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Compensation sought by victims of abuse

I have sought to respond to the spectacle of yesterday’s bogus apologies to the victims of abuse.

Apologies were required but they had to be linked to an outright condemnation of that organisation to blame for the majority of instances of abuse — Romanism!

I found it vexing that no such condemnation was heard but rather the whole exercise was a deception with the clear suggestion that such events were aberrations and not, as history shows, the norm for Popery!

I trust that the following may be a help to those who would know what the Lord has to say about these dreadful events!

Sincerely in our Saviour’s name,

Ivan Foster.


Here are the opening words from an article in yesterday’s ‘Guardian’ newspaper. The article was sent to me by a friend. (more…)

Former Russian minister . . . ‘Don’t be afraid of Putin’

This article appeared on the ‘Fox News’ website.

I thought I would share it with you since it supports the view that I expressed in a recent article – a letter we sent to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

Sadly, this Russian former government minister will not be heeded because this is a day in which there is no knowledge of God or the support that He gives to those who, like David of old, respond courageously to the defiance of the bully.

Sincerely in Christ’s worthy name,

Ivan Foster.

Former Russian minister says Putin is ‘rational,’ West shouldn’t ‘limit Ukraine support over nuclear fear’

Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev speaks at a news conference in front of a portrait of the Emir Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmed al-Sabah

October 14. Andrei Kozyrev served as Russia’s foreign minister between 1991 and 1996.

A former Russian foreign minister insisted that Vladimir Putin would not use nuclear weapons and the West should not limit its actions or support for Ukraine over fear he would do so. (more…)

Ukraine crisis

I am sharing this letter which I submitted yesterday to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ and the ‘Belfast Telegraph’  with you. It has appeared in this morning’s ’Newsletter’.


Ivan Foster


What amazes me in the ongoing Ukraine crisis is that some ‘strong’ NATO leader has not responded to Putin’s threats of nuclear war against any who break his ‘rules of war’ and aid Ukraine, by telling him that we have ‘nuclear weapons’ also!

Such a reminder would prove more productive than the present patchy, selective sanctions.

I think I did see that the French said something to that effect but it was not repeated.

If it is thought that such a reminder would only provoke Putin to launch a nuclear attack, I believe that there are in Russia those in positions of power that would recognise the vulnerability of their own land to a retaliatory attack and who would act so as to prevent Putin moving in such a self-destructive direction.

Is this not what President John Kennedy did during the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ of 1962? Did he not threaten to act against Russia’s aggression back then and forced Russia to back down? (more…)