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Rising with the fleas!

There is a political ‘conundrum’ surfacing in Scotland amongst the SNP supporters which is reminiscent of the situation here amongst the DUP.

Kates Forbes is a professing Christian who has found her rather hesitant stand for what the Bible teaches regarding marriage and gender, being criticised for even what cannot be said to be a forthright witness for the truth of God.

The report below, from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter,  is indicative of the worldly view of her position.

Of course, such tentative comments as she has made on these very present-day topics, is easily understood for one cannot be in the company of such as make up the Scottish National Party, Romanists, Atheists and expat Irish Republicans, without being robbed of the power to give a strong forthright witness for Christ.

I am reminded of the situation in Sodom and the weak and compromising, less than clear witness of Lot. His response to the sodomites attacking the door of his home and their shameful and outrageous demands, was most wrong and on a par with the sinful desires of the sodomites. (more…)

A tribute to Mrs Mollie Monteith

As a tribute to a dear Christian lady who faithfully served the Lord and unashamedly stood for Him amidst the ecumenical apostasy here in Ulster for over 56 years I am having a link to the video of her funeral service, held yesterday, in Omagh Free Presbyterian Church mounted.

The lady was Mrs Mollie Monteith.

My wife Ann and I along with our family owe a great debt of gratitude to Mollie and her husband Ernie for the loving and generous kindness they showed to us in the early days of the Free Presbyterian witness in the west of Ulster. That we will never forget.

To Ernie and to the family, Anne, Marion, Christie, Edgar, Marty, Darrell and Helen and their respective spouses and families, we offer our sincere and prayerful sympathy.

“‭The memory‭ of the just‭ ‭is‭ blessed‭,‭” Proverbs 10:7.


Judge tells defendants: ‘It has been a pleasure dealing with you.’

‘Just Stop Oil’ protesters told by judge they should feel ‘PROUD’ as he refuses to send them to prison and that ‘It has been a pleasure dealing with you.’

The judge went on to say that these creators of havoc and inconvenience for thousand of people attempting to travel to work or leave their children to school, were ‘good people with admirable aims’

So it is now ‘official’ — lawlessness and anti-social behaviour is to be encouraged as something good and the lawless are to be proud of their actions!

Surely, ‘the lunatics have taken over the asylum’, as the old saying goes !!!

The judge at Wolverhampton Magistrates Court, said to ‘Just Stop Oil’ activists, who have been a source of  exasperation and rage for thousands of motorists in parts of England in recent months with their blocking of roads, that they should feel “proud” and that they should “feel guilty for nothing”. He further said:‘You are intelligent and articulate, and you have been a pleasure throughout to deal with.’  The protesters avoided jail time for blocking the Esso Fuel Terminal in Birmingham last April.

The comments of the judge, one Judge Graham Wilkinson, have sparked fury for being a “soft-touch” on the seven protesters who caused widespread chaos as petrol stations were forced to close due to supply issues. (more…)