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Some of the things hated by God!

“ . . . . which thing I hate,” Revelation 2:15.

It is all too commonly believed that such is the character of the Lord that there is nothing that He hates!

Such a notion is the offspring of the witness and ministry of those who claim to serve the Lord and preach His Word but who are in fact usurpers and deceivers misrepresenting the Lord in a most reprehensible way.

One day they will learn that they could not have been more wrong!

There cannot be LOVE without HATE. When the heart’s affections are set upon something, they will react most strongly when that which is diametrically opposed to that loved is presented to them. That which stirs up love, when replaced by that which is its antithesis, creates animosity and loathing!

The God of Holiness cannot love sin. Rather, it generates a hatred of it in the very being of God, which in turn produces wrath and judgment. God has reserved a most awful penalty for that which He hates.

Christians, being “partakers of the heavenly calling,” (Hebrews 3:1) and “partakers of the divine nature,” (2 Peter 1:4) will share in this hatred of sin. “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil,” Psalm 97:10. Please note that the child of God is directed by Him to HATE EVIL! Such a hatred is fuelled by the Word of God. “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way,” Psalm 119:104. “I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love,” Psalm 119:163. Such a hatred is entirely intrinsic and integral to the heart that loves the Lord. “Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies,” Psalm 139:21-22.

What now for all those fools who say that we should never HATE anything? (more…)

Sodomite-supporting DUP man resigns

There has been a resignation from the DUP by a former mayor of Londonderry.

He claims that he has done so, citing his desire to “move forward with a new political pathway”.

His ‘moving forward’ really means moving backwards to support the the sodomite rebellion against God.

He displayed where he desired to stand and the people amongst which he wished to be associated back in August last year.

The following article which we published in ‘The Burning Bush’ at the time reveals the true character of the man.

DUP mayor launches ‘Gay Pride’ event in Londonderry

I would say that ‘Unionism’ is much better off without him.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Utter hypocrisy and duplicity which permeates society

Conor Murphy, Alliance MLA Eoin Tennyson, DUP representatives Jonathan Buckley and William Irwin, Archbishop Eamon Martin and Lord Eames


This picture was posted by IRA supporter (at least such) Conor Murphy. He and Sinn Fein vice president, Michelle O’Neill have publicly engaged in the marking of the Queen’s platinum celebrations. O’Neill wrote a letter to the Queen congratulating her for reaching 70 years on the throne!

They were joined in this act of hypocrisy by two DUP politicians, pictured above peeping over Murphy’s shoulder as they creep along at his heels.

The hypocrisy involved is of the highest order since both Murphy and O’Neill are prominent in Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA. The IRA did its best to murder the Queen and did actually murder her cousin, Lord Mountbatten, in 1979.

The IRA campaign which began in the lates 1960s and lasted some 40 years, was directed chiefly, if not exclusively, against those loyal to Her Majesty or who showed any sympathy toward the United Kingdom.

For O’Neill and Murphy to now put on a show of pleasure at the Queen’s seventy years on the throne, runs entirely contrary to what it was the whole Republican movement desired and sought after by every foul means.

The two DUP politicians pictured are of that ilk which has yielded entirely to the sham ‘peace and good will’ manufactured by the lies and deceit of the ecumenical churches.

The ‘peace’ philosophy has persuaded the DUP and others under the influence of the ecumenical drug, to accept the IRA/Sinn Fein claim that they have changed. The change they claim for themselves does not preclude them celebrating most passionately the so-called ‘heroic’ exploits of their comrades in murder and terror. (more…)