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Joe Biden is Sinn Fein’s willing ‘poodle’

A few comments on the ‘Protocol’ issue may be in order since new legislation may well be announced by Westminster today.

The roots of the controversy are buried beneath the ‘soil’ of much incomprehensible comment and argument over the last couple of years.

This is no attempt at an analysis of the legal aspects of the ‘Protocol’ but rather a seeking to remind us all of that out of which the whole matter has sprung.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


SINN Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald

Poor old Joe Biden! It is not enough that he must toe the line laid down by that political ‘Harpy’, fellow Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, but now he has to dance to the tune of Sinn Fein’s ‘terrorist aficionado’, Mary Lou McDonald!

Sinn Fein’s McDonald warns of massive US resistance to Brexit changes in heated newspaper rant

SINN Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald has warned the UK Government can expect considerable backlash should their new Northern Ireland Bill impact the Brexit deal aspects safeguarding the Ireland peace agreement.”

So a ‘Daily Express’ article begins.

This is bullying of the same ilk as that practised by the IRA – the threat of ruthless retaliation if their demands were not met!

For years the IRA went about Northern Ireland, mostly at night, and by the threat of slaughter by the bomb and bullet forced from a weak and contemptible Westminster government a surrender deal yielded to by compliant and self-seeking Unionist politicians. It was a surrender which gained a place in the government of Northern Ireland for Sinn Fein/IRA.

This is in truth what the odious ‘Stormont Executive’ is! It is the IRA’s ‘reward’ for decades of terror and murder. (more…)

Brandon Lewis – a modern-day Herod!

I had to respond to the article below: we have reproduced the full wording of an article in ‘The Irish News’ of today, Friday 10th June.

It emphasises, if that were needed, what a reprobate Northern Ireland has occupying the office of the Northern Ireland Secretary of State.

This ally of Boris Johnston manifests all the moral deficiency of his boss! We again have presented to us the moral morass into which our nation — the land of the great Protestant Reformation, the Authorised Version of the Bible and the Missionary revival of the 18th century — has sunk under the leadership and shepherding of apostate ecumenical pulpiteers masquerading as God’s servants!

I would have you notice the following statements in the article.

However, speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour show yesterday, Mr Lewis said it was “morally bankrupt” not to ensure abortion access was available for all who require it.

“There’s not just a legal duty but a moral duty to make sure that women and girls here in Northern Ireland can access good quality healthcare, the same way that people across the UK can.”

“It’s morally bankrupt not to make sure that people here in Northern Ireland have access to these services.”

Nothing demonstrates the utter destitution of all righteousness there is within the ranks of Government when a senior member of it can utter such wickedness. (more…)

Two recent letters to the Newsletter

You may have seen the following letters recently published in the Belfast Newsletter.

The first was from Dr J E Hazlett Lynch rightly protesting at those republicans who jeered his family when they gathered at Carnon Cross, Ardboe at which his brother, Kenneth, and two RUC colleagues were brutally murdered on June 2nd 1977.

I submitted a response in support of his letter but also seeking to highlight the hypocrisy of Mrs Naomi Long, leader of the ‘pious’ Alliance Party, and her readiness to condemn a comparatively lesser sin of the posting of a video mocking a lady murdered some years ago, while in coalition with the terrorist supporting and glorifying Sinn Fein party, guilty of hundreds of murders of innocent Protestants and Roman Catholics!

Here are the two letters,

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

The hypocrisy of republicans who jeer at murder victims

A letter from Rev Dr JE Hazlett Lynch:

6th June 2022, 5:58 am

The scurrilous hypocrisy of the IRA/Sinn Fein community beggars belief. (more…)