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Support for the IRA has been growing

This ‘NewsLetter’ article is dated 27th August and is worth a read.

I cannot endorse all that is written for there is no mention of the collusion of the Ecumenical Churches and the Church of Rome in the whole process of ‘sanitising’ the IRA’s terror campaign and in the aiding of the Republican terrorists to escape the castigation due for their crimes.

It is because of this that IRA glorifying Michelle O’Neill of Sinn Fein sits in Stormont, dictating as a result of the DUP’s greed for power and readiness to enter a ‘power-sharing’ arrangement with the cover-organisation of the IRA!

I personally witnessed that evil deceit at work in the aftermath of the ‘Poppy-Day Massacre’ in Enniskillen in November 1987 (see The Remembrance Day Massacre at Enniskillen).

At that time the four churches, the police and the British Government conspired to hide the true facts of Rome’s assistance of the bombers by her protests against any searching of property under her control before the ‘Remembrance Day’ parade to Enniskillen Cenotaph.

As a result, the IRA were able to conceal a bomb, timed to go off during the remembrance day wreath-laying, in a Roman Catholic church building right beside the Cenotaph.

All told, 12 Protestants were murdered and over 60 seriously injured in the blast.

That wicked scheming by the churches and agencies of the State has yet to be told.

However, there are valuable facts and figures in this article which should be noted.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

It is no wonder that support for the IRA has been growing

For more than 20 years the republican strategy on legacy should have been clear to anyone who follows politics closely.

By Ben Lowry.

‘The NewsLetter’, Saturday, 27th August 2022.

A poll says 70% of nationalists say IRA was justified. But nationalists who lived through it didn’t

It was in the summer of 2001 in the Weston Park talks that Sinn Fein got two huge strides forwards in its bid to retrospectively legitimise IRA terrorism. (more…)

You are invited …



50th Anniversary Services

4th September at 12.00 noon and 7.00 pm


Rev Ivan Foster (12 noon) and Rev John Gray (7 pm)

Rev Foster’s subject:


“And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the LORD our God?” Jeremiah 16:10.

Lies about Michael Collins rebutted!

The following letter was submitted to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ in the early hours of this morning. It is a rebuttal of the deceitful letter the newspaper printed on Saturday from one, Gerry Cullen.

His letter is all part of the white-washing of Irish Republicanism and an attempt to ‘ennoble’ the murderer, Michael Collins.

Please pray that it will be published in full.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

MIchael Collins, Director of Intelligence of the IRA and a government minister of the self-declared Irish Republic. He was then Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State from January 1922 and commander-in-chief of the National Army from July until his death in an ambush in August 1922.


In the ‘NewsLetter’ of Saturday, 27th August, a letter appeared under the heading, ‘Michael Collins would not have backed later IRA murders’. The writer was a Mr Gerry Cullen.

The notion set forth by Mr Cullen would be laughable, were it not seen as part of the ‘sanitising’ of the murderous agenda of Irish Republicanism, both in the early and middle part of the last century. As such his letter is wickedly deceitful!

Michael Collins did not sign the ‘Anglo Irish Treaty’ in December 1921 in order to avoid the “inevitable sectarian slaughter of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland”, as claimed by Mr Cullen.

Rather, he did so because on the night of December 5th, 1921, Lloyd George brandished two letters in front of the Irish delegation and warned them that a train was waiting at Euston Station and a destroyer at Holyhead to take one of the letters to Belfast to the Northern Ireland prime minister James Craig.

One letter stated that agreement had been reached between Great Britain and the Irish Republic; the other stated that the talks had broken down. In the latter case Lloyd George threatened there would be “immediate and terrible war within three days”.

That is what prompted Collins to sign! No one knew better than he that the IRA, enfeebled after years of conflict, would be utterly wiped out under such an unshackled assault by the British Army!

As he signed, he was heard to say, ‘I am signing my death warrant’. Collins was not prepared to sign his death warrant for the sake of the Protestants or Roman Catholics of Northern Ireland! He was thinking of others, himself included, facing the threatened British Army assault.

Michael Collins was deeply involved in the terrorism unleashed on the Protestants of Northern Ireland following the signing of the ‘Treaty’. (more…)