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The final settlement of the middle-east controversy

On Lord’s Day 20th March, 2022, Mr Matthew Eccles, a licentiate minister of the Free Presbyterian Church, was the preacher at the services in Kilskeery church. In the morning service, he took as his text Genesis 15:8. “‭And he said‭‭, Lord‭ GOD‭, whereby‭ shall I know‭‭ that I shall inherit it‭‭?‭” This was the request of Abram of God following the giving of a most wonderful promise to him.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Mr Eccles preached a very encouraging and instructive message from his text on how we need confirmation of God’s covenant and where such confirmations and endorsements are to be found.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

When he turned the congregation to his text in Genesis 15, I noted that I had the numbers 4, 5, 6 written in the margin of chapter 15 and encircled. They were beside the verses 5, 7 and 18.

Following the service, when I returned home I traced the other numbers, one through to four and also number seven, which was in the margin of chapter 17, and saw that all the verses are linked to the clear promise of God to Abram, later called Abraham, and to his descendants.

I am going to list the verses I had so marked for your consideration.

1. “‭Now the LORD‭ had said‭‭ unto Abram‭, Get thee out‭‭ of thy country‭, and from thy kindred‭, and from thy father’s‭ house‭, unto a land‭ that I will shew‭‭ thee,‭” Genesis 12:1.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ (more…)

Perversity at its highest

From today’s (18.3.22) ‘Belfast Telegraph’

Would not the world think it utter madness were the people of Ukraine to begin to agitate for union with Russia in the wake of the horrendous campaign of slaughter that Putin’s Russia has carried out for the last three weeks against that country, resulting in the slaughter of innumerable men, women and children in their homes and as they sought to flee the butchery?

Yes it undoubtedly would, asking the question ‘Why are they seeking union with those who are bent on their destruction?’

Well, may it not be asked with equally justifiable incredulity why Ulster Protestantism is seeking union with Rome, as its three main denominations daily are doing with little or no protest from their members, while from our newspapers the voice of Rome’s latest victims cry out in distress and tell of what they suffered at the hands of this vile system of corruption?

That is the enigma created by the ‘Ecumenical Movement’ and its drive to reunite the ‘Churches of the Reformation’ with that religious organisation which was uniformly seen by the Reformers and those who followed in their footsteps as an Antichristian religion!

Here is the latest of hundreds of reports which have appeared in our press of late, all of which testified to the corruption found within Rome and which corruption was denied and concealed by it until forced to offer what can only be seen as false and counterfeit apologies! (more…)

Lessons in TRUTH from the mire of LIES that is the Russian/Ukrainian conflict!

Vladimir Putin

The harrowing reports emerging of the conflict in Ukraine prompted this article. I believe it contains a truth that ever so many need to consider and that urgently.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster.

Lessons in TRUTH from the mire of LIES that is the Russian/Ukrainian conflict!

“‭ . . . ‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭no‭‭ lie‭ is‭‭ of‭ the truth‭,‭” 1 John 2:21.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Daily our newspapers and television news broadcasts set before us abundant and graphic evidence of man’s unchanging depravity. Men have piously and pompously proclaimed the ‘death’ of war and despotism. Invariably, it has followed the end of great conflicts. It happened after WWI and also WWII.

However, evidence of the foolishness of such notions was soon forthcoming with the advent of the Korean and the Vietnam wars, not to mention the many forgotten conflicts that have plagued nations in subsequent years.

The religions of mankind have this one common theme, whatever other superficial differences may be evident. It is this: man is an evolving creature, ever improving and growing better!

The lie to which such a notion is largely due, is found in the writings and theories of Charles Darwin, though many, many others share in the ignominy that one day will be seen as being attached to this rejection of God’s truth. (more…)