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The footsteps of Patrick

A stained glass depiction of Patrick

The Gospel of Christ came to Ireland over 1500 years ago. Despite many attempts by Satan and his agents God has been pleased to maintain His truth in this land. Following its first planting the Gospel was carried by men whose hearts the Lord had touched into many neighbouring countries: Scotland, England, Wales, France, Germany, Switzerland and further.

God has been pleased, in some measure, to do again in these latter days what He did in those distant days. May the land, now associated with terror and strife, become known again by the title it was then given, “The land of Saints and Scholars.”

The history of the Gospel in Ireland begins, to a very real degree, with the story of Patrick.

There is much written about Patrick that is entirely fictitious. We can, however, be reasonably sure concerning his faith in Christ and the doctrines that he preached.

There exist today two of his writings accepted by all scholars. One is his Confession. From his Confession we learn that his father was a deacon, the son of Potitus, a gospel minister. Where Patrick was actually born is something of a mystery. England, Scotland, Wales and even France all claim to be the place of his birth. In his Confession he tells us that he came from a village called Bonavem Taberniae. Where that village was is difficult now to say. It would appear that the most likely place was somewhere in Roman Britain. Very possibly he came from a place now called Kilpatrick, that is, the ‘Church of Patrick’, near Dumbarten in the Firth of Clyde, in Scotland.

Read more … The Footsteps of Patrick

See also:

Patrick the Apostle of Ireland

Ireland before the seventeenth century plantation


Prosecution of open air preacher

Open air preacher Ryan Williamson being arrested last year

This is an article which we copied from the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of today. It should concern every lover of truth and freedom of speech!

I fear that the police have acted upon a complaint which has no basis in law, and they are now determined to prosecute this preacher on the grounds of the evidence of police witnesses alone.

I recall a policeman who gave false evidence against me in such a blatant manner that the magistrate trying the case intervened and told him to leave the witness stand in terms which made it evident what he thought of the policeman’s testimony. Close cross-questioning by Mr Jim Allister QC, my defence barrister that day, exposed the duplicity and stupidity of the policeman!

I do not know the preacher that is facing prosecution nor his theology, but I believe that he does have a right in this land to speak in an unabusive manner what it is he believes.

That right has been hard-won by our brave forefathers and mothers.

Undoubtedly, there are those amongst the LGBT lobby, who hate what the Bible has to say about their perverted lifestyle and equally hate any who proclaim that truth. They are all too ready to claim that the ‘truth of God’ is offensive to them and that it abuses them! (more…)

PATRICK — a true servant of Christ

We moved from our planned subject this morning and turned our attention to the upcoming ‘St Patrick’s Day’, as it is termed.

It has always vexed me that a man sent of God to this land to preach the gospel has been wickedly misrepresented in the message he preached and the witness he established. Patrick tell us in his ‘Confession’ that he placed ‘elders’ or ‘bishops’, terms that are interchangeable in the Bible, in every congregation that was formed under his preaching. This practice is utterly contrary to ‘Episcopalianism’ with its ‘diocesan bishops’, one bishop per diocese, made up of a number of congregations.

Rather, his was the simple practice of Biblical Presbyterianism which, in turn, followed the New Testament model.

I trust that you find the message helpful.

Sincerely in the Saviour’s name,
Ivan Foster.

Read sermon notes here