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The blinded mind of the sodomite

This is the concluding sentence of a letter which has appeared in today’s (1/7/22) ‘Belfast Newsletter’. It is from a sodomite member of the Ulster Unionist Party, who signs his name, ‘Michael Palmer’.

“I appeal to the DUP leadership to consider allowing its members who are supportive of the LGBT community to attend Belfast Pride. The future of unionism and the union hinges upon LGBT support.”

That there are LGBT supporting members of the DUP may be seen in the endorsing of one who openly acknowledged her perversion as a candidate in the last local council election back in 2019 and who presently sits as a member of Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council. She is Alison Bennington who became the DUP’s first openly ‘gay’ candidate to be elected when she won one of 14 DUP seats on that Council.

But there are many other ‘supporters’ of the LGBT  perversions in the DUP as subsequent events and photographs of rejoicing DUP members at her election showed.

Robbie Butler MLA, is the Deputy leader of the Ulster Unionist Party. He is a professing Christian and has links to the Elim Pentecostal Church.

He is but one of the many who profess allegiance to Christ, in the UUP and the DUP, but who can remain silently in a ‘sodomite endorsing’ organisation! (more…)

McGuinness and Dugdale – guilty of blood!

July 4, 2023 – Update on the Rose Dugdale criminal saga

English heiress who was involved in failed IRA helicopter-bomb plot ‘estranged from family’

June 30, 2022:

These two articles from the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ highlight the abominable and hypocritical character of the leading figures within the Sinn Fein/IRA movement. They were lauded as ‘peace-makers’ and heralded as leaders to be followed, when in truth they were amongst greatest murderers and criminals in Ireland, north and south.

The Democratic Unionist Party is guilty of helping to spread the lie regarding Martin McGuinness, who was a cold-blooded mastermind of murder, when they entered a power-sharing arrangement with Sinn Fein/IRA which resulted in him being appointed as Deputy First Minister in Stormont back in 2007.

The curse of God has been upon the Unionist cause ever since the endorsement that arrangement received from the Unionist people!

The Bible declares the fate of such as these two:

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death,” Revelation 21:8.

Being the subject of innumerable republican hero-worshipping ballads will not spare them from this terrible fate.

Sincere regards,

Ivan Foster

Martin McGuinness

Former IRA man claims Martin McGuinness supplied car used for Co Fermanagh bombing

Part-time UDR soldier was targeted in 1972, claims new book

‘Belfast Telegraph’,  June 27 2022 09:59 PM

A former IRA member has claimed that Martin McGuinness supplied a car used to bomb a garage along the border in 1972.

The details have been disclosed by Eddie Gallagher, who had been an IRA member from Donegal.

He made the claims in a new book by Sean O’Driscoll — ‘Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber’ — which tells the story of London heiress turned IRA member Rose Dugdale. (more…)

Letter: In the past terrorists were hanged, now they are at the heart of government

A letter from Richard Ferguson

“Belfast Newsletter’, Monday, 27th June 2022.

Sir Henry Wilson was, as Jonathan Buckley points out (‘Honouring a war hero,’ June 23, see link below), “murdered by cowardly IRA terrorists”.

In like manner so too were hundreds of members of the Ulster Special Constabulary (USC), RUC, UDR and Northern Ireland Prison Service murdered by cowardly IRA terrorists.

There is however one significant difference between the terrorists who murdered Sir Henry and those who murdered members of the security forces in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Those who murdered Sir Henry received the just reward of their deeds, both gunmen being convicted, sentenced to death and hanged.

Their successors in PIRA however, rather than facing the full rigours of the law, have been elevated to the heart of government in Northern Ireland. Such is the abominable out working of the Belfast/St Andrews agreement.

Regrettably I must remind Mr Buckley that it is he and his party who have been the chief implementers of that sordid system of government that sees terrorists rewarded with the highest offices of the land.

Richard Ferguson,


Honouring war hero who was murdered by the IRA a century ago is least we can do