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Runaways, Rebels, Redemption and Revival blessing

Runaways, Rebels, Redemption and Revival blessing

A new book by Mrs. Ann Foster

From the introduction:

Why is it that men are so prone to run away from God?

One has only to read the Bible to see the great and continual hostility of man to God and His Word. We see it over and over again in the history of the children of Israel.

They had witnessed the mighty works of God in Egypt, the ten dreadful plagues, only three of which affected the land of Goshen where Israel dwelt, and His ultimate deliverance of them from Egyptian bondage.

They had watched the miraculous dividing of the Red Sea, the walls of water providing protection from the pursuing armies of Pharaoh as they crossed over dry-shod. These same walls of water brought destruction to the chariots and death to the horsemen, foot soldiers and the proud king of Egypt as they were totally engulfed.

They were there when God came down on Mount Sinai with the glorious manifestations of His presence. They heard the thunder, saw the lightning and heard God’s voice speaking out of the fire. However, despite such a demonstration of God’s glory and power, they set up and worshipped the golden calf, while Moses was still in the mount receiving the tables of the law. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, accused the rebellious Israelites, under Moses’ leadership, of idolatry in these words: ‘Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them’ (Acts 7:43). They ate daily of the manna and drank water from the rock, yet they constantly murmured against God’s gracious and faithful provision.

Neither miracles of mercy nor terrible judgments prevailed to turn them from disobedience to God.

Price £6 plus postage.

Details from Mrs Ann Foster.

Rearing and educating children

Rearing and educating children

The content of this booklet, printed by the same kind Christians who published the booklet, “Sacred Memories of God’s Goodness” is a synopsis of a sermon Rev. Ivan Foster preached in Faith Free Presbyterian Church, Greenville, South Carolina, USA, on 28th October 1993.

“For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not,” 1 Samuel 3:13.

Copies of this booklet are free. Please contact: Rev. Ivan Foster, 17 Old Junction Road, Kilskeery, Co. Tyrone, BT78 3RN.

Should anyone wish to make a donation to help cover the cost of printing they may forward it to the above address and it will be acknowledged and passed on to those responsible for the printing of the booklet.

God’s purpose for the British Isles

A new booklet in the series:


God’s Purpose for the BRITISH ISLES
By Rev. David McMillan

Price £1 (40p+postage)

Email Rev. Foster with your name and street address to order a copy.

God has a lot to say about the nations that were in the old Roman Empire; and in 2012 a series of meetings were held considering many such countries, so that particular thought should be given to what the Bible tells us of the future. This booklet has been added to that series of messages. The reason why the Lord has told us so much is because He would have us to understand His purpose for the earth.