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Cosy, comfortable churches!

“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine,” 2 Timothy 4:1-2.

It was once said to me that ‘you cannot scold people into revival!’ That remark was prompted by my seeking to obey the sentiments of the text above!

‘Rebuking sin’ and those who engage in it, both privately and sometimes publicly if necessary, is an essential and integral part of preaching God’s Word.

Again I refer to the text above.

Many ministers in modern evangelicalism, seeks to provide a ‘feel good factor’ for those attending their services. Without doubt, where such a course and objective is sought, numbers will increase. I believe in these, the last days, consisting of ‘perilous times’, ( 2 Timothy 3:1) faithful preaching may well fail to fill pews where the ‘gospel of feeling good’ may succeed!

Such ‘comfort zones’ are but the product of those evangelical preachers who see their mission as that of filling the church and being popular. I believe a survey of churches where it is seen that numbers are increasing, will invariably show that such an approach has been adopted by the minister.

I am not referring to places of worship where there is outright Bible-denying sermons. No, I am referring to places which fit well within the evangelical and orthodox camp!

Such places avoid controversy like the plague! There is, to a very large degree, an avoidance of any outright, downright and unmistakable denouncing of the evils and failures of today’s professing evangelical Christians. (more…)

The blind leading the blind

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

This article is in response to the aggravating arrogance of the DUP leader, Jeffrey Donaldson, as he would seek to further delude unionists and exonerate himself and his party from the blame that is rightly theirs for the distressing state of affairs in our province.


A leading article in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of today (18th June 2022) has the headline: ‘Splintered unionism’ to blame for lost seats, insists DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’.

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

This is a statement of the obvious by a man who would lay the blame on those who wish to maintain ‘traditional’ Unionist values in the face of the departures from the paths of truth and righteousness by his party, the DUP.

It was the DUP which ‘split’ away from those truths which had formerly been the basis of Unionism. That split came when the DUP, for the most self-seeking, self-promoting and egotistical of motives, entered an arrangement with those guilty of support for and involvement in over forty years of ruthless terrorism, which saw hundreds of innocent Protestant and Roman Catholic civilians slaughtered as well as members of the security forces guilty of carrying out only their duties. (more…)

A timely reminder

Seeing this letter in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ I thought that I might draw your attention to it.

There can be no doubt that Sinn Fein still harbours the spirit that gave rise to the slaughter in Altnaveigh, outside Newry, Co. Down, 100 years ago.

The merciless murders in the last ‘troubles’ are celebrated still by Sinn Fein, led by Michelle O’Neill, who is now vying to become ‘First Minister’ as a result of the ‘power-sharing’ agreement the DUP entered into with Sinn Fein/IRA in 2007!

On 17th June 1922, the IRA, in the early hours, attacked Protestant homes and burned them, with 6 members of that small rural community being brutally murdered.

The man who led the IRA group, Frank Aiken, later became a Dublin government minister and served as the deputy Prime Minister from 1965 to 1969 and Minister for External Affairs from 1951 to 1954 and 1957 to 1969.

Obviously Dublin had no feelings of regret for the actions of this murder!

You may read an account of the massacre here:

Altnaveigh Massacre Remembered

(archived pdf)


Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster.

Centenary of massacre is a reminder of republican hatred, which is undiminished

Belfast Newsletter ‘Letters’

Friday, 17th June 2022, 12:10 pm

The 100th anniversary of the Altnaveigh massacre is a timely reminder of the true nature and face of Irish republicanism. (more…)