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Popular priest behind atrocity that even IRA was ashamed of

Popular priest behind atrocity that even IRA was ashamed of

RUC believed Fr James Chesney played major part in 1972 Claudy bomb massacre that left nine dead

So read the headline in a ‘Belfast Telegraph article marking the 50th anniversary of the infamous ‘Claudy Bombing’ by an IRA gang, led, it is commonly believed, by a Roman Catholic priest, one James Chesney.

Claudy bombing aftermath

Had this been an incident in which a loyalist terror group, led by a Protestant minister, set off three car bombs which resulted in the murder of 9 people and the injuring of 30, then the headlines and the general reaction would have been very different indeed.

The Pope would have appeared on his balcony to conduct the chorus of hatred and propaganda against Ulster Protestants. The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland in company with the ecumenical churches, would have most diligently joined in this world-wide cry. The Westminster Government would have been on its knees in commiseration and a weeping prime minister would have offered his deepest sympathies along with £millions in compensation.

Most importantly, to a man, God-fearing Ulster Protestants would have outrightly condemned such an act for it has no place in Bible Protestantism!

As it was, things turned out very differently. (more…)

Two news reports

Two news reports have been brought to my attention which need to be considered by Christians and the matters raised need to be prayed and protested against by all who would seek to honour the Lord.

First of all here is yet another reason for Independent Christian Schools!!

Sex education in schools could be made compulsory by NI secretary

The Northern Ireland secretary says he will consider introducing compulsory relationship and sex education (RSE) in schools if the Department of Education does not.”

The schools referred to are the ‘state schools’.

But will anything arouse and alarm Christian parents who happily send their offspring to such?

Here is another report.

There has appeared one more appeal on behalf of the perverts of the LBGTQ, (who can keep up with this ever enlarging acronym) from one, ‘Gareth Hanna’ in the ‘Belfast Telegraph, a newspaper all too ready to provide space for the promotion of such wickedness!

It appeared yesterday and a link to the article was sent to me by a friend. The article goes under the heading:

Why it’s time more NI Christians came out as LGBTQ+ affirming

It would appear that the writer would have us believe that he has some form of connection with ‘Christianity’, but in truth his writings and arguments in the article indicate plainly that he is as ignorant of God’s Word as a ‘sow going to hoke’! (more…)

C of E and C of I on same death bed

I could not but comment on this news report which appears in today’s ‘Belfast Telegraph’, under the headline:

“LGBT Church of Ireland group welcomes change on same-sex marriage statement”.

It ought to have been headlined: “Church of Ireland afflicted with same terminal disease as the Church of England and they now share the same deathbed”

The article begins: “A change from the Anglican Communion on its statement around same-sex marriage issues has been welcomed by a group which represents LGBT members within the Church of Ireland.”

The article then continues: “Ahead of the Anglican Communion’s Lambeth Conference – the first in Canterbury for 14 years – organisers scrapped a statement that reaffirmed the conference’s historic stance against same-sex marriage, BBC NI reports. (more…)