condemnations of the College in the past!!)

Ireland’s same-sex marriage bill passes final hurdle – (WRONG! There is still one to come: The Judgment Bar of God!!)

Mark Durkan MP joins Seamus Mallon in support of Eastwood as SDLP leader

ISIS ‘execute British son of exiled hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed for cursing Prophet Mohammed’ – (It’s called ‘reaping what you sow’!!)

China threatens to LAUNCH WAR on US over ‘provocative acts’ after saying it is INEVITABLE

Ministers knew of Kids Company’s ‘gobsmacking’ spending


October 30

Kyle Paisley:My father was betrayed by the DUP – (Interested readers may wish to peruse the collection of articles previously posted on the ‘Burning Bush’: “A LOOK BACK AT THE PAST”)

UUP councillor quits over Nesbitt’s ‘dangerous’ gay marriage stance

MLAs must hold line against gay marriage lobby (Letter)

Gerry Adams backs Mary Lou for SF leadership

Peter Robinson: ‘Political snipers’ trying to wreck power-sharing deal – (He ought to know a lot about ‘political sniping’!!!)

Ruth Patterson: DUP’s return to executive ‘shocked me to the core’

Un-elected new junior minister begins term of office at Stormont

Assembly statement contradicts DUP salaries claim

Bid to block bail for man accused of RUC base attack fails

The 13-year-old girl sent on a ‘day-trip’ to Australia – (The cruel deceitfulness of Popery!!)

Islamic State planning mass attack on Britain, warns head of MI5

Donaldson defends meeting rebels involved in Colombian terrorism – (And why not? He works happily with their Irish counterpart every day!!!)

Victims’ lawyer slams church after ex-priest Vickery House jailed for attacks

Police to be granted powers to view your internet history

Germany investigates suspected terrorists posing as migrants

Kids Company founder Camila Batmanghelidjh boasts she ‘blackmailed’ politicians


October 29

Blood spots in priest’s car ‘matched DNA of suspect’ in IRA attack on police

Talks deal in ‘days rather than weeks’: Martin McGuinness

Stormont power-sharing talks intensifying, warns Martin McGuinness

IRA-SF used to Fraternise with FARC on their own, now they take the DUP with them! – TUV statement

No love lost as bitter Unionist rivals face off…and no change at polls either

Leaked email reveals Jim Wells’ fury at DUP for ‘deserting him’

Witnesses ‘bullied’ at Basil McCrea sexual conduct inquiry lodge complaints against investigator

Emma Pengelly fast-tracked as DUP junior Minister

Northern Ireland political scandals are damaging Sinn Fein in the Republic

IRA ‘oversight’ of Sinn Féin has roots in 1977 document

Australia school criticised for letting Muslim students walk out during national anthem

BBC insists presenters not required to wear poppy

Unionists unwelcome at our Easter Rising commemoration, says republican group – (Hardly a surprise!!)

October 28

Jim Wells: BBC sees internal DUP email on resignation threat – (Another element in the impending implosion of the DUP)

Jim Wells threatened to quit DUP unless re-appointment as Health Minister was offered

Can the DUP survive the security report?

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy trial hears cash ‘found in bags in Louth shed’

Garda Síochána: Policing under pressure in the the ‘twilight zone’

Disgraced bishop’s aide Vickery House found guilty of string of gay attacks

Victims can’t back Stormont House Agreement – Frazer

Willie Frazer vows doorstep attack will not drive him out

Rift in SDLP continues as party chair steps down

Londonderry pastor attacks English columnist over Remembrance Sunday phase-out call

Who’s on the IRA Army Council? These are the men thought to currently sit on it

Mary Robinson to celebrate Corrymeela’s 50th birthday – (FP Elder, Mervyn Storey, has already sent his birthday ‘card’!!)

October 27

TUV challenge to unionists over Policing Board

Mike Nesbitt may abstain in Assembly gay marriage vote – (That will put him on the wrong side of God!!!)

UUP entitled to be feeling good, but faces a brutal election fight with DUP

Jamie Bryson: Stormont’s muddy waters, One Direction.. and saving lives

Truth, secrets and lies about Sinn Féin and IRA

October 26

IRA Army Council report no shock, say former Provos

Report ‘indictment’ of NI politics: Victims’ statement

We were taken off the criminal cash trail, says McQuillan – former former assistant chief constable and head of the Assets Recovery Agency – (Why is he only speaking out now!!!???)

David Ford rules out return of 50/50 PSNI recruitment

Sinn Féin ‘must get real about IRA’ – Mike Nesbitt – (So too should Mike Nesbitt and the rest of Unionism!!!)

UUP conference: Nesbitt sets out robust version of liberal unionism – (Clear indications of pro-sodomite stance!!!)

Nesbitt prospers as DUP flounder – (His prosperity will be short-lived if he goes on to support sodomite marriage!!)

Sinn Fein minister Ni Chuilin accused of pouring funds into festival whose four directors are members of her party – (SF sense of fair play at work!!)

Some huge questions remain about how Sinn Fein might act if they got into power – (In Irish Republic)

Blustering Gerry Adams just unites his foes with his denials

How can you tell when republicans are telling you lies? Their lips move

Willie Kealy: ‘Is it unreasonable to say a vote for Sinn Fein is a vote for a Provo godfather?’

SF/IRA must ‘surrender’ all weapons – Former Irish Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell

Report fails to mention many murders – McCord

Bertie Ahern: IRA link to Sinn Fein ‘didn’t come from out of the blue’

‘Gerry Adams told us he was the leader of IRA and Sinn Fein’ – Maudie McGahon – An IRA child sex-abuse victim

DUP’s Patterson: I’ve had internal support for speaking out

Defector from DUP Jenny Palmer eyes seat in Assembly

Blair may be summoned a second time after failing to meet IRA-Libya deadline

Garda chief fails to clear up confusion left by letter

OBITUARY: An early aide to Paisley, Jack McKee remained councillor for 42 years. – (Little is said here of his conversion to Christ and his faithful support of the gospel. His Funeral Service can be heard here.)

Muslim men having ’20 children each’ because of polygamy – Baroness Cox.

Eurosceptic party wins Poland’s election

October 24

Gregory Campbell Remarks Underscore Powerlessness of DUP – and Another Broken Pledge – TUV statement

Little appetite for action on SF Policing Board membership

Nesbitt: SF must reverse IRA denials for UUP to re-enter Executive

Arresting this slide in Catholic officers crucial if faith in police is not to suffer – (Why discriminate yet further in favour of community traditionally opposed to the existence of Northern Ireland and its police force???)

Garda Commissioner to be quizzed by TDs on PIRA report

Armed gardaí visible at Border checkpoints in Co Louth

New permanent paramilitary watchdog proposed in talks

Sinn Féin’s inconvenient truth: why the hard questions will keep coming

No room in republic for even a ‘withered’ IRA

25 years on, anger continues over IRA proxy bomb which killed six

DUP vetoes latest Stormont same sex marriage bid

October 23

DUP councillor: We hounded David Trimble for far less than we’ve done – (Are there no others in the DUP with similar courage??)

Campbell: We can’t get SF out of the Executive – (What a confession from one who helped put them there. If the DUP withdrew that would end SF in government!!)

Rector quits after removing Royal British Legion flags from churches

Outrage as church minister Sutton burns Royal British Legion flags

SF should avail of report on IRA by ‘telling the truth’

Sinn Féin rakes in €4m a year in funding

The time has come for a crackdown on paramilitary crooks

Spads’ Pay Bill Shames Folks On The Hill

Stakeknife: Truth about our dirty war just too shocking to ever be revealed

Ashers ‘gay cake’ ruling: Date set for appeal hearing

Gardai must be given guns to fight criminal gangs, former officer insists 

October 22

Totally ridiculous to have IRA-linked SF in government – DUP veteran – (How much longer can Robinson continue with this shameful deceit??)

DUP pledged that there would have to be ‘complete’ decommissioning

No discussion on IRA Army Council during Stormont talks

TUV accuses DUP of telling the IRA that it can do what it likes

Report shows Peter Robinson nearing end of his usefulness

Paramilitary report’s findings beg for action

DUP Have Abandoned Principles – By Their Own Definition – TUV Statement

DUP ministers return but problems haven’t gone away, you know

Britain ‘has done deal’ with IRA, says expert Moloney – (He means YET ANOTHER DEAL!!!)

It’s time we stopped ignoring the elephant with the Armalite

Sinn Féin says it does not accept findings on paramilitary groups – (Now I wonder why???)

Gerry Adams’ denials of IRA link ‘not tenable’

Civilian lives do not count, says mum of man beaten to death by the IRA

Sinn Féin wounded by IRA crime cash claims

Irish Justice Minister: Sinn Fein has ‘questions to answer’ following reports on paramilitary activity – (And he is likely to get them!!!!)

There should be no role for McGuinness in picking Troubles investigators – Ford

Armed IRA believes it controls Sinn Fein – (DUP was prepared to work with that win the past and still are!!!)
NI paramilitary assessment: The DUP and IRA ‘fingerprints’- (Robinson says that he is not surprised by report. Therefore, before the McGuigan murder he was prepared to work with IRA Army Council controlled Sinn Fein!!)

IRA ‘army council’ never went away – (Words coming back to challenge the DUP leadership)

Peter Robinson Opposes Role for Army Council Member in the Government of Northern Ireland – (In 2001 that is when DUP were not in power-sharing!!!)

Analysis: Report blows a hole in key DUP narrative

Poots’ Comments Highlight Immorality of DUP Position – TUV statement

Stakeknife: Army’s most high ranking agent within the IRA to be quizzed about 24 murders

Stakeknife could have murdered 40 people – probe ‘potentially bigger than UDA Brian Nelson case’

IRA informer Stakeknife to be investigated about 24 murders

Stormont talks session like Fawlty Towers says Nesbitt

Benjamin Netanyahu blames Holocaust on Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini at World Zionist Congress, says Hitler only wanted to expel Jews

October 21

DUP ministers resume Northern Ireland Executive posts – (As most people knew they would, clothed in the fig leaves of hypocrisy and avarice!!)

Peter Robinson resumes First Minister duties after paramilitary review published

DUP Back to Business as Usual with IRA Army Council around Executive Table

IRA’s ‘army council’ still exists and influences Sinn Féin strategy – report

Robinson gambles that Adams and McGuinness can finally make the IRA go away

Report is masterclass in stating the obvious

What today’s report tells us about paramilitary groups

Garda assessment of IRA activity in Republic of Ireland published

Garda Commissioner rejects claims gardaí ignoring PIRA activity

Garda report on IRA barely touches on Kevin McGuigan murder

People on the border know that brutal law of the Provos is a constant

DUP’s Jim Wells to sue media outlets as ‘six-month nightmare’ comes to end

October 20

IRA army council ‘oversees Sinn Fein strategy’, House of Commons told

They Never Went Away You Know – Will the DUP Keep the Army Council in NI Government? : Statement by Jim Allister

IRA ‘army council’ still exists but has ‘wholly political focus’ – (What political purpose would an “Army Council” serve, especially when Sinn Fein denies its existence????)

IRA Army Council still exists, says independent review of Northern Ireland paramilitaries

Paramilitaries ‘exist but committed to peace’ – (What a ludicrous notion : Terrorists dedicated to peace!!????)

Paramilitary structures must be dealt with, Arlene Foster says

Robinson Preparing the Ground for Return to Sinn Fein Love In

DUP silent on Jim Wells return to health ministry

Arrest in Kevin McGuigan murder probe

I’d never have let Ruth Patterson take my seat, says DUP’s Spratt

DUP South Belfast row escalates – (Like the crumbling of a dam about to burst so are things within the DUP – Isaiah 30:13!!)

Sinn Fein defends DLA benefits, attacks News Letter

50-50 policy could be reintroduced as PSNI battles to attract Catholics

You won’t undermine mandate, Sinn Fein warns Robinson – (God’s Law, not the will of the electorate, is the final arbiter in things moral!!)

Parties unite to put the boot into ‘Hokey-Cokey’ DUP ministers

‘Packages’ found in body from plane death

Man who died after biting Aer Lingus passenger ‘had £41,000 worth of cocaine in his stomach’

Dead Aer Lingus passenger was drugs mule whose cocaine package BURST in stomach

Refugee crisis: Angela Merkel’s party unveils secret plan for ‘Berlin Wall’-style defences on Germany’s borders

Germany should build a fence against refugees, says chief of German police union

Murdered Watford teenager had choked on her own vomit after ‘punishment’ by members of her family

Justin Trudeau: who is Canada’s new prime minister? – (He is pro-abortion, pro-legalising marijuana!!)

Bring in the troops: Calais is so lawless only the army can stop madness, says mayor

October 19

Powell might as well have said the Nazi Party should become old boys’ club, says furious Lord Tebbit

Revealed: IRA ‘mole’ discovered in Garda ranks

Blind eye to IRA crime is behind two garda deaths

Sinn Féin is like the mafia and fails to expose criminals: Fianna Fáil leader Michael Martin

The IRA still has a ton of Semtex and 200 AK47s stashed in Ireland

Crackdown on Provo border rackets after Garda killing – (Why does it take a murder before such action is taken ????)

Nesbitt: UUP may not sign up to Stormont talks deal

Revealed: IRA booby-trap attack was SIXTH time soldier had been targeted

Hand grenade thrown at police in Belfast

Police attack grenade ‘stolen from Irish Army’

Dissident republicans have vowed to murder anti-drugs activist who continues to expose criminality within the movement

DUP’s Jim Wells eyes comeback after gay slur case is thrown out

October 17

Jim Wells ‘vindicated’ over gay marriage comments

Jim Wells not to be prosecuted over gay marriage remarks

PPS decides not to prosecute Jim Wells over gay video row

DUP politician won’t be prosecuted over same-sex couples comments

DUP’s Jim Wells avoids prosecution over same sex couples comments – (It likely nearly chokes the Editor of the BT to run this story!!)

Stormont to debate gay marriage for a fifth time in five years – Nationalists are bringing the issue of gay marriage back before Stormont

Why the Delay in Publishing Paramilitary Report?

Enniskillen victim slams Martin McGuinness over ‘proud to be in IRA’ comments – (It is now clearer than ever that McGuinness is an unrepentant terrorist)

Victims ask Powell: When will you bring innocents in from the cold?

The man who kept a quilt for 70 years – (For some of us this brings back memories of those hardship years and battling mothers!!!)

West Tyrone selection row rocks SDLP

Man’s death sparks fear of feud among foreign nationals

‘IRA’ claim bomb was to kill British solider visiting Belfast

Object thrown at police patrol in east Belfast – (In republican Short Strand!)

Border killing fields that new wave of criminals see as spiritual home

October 16

Jeremy Corbyn is ‘incompetent’ and has ‘lost control’, shadow minister says

Corbyn and McDonnell did back IRA terror

Proposal to legalise IRA criticised by politicians and victims campaigners

Jonathan Powell’s ‘legalise IRA’ call infuriates victims

Belfast alert: Under-car bomb found at Linden Gardens

Belfast police discover bomb device under car

North Belfast bomb ‘was kicked by child’

Dissident IRA prisoners disowned garda killer Mackin

Unarmed gardaí a utopian luxury we can no longer afford

Dáil Public Accounts Committee to invite McGuinness for questioning on Project Eagle sale

October 15

Garda Anthony Golden: State funeral for murdered Irish police officer

Man reunited with Irish family nuns claimed were dead

Mother of Saudi man sentenced to crucifixion begs Obama to intervene – (This is ISLAM!!!!)

Parents hope Thailand’s ‘frozen’ child will live again (Man’s rejection of God’s truth and defiant hope in human ability to defeat death!!!)

Nama deal: Peter Robinson tells inquiry personal benefit claims ‘outrageous’

First Minister Peter Robinson says nama claims are ‘outrageous and groundless’

Peter Robinson rubbishes Martin McGuinness’ lack of knowledge of Nama deal as ‘frailty of memory’

Claims McGuinness fully briefed over Nama sale are ‘laughable’

No date yet for report into paramilitaries

MLAs at odds with party policy over current definition of victim

Gregory Campbell in new Sinn Fein “stench” row over Stormont comment

IRA should be legalised, says the man who advised Tony Blair on Good Friday deal – (Thus legalising murder, terror, bombing and robbery!!!???)

IRA may ‘return to trenches’ if Sinn Fein fails to secure them a safe future – they want “an air tight killers’ amnesty.”

Theresa Villiers: Jeremy Corbyn’s reported links to IRA of great concern

Jeremy Corbyn backs down in face of rebellion by his shadow ministers

Israel authorises police to seal off Palestinian areas of Jerusalem

Migrants transported in luxury STRETCH LIMO as English village overwhelmed by influx

Drug arrests hours after loyalists ‘eschew crime’

Analysis: Government fears a fragmenting loyalism

October 14

Night Jeremy Corbyn stood in honour of dead IRA terrorists

DUP poised for ministers’ imminent return to Stormont Executive seats

DUP ‘in-out’ minister Jonathan Bell remains in post

DUP and Sinn Fein ‘united in greed’ over Spad salaries

DUP ministers attended ‘secret’ Nama meeting

Details of Robinson’s Nama deal meeting are revealed

Nama NI deal: Details emerge of meeting between Peter Robinson and PIMCO

Nama NI deal: First Minister Peter Robinson due to give evidence

Special advisers’ Bill: TUV plans to reduce numbers and cap on pay defeated in assembly

Shameless DUP – SF Partnership Keeps the SpAd Gravy Train on Track

Stormont finally moves a step closer to real democracy

How would John McCallister’s reform bill change Stormont?

Edwin Poots ‘had right to maintain gay blood ban’

NI minister ‘had right’ to keep ban on gay men giving blood

Loyalist paramilitaries make joint pledge denouncing criminality

Loyalist Communities Council launched with backing of UDA, UVF and Red Hand Commando

Diplomat to be quizzed over deal with Gaddifi on IRA terror victims

Garda killer was linked to gang in Donohoe murder

Ballygawley bus bombing: Former soldier reunited with woman who helped save his life

Thousands of Iranian troops ‘arrive in Syria’ for Aleppo offensive

Potentially game-changing oil reserves discovered in Israel

October 13

Stormont finally moves closer to real democracy

North awaits report on IRA and other paramilitary groups

Getting Stormont’s ugly show back on the boards

Secretary of State orders change in proposed law to state no Troubles killer will be offered an amnesty

Parties prepare to sell fudge and climbdown

Police find master key which may have allowed killers to flee Kevin McGuigan murder scene

Kevin McGuigan murder: Police find keys which may have allowed killers to flee Short Strand alleyway

Garda-killer was an active member of a group with strong links to jailed Real IRA boss

‘Loose cannon’ dissident knew his victim from earlier arrest

October 12

‘My British terrorist son is burning in hell for his crimes’ – (You will wait a long time for the like to be said by an Irish Republican of an IRA murderer!!)

Dissident shoots garda dead at Republic border town

Garda answering 999 call shot dead by IRA terror suspect

Church of Ireland minister suspended after British Legion flags row

How Lady Thatcher fought the church for her place at Falklands memorial service

Revealed: Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell’s close IRA links

Jeremy Corbyn, Sinn Fein and the IRA: who pulls the Labour leader’s strings?

Jeremy Corbyn refuses to comment on new reports of ‘close links’ to IRA

Unionists vow to maintain pressure over Corbyn ‘IRA links’

Sister of IRA victim demands Jeremy Corbyn meets with victims of Provo violence

Ten people, including children, die in fire at travellers’ site in County Dublin

Pregnant mother among ten killed in fire at Irish traveller site

Outrageous Payment to Former SpAd

DUP Prepare for Business as Usual – Days After Being Found Out on Ministerial Pay

Eileen Paisley: ‘I can’t wait to see the film about Ian… I’m sure they’ll do an excellent job

Union flag badge tribute to fallen police ‘against regulations’

Union flag badge tribute ‘against regulations’

Francois Hollande ‘abandons’ bid to appoint gay senior official as Vatican ambassador

October 10

Parishioners hit out after minister removes British Legion flags from churches – (Only an ecumenical fool would acts so!!!)

Security alerts in Belfast, Omagh and Derry where PSNI due to host recruitment information sessions

NI man in court over IRA attack on British army barracks

Belfast man is held over 1996 British army bomb attack

IRA victims will treat MEP’s booklet with ‘contempt’: DUP

SF MEP Anderson sending collusion allegations to 750 MEPs

Dutch IRA kidnapping victim hailed 40 years on

Officials influenced Margaret Thatcher on Anglo-Irish Agreement

MPs demand Tony Blair explains Gaddafi terror deal

Bryson says he won’t ‘jump through hoops’ for Irish Republic’s Public Accounts Committee

New DUP MLA Emma Pengelly to get SPAD severance pay

PPS considers file concerning Jim Wells

Stephen Collins: Fianna Fáil must keep its distance from Sinn Féin in coming (Irish) campaign

October 9

First edition of King James Bible from 1611 found in church cupboard

TUV propose two alternatives to current Stormont arrangements

Stormont crisis: DUP ministers could end in-out policy

Kyle Paisley hits out at Edwin Poots over comments that DUP ‘hold their noses’ when working with Sinn Fein

Edwin Poots’ view is widely held in unionism

Rev Ian Paisley’s widow Eileen has a few strong words for Peter Robinson, and some surprising ones for Martin McGuinness

McGuinness: I’m proud of my IRA days and I won’t apologise to anyone – (The real face of McGuinness – a proud member of an organisation devoted to murder, robbery and terror. His expressions of sympathy must count for nothing!!)

Martin McGuinness refuses to say if he killed people while in IRA – (He will give an answer to the Lord!!)

PSNI postpones recruitment event over republican demo plan

Chilling remarks of IRA suspect: Accused was prepared ‘to do 15 years’ if police officer killed, court hears

October 8

Battle of Somme Soldier finally buried with full military honours

Gerry Kelly claims Theresa Villiers has damaged Stormont talks – and says Sinn Fein will not sign up to Troubles legislation

Survival of devolved government in Northern Ireland ‘at stake’

Edwin Poots defends Sinn Féin ‘stench’ comments – (The stench can’t be that strong otherwise he would STOP DOING BUSINESS WITH SINN FEIN!!!!)

Richard Pengelly: Nama summons

Baroness Paisley: ‘Ian wouldn’t have let Stormont get like this’

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy paid no tax returns for eight years, court told – (A loyal citizen of the Republic of Ireland!!!)

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy, former IRA commander, accused of tax evasion

Omagh bomb: Enda Kenny promises help to families – (Yes, just like he ‘helped’ the families of the Kingsmill massacre!!!)

Shock at Justice Minister’s warning over new Troubles unit – “ . . . at best produce one or two prosecutions.”

Embarrassment for Gregory Campbell over ministers’ pay

Mervyn Storey uses ministerial car when not a minister

DUP in disarray after humiliating climbdown over ministers’ salaries

Lack of leadership is bewildering to Northern Ireland’s friends in America

Gerry Kelly only ordered 2,500 sectarian leaflets

Outrage over ‘IRA tribute’ on show at college where slain teacher was taught

Victims grill politicians at Stormont over bill to deal with past

Retired bishop Peter Ball jailed for sex assaults

Ex-DUP Spad defends Spad pay as Allister attempts to have it capped

The SPAD Dimension of the Taxpayer Rip-off

Priest ‘understands how priests succumb’ to paedophilia but brands being gay ‘a sickness’

October 7

St Mary’s (RC) teacher training college criticised for terrorists’ ‘tributes’

UDA says it ‘will not leave stage’

DUP: We’ll still work with group linked to UDA

DUP ‘revolving’ ministers told to come clean on pay

Is ecumenism and peace only a dream and nothing more? – (Ecumenical peace is a deceit!!)

Peter Robinson to meet Ruth Patterson over MLA ‘snub’

DUP’s outspoken councillor Ruth Patterson never far from controversy

30 dissident gun and bomb attacks in north west

October 6

Equality Commission reports inequality in NI education

EU court ruling favours UK prisoner vote ban

UDA: We haven’t gone away you know

Flag protester Ruth Patterson to quit politics over DUP Assembly seat snub

DUP’s Hamilton ‘playing politics with the health service’, says former minister

Robinson’s absurd and incoherent strategy is damaging the DUP and democracy

Vatican uses Venturini monastery to ‘cure gay priests’, former clergy claim

Bishop sorry over claims priest said gay marriage vote is the ‘devil’s work’ – (Clear example of how sodomites dominate the RC church)

Bishop apologises for priest’s anti-gay marriage homily

Sinn Féin ‘actively considering’ running someone against Mairia Cahill

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy arraigned on tax charges in Dublin

Kingsmills survivor Alan Black ‘leads a solitary life’

Theresa May: Mass immigration gives ‘close to zero’ economic benefits – Conservative conference live

Tory conference 2015: Theresa May to tell Conservative Party mass immigration is bad for Britain – live

Theresa May: High levels of immigration threaten UK cohesion

ISIS thugs crucify Christian boy aged 12 after slicing off fingertips in front of his father

Nama letter exposure `throws a whole new perspective’

‘Dirty money’ developer brands Robinson’s Nama claims ‘risible’

October 5

TUV Pays Tribute to Jack McKee

Unionist anger at McGuinness ‘veto’ on Troubles probe boss

IRA secret agents in civil service keep republicans in business

I am happy to debate IRA crime on TV with Sinn Fein – Irish newspaper reporter

International crime gang operating in North Belfast are dealing drugs, running prostitutes, drugs andbrandishing weapons – PSNI do nothing say residents

SDLP in West Tyrone divided over leadership battle

McGlinchey’s comments have ‘traumatised’ victims: George Robinson MLA

Mairia Cahill: Why I want to be a Labour senator

Mairia Cahill nominated to contest Irish Senate seat for Irish Labour Party

Mairia Cahill: Sinn Fein ‘may worry’ if I’m elected to Irish Senate

The real parallels in yesterday’s SF-Syriza photograph

Pope Francis opens Roman Catholic ‘Family’ synod amid sodomite priest row

Vatican sacks gay priest after highly public coming out

Catholic priest ‘happy to be gay’ – (Eternity will tell a different tale!!!)

More than 50% of teachers in England ‘plan to quit in next two years’

Double catastrophe caused demise of dinosaurs, study suggests – (Every madcap notion under the sun other than the clearly documented Bible account!!)

October 3

David Cameron: Northern Ireland agreement needed by end of October

Vatican plays down Pope’s meeting with US gay marriage objector Kim Davis – meeting “should not be considered a form of support of her position”

Ruth Patterson: If I ever quit the DUP, I wouldn’t join another party

Pressure on Simon Hamilton to resume post and deal with health crisis

Oregon killer’s IRA fascination ‘chilling’, says victim

A mass-murdering cheerleader… just what republican movement doesn’t need at moment – (Many of us can remember when Republicans cheered at the death of IRA victims!!!)

Philip Hammond: Britain will vote no if EU does not back down

Chaos as HUNDREDS of migrants storm Channel Tunnel in ‘massive planned invasion’

If you’re for free speech, speak up for Pastor McConnell

October 2

Theresa Villiers: Parties still far apart on key issues

There is a perception that the past is not approached fairly

Just 14 pupils go to new Irish school in Co Londonderry

Oregon shooting: England-born gunman Chris Harper-Mercer ‘supported the IRA’ – (Sadly, he learned their ways well!!)

Chris Harper-Mercer: everything we know about the Oregon school gunman on Friday morning

Oregon shooting: Gunman asked victims their religion before killing nine and boasted ‘the more you kill, the more you’re in the limelight’

‘Filled with hate’: Witnesses say Oregon gunman targeted Christians in community college shooting

McGuinness pays tribute to US shooting victims

Dissident republican attack ‘highly likely’

Pastor McConnell lawyers brand Stephen Nolan ‘the biggest no-show in the country’

‘Unhappy’ Ruth Patterson not leaving, says DUP

Mary Hanafin: Fianna Fail will ‘absolutely’ not go into government with Sinn Fein

October 1

DUP minister Jonathan Bell in U-turn on wind power subsidies

Kim Davis lawyer claims Pope Francis met controversial clerk during DC visit

Kentucky Clerk jailed over gay marriage says pope encouraged her

Toilet voyeur David McConaghie given four-month jail term

Ex DUP adviser who hid camera in office toilets jailed for four months

Gerry Adams could face civil action over IRA murder of Jean McConville

Seamus Mallon: ‘Mistake’ to allow Sinn Féin into government without decommissioning – (It was a mistake he pushed hard for!!!)

Mallon: Leaders wanted peace for their own glory

Irish government says Martin McGuinness was present at Nama conference call – (Surely wee Marty has not been caught out in another lie!!)

McGuinness present for conference call on Nama North deal

Martin McGuinness attended Nama call

‘Unionists standing by loyalist paramilitaries’ – McGuinness

PSNI chief defends Adams and Storey arrests

DUP new girl is given Nama probe role just two days into job

September 30

IRA-Sinn Fein leaders still a protected species

Jean McConville murder: Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams will not face Disappeared charges – (Not today but ONE day!!)

Jean McConville family angry as Adams and others to face no charges

VIDEO: Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams will not be prosecuted over Jean McConville murder

No charges against Gerry Adams but Jean McConville’s family vow to seek justice

Case against veteran republican Ivor Bell over Jean McConville murder

Sinn Féin’s Phil Flanagan is ticked off for having the neck to go without a tie – (Slob culture!!!)

‘Humble’ pope is arrogant, says Evangelical Protestant Society – (Of course he is – he claims to be Christ’s vicar, substitute, on earth!!)

Kevin McGuigan murder: Man arrested tried to escape police with a loaded gun, court hears

Danger of civil war breaking out in divided SDLP

MLAs question role of lobbyists as DUP minister returns to chamber

Gareth Robinson won’t say if he lobbied DUP minister

Mick Wallace alleges threat from Cerberus

TD Mick Wallace ‘told he would be “sorted” for raising issues on sale of NAMA Northern loan book’ – Dáil hears

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