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How more morally wrong can you be?

How dare they tell a woman what she can do with her own body

“US Vice President, Kamala Harris attacks Republicans and calls overturning Roe v. Wade a ‘direct assault on our freedom’ and the rights of all Americans are ‘under attack’.”

This highly publicised comment by the US Vice President, which has appeared on news sites of late, illustrates the blind ignorance that engulfs the hearts and minds of ‘liberals’ everywhere. All pro-abortionists would agree most vehemently with the Vice president’s outburst. Loud and full-throated support by a great number of people and nations for a view does not make it right. The US VP’s declaration but shows the utter falsehood upon which the pro-abortion case rests!

Consider what this woman Harris says. “How dare they tell a woman what she can do with her own body”. In truth, as far as I am concerned, a woman may do whatever she wishes with her body as long as it is not in violation of the law of God. No woman has the right to take her own life or murder her own offspring!

It is clear that world-wide, woman have abused their bodies for a very long time in pursuit of that which they think enhances their physical appearances. I was always amazed at the suffering which some African women put themselves through when they lengthened their necks by systematically adding metal rings around their necks or those who inserted wooden discs in their lower lips so as to extend their lips in a grotesque fashion, or the Chinese women who endured crippling themselves by crushing their feet within shoes that restrained the growth of their feet from an early age! Mothers would fold the toes of their 2-year-old toddlers under their feet and tie them as tightly as possible. The process was extremely painful, and permanently crippled the wearer. Then there was the practice of tooth blackening or ‘Ohaguro’ which was the custom of dyeing your teeth black. It was practiced in Japan as an aristocratic sign of beauty for hundreds of years. The process was long and arduous, took around a week, and required multiple applications of dangerous chemicals to a child’s teeth every day. Those subjected to this process would often suffer very painful allergic reactions to the chemicals, leading to the banning of the practice in 1870 by the Japanese government. (more…)

Swaggering, bumptious Russian loud mouths

This article is spurred by the repeated and ridicules threats made by various Russian propagandists which have appeared on our news sites!

What they threaten is so defiant of God and His Word that I just had to respond.

I’m reminded of the wise word of a king of old. “Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off,” 1 Kings 20:11.

The Lord bless you richly,

Ivan Foster


There have been many headlines on our news sites, of late, stating the ridiculous and arrogant claims by Russian political and media characters, whose names rarely mean anything to western readers. Their pronouncements are such that we are induced to use such truthful terminology regarding them!

They have urged the utter destruction of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland by means of the use of nuclear weapons, as the article below highlights.

“Russia’s chief propagandist urges Putin to ‘plunge Britain into the depths of the sea’ with underwater Poseidon nuke that would trigger a 1, 600ft radioactive TIDAL WAVE and wipe the UK off the map”

Such loud-mouthed oft-repeated calls as above draw attention to the insanity, endemic in the court of Communistic Tsarism!

Such stupid genocidal demands seem to forget that what is ‘sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander’! Such an attack (if indeed it is possible) would certainly bring retaliation most terrible upon Russia. As one somewhat wiser Russian commentator said, ‘Whatever else he may be, Putin is NOT suicidal.’ It would be suicide of a monumental scale to carry out such an attack.

However, we can never really depend ON how such men as Putin will respond to the utter contempt he has brought upon himself and his armed forces on the international stage by the drubbing they have received at the hands of the very much smaller Ukrainian armed forces!

In response to the unknown possibilities of what the madman in charge of Russia may do in the face of the daily humiliation he has encountered since his highhanded invasion of his much smaller neighbour, I turn to the Bible for enlightenment and comfort. (more…)

Precious and profitable ponderings for the aged!!

“I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread,” Psalm 37:25.

Yesterday morning, just before we walked down to the morning meeting, my wife and I shared a few words regarding the above text. We were conscious of our advancing years and the toll of a recent bout of Covid, but were comforting ourselves in these words of David.

It is a theme which David often pondered.

“For the LORD loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off,” Psalm 37:28.

“Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth,” Psalm 71:9.

“Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come,” Psalm 71:18.

“For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance,” Psalm 94:14.

There are many things which desert you as you grow older: strength, mobility, eyesight and hearing fails, as does our memory, all of which betoken the decline of our mortal frame! We find that the aged are often forgotten and forsaken by their families for it is easier to live with an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mindset than it is to take on the burdens of caring for the enfeebled, with all that such care demands regarding time and effort. In these days of ‘state welfare facilities’ such an attitude appears to be very common.

How thankful Ann and I are for the care we receive from those members of our family who live in Ulster, especially those who live ‘round the road’ here in Kilskeery as well as those who live further away and can only assist us by their prayers. (more…)