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Pro-abortionist honoured by the Queen

Mrs Sarah Jane Ewart has been awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire)  ‘For services to Abortion Legal Reform in Northern Ireland

(The following information has been taken from the “Abolish Abortion NI” Facebook website)

“ . . . the… mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10

In 2018 Sarah Ewart took a case against the laws in Northern Ireland that protected the life of children in the womb. Her case revolved around the fact that she had to travel to England to have her disabled child put to death.

Four years later and Ms Ewart’s case is still being used by pro abortion legislators to push further death on Northern Ireland. However, in yet another example of how sin sick our nation is Ms Ewart has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for ‘ services to Abortion Legal Reform in Northern Ireland ‘.

The murder of a disabled child is sold by the pro abortion lobby as a compassionate necessity.

The reality is that it is often a painful death, with poison injected straight into the child’s heart or brain.

Lord have mercy on this land.

To the comments on the “Abolish Abortion NI” website, we add these comments of our own and some verses from God’s Word.

It is the mark of a nation’s abandonment of God and all His laws when it celebrates the slaughter of innocent infants! (more…)

Framing Mischief by a Law – a sermon from 1985

Since I again had no duties in Kilskeery Independent Christian School today I am sending out this recording of a message from 1985. I trust that it will be a blessing.

This is a message I preached in Kilskeery back on 30th June, 1985. It is hard to believe that it is 37 years ago!

It was a day or so after I had been arrested along with the late George Graham of Kilkeel, who was the local member of the Stormont Assembly back then. I mention Mrs Ethel Smyth in the message. She was a DUP councillor on the local Down District Council. Ethel passed away in August last year. She was a courageous Christian and unflinching in her stand against the enemies of our Province.

Firebrand DUP Down councillor Ethel Smyth remembered

I was later charged with disorderly conduct and Mr Graham with assault upon a policeman because the constable’s cap was knocked off as the arrest took place. We were later brought to court in Downpatrick and found guilty. The chief witness against me so contradicted himself that the magistrate told him to leave the witness box and I believed that the case against me would be dismissed. However, during a recess, a message came to me saying that if I did not change my plea to guilty the Prosecutor would demand the maximum penalty against Mr Graham which would mean 6 months imprisonment.

Click here to read the sermon notes.

I was deeply troubled by this for I believed myself innocent though my barrister said that to even delay at a police barricade when told to go away is technically a breach of the law. I was also troubled at the thought that if I persisted in my plea, I would be condemning Mr Graham to jail for 6 months.

In the end I changed my plea to guilty and was fined. I refused to pay the fine and was imprisoned for a week in Crumlin Road Jail, my fourth visit to that establishment since my first visit in 1966.

It brought home to me the opportunities Ulster has had, and turned down, of successfully resisting the Roman Catholic/Republican/IRA conspiracy that is presently reaching its end-game here in our land!

Rightly or wrongly, I cannot imagine in today’s atmosphere and outlook, such a message being preached!

I hope you enjoy the recording. It is not of the best quality. I had to remove some pauses, noisy or inaudible sections so it is a little shorter than the original message, though substantially it is what was said.  It is amongst the first of the recordings made in Kilskeery and the tape, a 60 minute tape, ran out just before the end so there is just a little missing.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Rev. Ivan Foster (Ret’d)

Blameless and harmless – Rev. David Linden

On the Sabbath morning past (29.5.22) my wife and I were privileged to be amongst the congregation in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church to hear a message on some verses from Paul’s epistle to the Philippian church.

“Do all things without murmurings and disputings: that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world,” 2:14-15.

The visiting preacher was Rev David Linden, retired now some 11 years from the pastorate of Portglenone FPC. He is a long time friend and companion in the the battle for the gospel of the Lord Jesus. His message was timely, owned of God and brought back memories of the preaching of former years of blessing and power.

I have no duties in Kilskeery Independent Christian School this week so I am sending this great message out instead of my usual Tuesday school assembly message.

I know you will benefit from it.

Sincerely in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Ivan Foster