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Good news and bad in today’s Belfast Newsletter

Below are two reports from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’, sent to me by a very good friend of our witness who I can’t say that I have ever met, one report being good and the other abominable.

The men who were arrested last August for preaching against sodomy and like perversion, in Larne, Co. Antrim, have been declared innocent of the charges brought by the police. This court decision follows a like decision regarding a similar charge brought against the same men in a Dundalk court in the Republic of Ireland. There the charge was likewise dismissed some days ago.

The only dissenter was a renegade papist priest, Pat Buckley who represents no one but his own perverted views.

A video of the arrest in Larne may be seen on the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ website.


Is this the reason for our declining numbers?

“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come,” Isaiah 57:1.

Reading this verse today, it occurred to me that little real thought has been given to the meaning of this verse and its clear implications.

Every true believer is concerned with the very obvious decline in the number of those who adhere faithfully to the Word of God and openly stand for righteousness. The word ‘perisheth’ in our text carries the figurative meaning of ‘vanishing away’. Christians are ‘vanishing’ from society. The believer can plainly see this taking place. They are not deceived by the swelling ranks of those who ‘profess’ godliness but recognise it as a religion that can easily set aside any portion of God’s Word which they consider inappropriate and unsuited to them.

That is not the religion of Jesus Christ! “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them,” Isaiah 8:20.

Now while there undoubtedly is an increase in the ranks of such false and empty ‘Christianity’, I believe we must acknowledge that there is a very obvious decline in the numbers of those who seek to believe the whole Bible and witness to others of its message.

The above verse deals with that which we see before us today, Christian.

Please note:


Isaiah says: “The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” Note the words “no man layeth it to heart” and “none considering”. What is happening is not noticed by mankind generally. (more…)

Presbyterian minister attends and participates in Romish prayers to Mary!

Rev. Steve Stockman
Fitzroy Presbyterian Church

Below is an article from the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of Thursday June 23rd.

I might also give the link to another article in that newspaper which is headlined:

Anti-gay preaching row: Solicitor accuses Garda of ‘bogus prosecution’ after judge dismisses all charges against Northern Ireland trio

It is worth a read.

But to return to the article upon which I wish to make a few comments.

The article in question  highlights the very evident presence of ‘jackasses’ in the pulpits of churches that profess to be Protestant.

There is no greater evidence of the utter folly, upon which the Protestant people attending such churches as those of the ilk of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, are being fed!

The minister of that church advertises his cretinous character in the picture published in the article! He looks like a refugee from some pagan festival, in complete contrast to the exhortation of Holy Scripture. “Let us watch and be sober (circumspect),” 1 Thessalonians 5:6.

He further demonstrates his blindness and empty-headedness with what he has to say on the subject of the Bible’s teaching on Mary, the Saviour’s mother. (more…)