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Descended from Monkeys — NO!

Now it’s Martians who are our Ancestors!

Professor Brian Cox has reflected on the possibility that humans could be Martians – rather than the suspected life forms on the planet of Mars. The renowned physicist told the BBC’s Sunday Morning programme there were still lots of unknowns and suggested that life on Earth could have originated elsewhere.”

Let me tell you, Professor, IT DID, though not in the place you believe in, since it is stated that you wish to be known as a human being (of Martian origin) with “no personal faith”.

Life on earth actually began in the mind and will of God, who dwells in the heavens beyond the gaze of men. The ‘beginnings’ of life on earth’ was due to the miraculous workings of a Person Whose existence you cannot outrightly deny for you are on record as saying that you “cannot be sure that there is no God.”

Professor, you bring to mind Paul’s words. “‭Professing themselves‭‭ to be‭‭ wise‭, they became fools‭‭,‭” Romans 1:22.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

The ‘Prof”!

The Professor is Oh so right when he said: “Science cannot answer every question.” (more…)

Lewis plans are unjust and a continued assault on the preciousness of life

As a follow up to the ‘Burning Bush’ article, sent our yesterday, on the decision to enforce “a fully-funded abortion service” on Ulster (Northern Ireland Secretary plans murder campaign which will quickly outscore the IRA’s terrorist slain) we share with you this article from the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ which reports on the responses of the three Presbyterian denominations in Northern Ireland, including our own Free Presbyterian Church.

The full FPC statement may be read here:


Sincerely in Christ Jesus,

Ivan Foster

NI Secretary of State Brandon Lewis

Lewis plans are unjust and a continued assault on the preciousness of life, say ‘concerned’ Church leaders

Allan Preston

May 19 2022 11:18 PM

Church leaders in Northern Ireland have hit out at “immoral” plans to introduce a fully-funded abortion service within weeks.

The Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis has said the Department of Health must start setting up the service “within days to weeks”.

While abortion remains a devolved matter, introducing the service has been delayed by the latest impasse at Stormont.

Mr Lewis said that he had a “legal and moral duty” to intervene because of the lack of progress. (more…)

Northern Ireland Secretary plans murder campaign which will quickly outscore the IRA’s terrorist slain

I was compelled to respond to the sad and tragic news that the Westminster Government is about to enforce unlimited abortion on Ulster.

May we by prayer and protest indicate to all, especially the Lord, that we are innocent of this evil.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


“And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood,” Psalm 106:38.

“So shalt thou put away the guilt of innocent blood from among you, when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the LORD,” Deuteronomy 21:9.

 “Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men,”  Matthew 2:16.

The plan by the British Government, through its agents in the Northern Ireland Office, led by Brandon Lewis, is to have a fully funded abortion service for Northern Ireland “within days to weeks”.

That means that the machinery for the slaughter of the unborn, funded by the British taxpayers, will be up and running in Northern Ireland and engaged in the dastardly and cruel procedure.

The verses I have mounted above:

1. Show the environment which promotes the slaughter of innocent children, including the unborn —APOSTASY FROM GOD AND HIS TRUTH.

2. The only means of avoiding the terrible guilt that will be reaped by Ulster by this decision to make abortion freely available A RETURN TO OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S LAW.

3. The evil mind behind this shameful decision is the author of murder, the mover of Herod, the enemy of mankind, the hater of Christ — THE DEVIL

Abortion is the modern day equivalent of the actions of ancient pagans when they sacrificed their sons and daughters unto their idol gods. (more…)