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Boris, the promoter of child-murder

Ulster is to be visited today by one of the greatest deceivers and prevaricators that has ever filled the office of Prime Minister in London, Boris Johnston!

The deceit and chicanery surrounding the breaching of the Covid regulations by the Prime Minister and his staff is utterly shameful. It is but one of many examples of the unscrupulous behaviour of this man.

He is utterly amoral and unprincipled.

The ‘Belfast ‘Telegraph’ has published a lengthy statement this morning from him. As is to be expected, it is a lot of  mendacious ‘bletherings’, designed to distract and deceive. He lauds Sinn Fein, the armed wing of which, the IRA, murdered hundreds of English, Scots and Welsh soldiers and many mainland civilians.

We know the deaths of innocent Ulster citizens at the hands of the IRA mean little if anything to Westminster, but one would imagine that the murder of mainland citizens might mean something to Boris Johnston.

Such a notion is vain!

He has arrived here under the pretence of aiding Unionism resolve the ‘Protocol’ issue. BUT IN TRUTH, he is here to help destroy Ulster by pushing forward the agenda of Sinn Fein/IRA, the Alliance Party and the other gaggle of politicians who hate the Union with Great Britain. (more…)

Michelle O’Neill’s duplicitous and lying words

I have just sent off this letter to the “Belfast Newsletter” in response to tonight’s news reports of Michelle O’Neill’s duplicitous and lying words following her failure to get the Assembly off and running today

.Sincere regards,

Ivan Foster


A report in your newspaper states that: “Sinn Fein Stormont leader Michelle O’Neill has accused the DUP of ‘disgracefully holding the public to ransom’, after the DUP said it would block the election of an Assembly speaker.”

In a further statement, reported by various news sites, the same Sinn Fein leader accused the DUP of “denying democracy”.

Whatever inconvenience is caused to the public by a refusing to work the present Stormont Assembly system, it will be seen by all as utterly inconsequential in comparison to Sinn Fein/IRA’s decades of murder and terror in its efforts to obtain its own way. They punished the public with the bomb and the bullet in pursuit of their own self interest! They are where they are by ‘virtue’ of their terrorist campaign and the murder of many hundreds of innocent people!

I am saddened that someone from the DUP did not immediately make this point in an effort to contradict the weasel words of Sinn Fein!

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

Kilskeery, Co Tyrone

13th May 2022.

Bandon Valley Massacre: Many in Republic of Ireland still loyal to GB but must keep their heads down, says man whose grandfather survived IRA atrocity

This article is taken from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ and is a follow-up a recent article the newspaper published and which we mounted on our ‘Burning Bush’ website.

Bandon Valley Massacre: Irish state must recognise sectarian slaughter of 13 boys and men, says NI man whose great grandfather found ‘safe haven’ in Belfast.

I especially commend it to non-residents of Northern Ireland. It will help you understand why Protestants, who have not been brain-washed by ‘Ecumenism’, still resist every move to bring us under a Roman Catholic ‘United Ireland’!!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Bandon Valley Massacre: Many in Republic of Ireland still loyal to GB but must keep their heads down, says man whose grandfather survived IRA atrocity

A Co Cork man whose grandfather narrowly escaped a notorious massacre by the IRA says many people in the republic are still quietly loyal to the UK but are unable to speak openly about it.

‘Belfast Newsletter’ 10th May 2022.

Ian Beamish from Co Cork says his grandfather narrowly escaped being shot by the IRA in the Bandon Valley Massacre.

Ian Beamish contacted the News Letter after reading the story of Neale Jagoe, who now lives in Ballycastle.

In last week’s News Letter Mr Jagoe called on the Irish government to give official recognition to the IRA’s sectarian massacre of 13 Protestant boys and men in the Bandon Valley Massacre of 1922 – and the subsequent exodus of hundreds of terrified others.

Neale Jagoe’s great grandfather William and great grandmother Elizabeth Jagoe were among those who fled the area after he was tipped off he was to be shot. They later found safe refuge in Belfast. (more…)