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Out of sight, out of mind!!

This article on the BBC Northern Ireland website, just could not go by without comment.

I don’t think I have ever seen such appalling, shameful and duplicitous views expressed by a woman!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster.


Kellie Armstrong: Assembly member left physically sick by abusive images

The following are extracts from the BBC article.

“A Northern Ireland politician said she was left physically sick after receiving images of aborted foetuses moments after being elected.

Police said they were investigating the messages received by Kellie Armstrong.

The Alliance politician, who has spoken about suffering 13 miscarriages, had to leave the count centre to compose herself after receiving the images.

Kellie Armstrong, seen here celebrating with Alliance Party leader Naomi Long, was the first MLA elected in Thursday’s historic election

She said she had been checking her emails and social media messages shortly after her election was announced. ‘I opened what I thought was just another message, making sure I was covering off anything constituents were in contact about,’ she said.

‘There were a lot of congratulatory messages coming through, and then I saw the images.’

‘I don’t need taken back to a time when I was seeing my own children who had died in that sort of state.’” (more…)

Now that the dust has settled!!!

Here are a few of my thoughts on the outcome of the recent election.

We cannot consider such events without seeing the sovereign hand of the Lord at work in our land.

That being so, let us give due and reverent consideration to what has happened in the last few days,

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Now that the dust has settled!!!

Smiles on the faces of those who plan the demise of all that Ulster’s Bible Protestants hold dear!

“Thus saith the LORD; Deceive not yourselves, saying, The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us: for they shall not depart,” Jeremiah 37:9.

The words of this text are a rebuke from the Lord to a people, who despite their sins and the warnings of the God of judgment falling on them because of their sins, continue in pride, deceiving themselves that somehow or other the Babylonians, sent of God as His instrument of judgment, would never take Jerusalem, but would break off their siege and return home.

There is every evidence that many Protestants look on the recent election results in a similar self-deceived, misguided manner as did the Jews on events surrounding their city. These words are therefore so applicable to us here in Ulster! (more…)

Bandon Valley Massacre: Irish state must recognise sectarian slaughter of 13 boys and men, says NI man whose great grandfather found ‘safe haven’ in Belfast.

Many of you will possibly have seen this article because you purchase the Belfast Newsletter, the paper which published it, but there are many who would not see this report other than by our highlighting of it.

The article highlights a long-buried truth regarding the attitude of the ‘Irish Republic’ toward Protestants and is an attitude which has been encapsulated in the mindset of Sinn Fein/IRA as its murder campaigns have shown.

It contains historic facts long forgotten and deliberately buried by the defenders of Popery.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

The Irish state must give official recognition to the sectarian massacre of 13 Protestant boys and men in the Bandon Valley Massacre and the subsequent exodus of hundreds of terrified others, says the descendant of one of those who narrowly escaped.

By Philip Bradfield

Belfast Newsletter, Thursday, 5th May 2022, 6:08 pm.

Neale Jagoe’s great grandfather William and great grandmother Elizabeth Jagoe were among those who fled the area after the atrocity, which took place 100 years ago last week.

“The key fact was that these civilians were killed nine months into an IRA truce and four months after the treaty was signed with the British by Michael Collins,” Neale said.

The IRA launched the killing spree after IRA Acting Commandant Michael O’Neill was shot – apparently in self defence – while leading an armed raid on a Protestant home. The subsequent IRA murder spree saw 13 boys and men – two aged 16 and the rest up to to 82 – shot across the Bandon Valley over three days between 26 and 28 April 1922.

Neale Jagoe pictured with a photo of his great grandparents William and Elizabeth Jagoe from Co Cork and the wreath he laid in memory of the 13 boys and men murdered in the Bandon Valley Massacre they escaped. (Picture By: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press._

“Another 19 Protestants in the Bandon Valley who were also intended targets escaped before they could be killed,” he said. Some 100 Protestant families then fled west Cork as they no longer felt safe. (more…)