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58 years ago, I called upon the Lord for His mercy

The house in Lowwood Park, Belfast in which I called upon the Lord. The window, top right, if I remember correctly, is that of the room in which I was saved.

On Tuesday, 5th April, it will be fifty-eight years since I called upon the Lord for His mercy and salvation. I cried out of darkness and much spiritual ignorance, hardly knowing what it was I needed or sought but moved to seek the Lord by the returning to my mind of words spoken to me by a young lassie, Hazel, while I was travelling by a train with a companion, Albert, from Belfast to Portrush in Co. Antrim on ‘Good Friday’, March 27th 1964.

What the young lassie had said to me as we emerged from the train in Portrush station, following a very acrimonious (on my part) discussion in which she and her companions sought to witness of our need of Christ to Albert and me, was to quote Genesis 6:3. “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man.”

I was totally unaware of where the quotation came from and I was utterly dismissive of the words of Hazel and truly never gave them another thought until the evening of April 5th in Albert’s home in Lowwood Park, Belfast. But in an instance, the Lord made known to me something of the meaning of those words and I was driven to call upon Him for mercy.

Here is my testimony as it was given five years ago in a gospel mission in Ballinamallard, just two miles away from Kilskeery. The mission was conducted by retired preachers, Rev Larry Power, a Free Presbyterian minister and Pastor Alvin Mullan, a retired Baptist pastor. Unknown to them, the date they asked me to testify on was the 53rd anniversary of my first time in Ravenhill Free Presbyterian Church, just one week after I called upon the Lord. The 5th and 12th April will forever live in my memory.

I trust you are blessed by my telling of the Lord’s great mercy to this sinner.

Sincerely in Christ,

Ivan Foster.

Gay conversion therapy u-turn

This news report serves to highlight the dominance of evil at the heart of our nation.

It has to be conceded that the nation is under the control of what I believe is still a minority and which embraces a lifestyle that is obnoxious to a majority of people yet, because of the threat that this minority poses to  the political parties, they bow in fear before it!

This is illustrated in this article. The Conservative government hastily performs an ‘about face’ because of the outcry the ‘pro-sodomy lobby’ at the announcement that Prime Minister, Boris Johnston,  was going to abandon plans to introduce a ban on ‘conversion therapy’!

I am no fan of ‘conversion therapy’, being convinced that only the grace of God can deliver a person from the practice of any sin, and the wickedness of sodomy and its related perversions in particular.

Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 teach us that.

“ Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

The reported comments by some MPs, indicates the darkness that has descended upon the nation that by God’s grace, gave the world the Authorised Version of the Holy Scriptures! (more…)

How we need to recognise our unbelief!

“For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

Then the disciples went away again unto their own home,” John 20:9-10.

I read those verses this morning as part of my daily Bible reading. As ever, I discovered out of its “treasure things new and old,” Matthew 13:52.

It is always comes as a rebuke to my soul when I see something that I never saw before for I should have seen it were not my eyes so blind!

How when we read our Bibles we need to pray as did David: “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law,” Psalm 119:18. We may have such a text as this framed and hung on our wall but how we need to continually pray these words when we read God’s Word, for our eyes are by nature shut tight and blind to the wonders of God’s Word.

Returning to John 20, verses 9 and 10,


That John and Peter should not understand the significance of the empty tomb is most amazing, considering their times of instruction under the Lord’s tutelage. Yet let us learn the lesson that even the greatest of God’s servants, no matter how well instructed they may be, oftentimes fail to grasp the truth of God. (more…)