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How should we refer to the Saviour?

“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father,” Philippians 2:9-11.

I feel at times that the Saviour is referred to, spoken of, even in some pulpits, in a fashion that is too careless and casual. Indeed, there is even an adopting of the unbecoming style of address that is frequently heard from the ‘tele-evangelists’ and those that would wish to sound like them!

Yes, “Thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins,” Matthew 1:21, but we must never forget He is the Lord of glory and not to address Him or refer to Him as make it appear He is a mere man!

I believe that in an attempt to display the Saviour as very ‘approachable and accessible’ and not some person ‘shrouded in mystery’ we are in great danger of robbing Him of His honour and majesty in an attempt at unwise ‘congeniality’!

That must never be! (more…)

Anti-abortion Comment

This an ‘Editorial Comment’ in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

It is well worth reading and endorsing.

Sincerely in the cause of TRUTH,  Ivan Foster.

Protests should be allowed outside abortion clinics in Northern Ireland

News Letter editorial of Thursday March 3th 2022.

It is only a small number of years ago that there was a push to legalise abortion in Northern Ireland in cases of what was called ‘fatal foetal abnormalities’.

Supporters of that plan almost invariably presented it as a limited and necessary compassionate reform.

Barely any Stormont politicians admitted to support for abortion on demand.

Yet now, after hysterical claims in London and Belfast about local political resistance to liberalising of the law around terminations in the Province, including bogus legal and moral claims that protecting the right of the foetus was an attack on the rights of women, we do indeed have abortion on demand. (more…)

The TRUTH INDEED will out!

The following is taken from the official Stormont Assembly Hansard report of Monday 21st February 2022.

Various Assembly members spoke on the subject of the sudden death of Mr Christopher Stalford. MLA.

Scroll down to almost the end of this report for the comments I refer to.

I was interested in the statement made by Mr Easton, who was a DUP member until last year and now sits as an Independent Unionist. The link to his statement was sent to me by a friend.

Here is what Mr Easton said. I will highlight those parts that I would like Christians to particularly note.

“I wish to pass on my deepest condolences to Laura and the four children and to the Democratic Unionist Party. Christopher was born to be a politician. All of us knew how passionate he was about South Belfast and the people whom he represented. He was a wonderful individual. He had a mischievous side to him as well, which I will touch on in a wee second. He was articulate, intelligent, humorous and loyal to the DUP, his friends, the Orange Order and Ulster. He was a loyal Ulsterman. He also had his faith, which was very important to him.

I knew Christopher for over 20 years. When Peter Weir joined the DUP, I came to know Christopher, because he worked for Peter in the office. One side to Christopher that you maybe did not see was his mischievous side. One day when we were out canvassing for Peter for the 2003 Assembly election, it was pouring with rain, and Christopher and I had been left to cover an area on our own. Christopher turned round to me and said, ‘Stuff this. Let’s go and get a pint of Guinness’, so we went and got a pint of Guinness and put the world to rights. Unfortunately, Peter, that happened a few times, so I apologise to you. [Laughter.] Christopher was a wonderful character and an eccentric. He was somebody who, if you were walking past his room, would have called you in, sat you down and chatted away to you. He was a wonderful man, and we will all really miss him. For me, the most important thing to remember about Christopher is that he had his Christian faith. That is why I know, with some comfort, that one day I will meet him again.” (more…)