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Letter — Glaring hypocrisy of Sinn Fein over murder bid

TUV: Sinn Fein ‘hypocritical’ to condemn Omagh shooting but defend many others

The following letter appeared in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’. It states a truth which many will understand and share.

It is stomach-turning to have to listen to the glaringly deceitful ‘sympathy’ of the Sinn Fein/IRA leader, a constant attender at gatherings glorifying the IRA murderers of policemen.

Of course, being in political consort with O’Neill makes such a joint statement a minor affair as far as ‘Sir Jeff’ and his followers are concerned.

Earlier this week, Mr Jim Allister stated his revulsion at the same ‘cosy’ photo-opportunity which makes ready headlines for newspapers!

Letter: Glaring hypocrisy of Sinn Fein over murder bid on DCI John Caldwell

A letter from Cliff Cardwell:

Many unionists will be disappointed in Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’s decision to co-sign a letter condemning Wednesday’s murderous attack in Omagh along with Michelle O’Neill.

Ms O’Neill still believes that countless similar acts of terror were “unavoidable”.

The Sinn Fein hypocrisy is glaring.

Cliff Cardwell

What doest thou here, Elijah?

Much has been written about Mrs Kate Forbes and her bid to become the leader of the Scottish National Party. Her views of many of the moral issues of today have brought her much criticism because she is a professing Christian.

Just how she came to be a member of the ungodly SNP is a mystery to me. I cannot understand how any believer in the Lord Jesus Christ could campaign under the banner, let alone seek to lead, a party which has strongly advocated abortion, ’same-sex marriage’ and the utter lunacy of ‘transgenderism’.

However, this lady has desired to head up such an evil political amalgam and apparently is supported in that ambition by her church, the ‘Free Church of Scotland’, a church that has strayed from the path of faithful allegiance to the Word of God and has adopted some of the views and notions of ‘Contemporary Christianity’!

She has been widely attacked in the press by members of her own party and her stance repudiated.

Maybe today she is wondering: ‘Why has this happened to me now? After all I have been widely seen as a successful  Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy for over two years?’ (more…)

What about the Church of Ireland?

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

Where does it stand on the issue of Welby’s rejection by many??

For the believer of the Bible and the follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, the news that many Anglicans have cast over the leadership of Archbishop Welby, that man so deprived of wit and wisdom, grace and godliness, is a most heartening item of news.

Our nation has been led to the brink of ruin by Welby and his apostate predecessors and if it turns out that he has been rejected by Anglicanism, then good will come of it.

Would that the stand taken by Samuel against wicked king Saul was taken today against those equally rebellious and wicked.

“And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel,” 1 Samuel 15:26.

But amongst the Anglicans who have acted so, where do those members of the Church of Ireland, who would claim to be believers in Christ, stand?

That is the question for many in our land.

Reader, if you profess faith in Christ and belong to the Church of Ireland, please consider this ‘mealy-mouthed’ response of the Church of Ireland spokesman, reported in the article below,  to the question of just where it stands regarding Welby.

“Asked where the Church of Ireland stands on the motion to allow the blessing of same-sex couples in civil partnerships, a spokesperson said: “The Church of Ireland is a synodical Church and matters such as these are considered by its members at our General Synod. No such item has appeared on the General Synod agenda but if it were to do so, it would be discussed by its members.”


Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

22nd February 2023

Group of global Anglican church leaders ousts Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby over gay blessing reform

(‘Belfast Newsletter’)

A group of Anglican church leaders from around the world have ousted the Archbishop of Canterbury as their head following the decision to allow the blessing of same-sex couples in England. (more…)