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PUTIN – a portrait of the Antichrist!

“And Pharaoh’s servants said unto him, How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God:


Exodus 10:7.

I thought of the above text as I contemplated what, I believe, will be the final outcome of Vladimir Putin’s wicked and cruel attack upon Ukraine. Pride, obstinacy and greed blind men to the inevitable consequences of their folly. So it was with Pharaoh in the days before his destruction under God’s judgment at the Red Sea. His foolish heart still anticipated a destroying of Israel as he pursued God’s people into the miraculously open Red Sea. But the way of escape for the Hebrews was the way of destruction for the Egyptians!

“And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them,” Exodus 14:27-28.

The latest estimates of Putin’s mental processes go so far as to suggest he is paranoid! It is reported that he has put Russian nuclear deterrent forces on high alert as the furious leader hits out at the West. As one headline puts it: “Fears ‘paranoid’ Putin has lost his mind as leader limits contact to inner circle”. Anyone with a knowledge of the history of the close of WW II, will know that is how Hitler ended his days — in his bunker in Berlin! Things are just not going as the tyrant planned. He has even entered ‘peace talks’ with Ukraine. That is not a sign that he is any longer confident of victory! (more…)

Sir Jeffrey contradicted by the man who ought to know!

Has not the Lord brought confusion upon the ‘camp’ of Unionism because of its duplicity and denial of the ‘old paths’ that were once followed in Ulster!

It appears that the DUP is led by a man who would wish himself just about anywhere else!

His denials of talks with the Ulster Unionist Party leader, Doug Beattie, with a view to him forsaking the DUP and rejoining the party which he left some years ago, have been challenged by the leader of the UUP, the man with whom he held the talks!!

Here is how the matter is stated in the ‘Belfast Telegraph’.

Doug Beattie insists DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson did meet about switching to Ulster Unionists

“Doug Beattie has said he is in no doubt that talks with the DUP leader were about Sir Jeffrey Donaldson joining the party – and he has evidence to prove it. (more…)

Jeffrey Donaldson video does not address claims that he discussed rejoining UUP

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

This morning’s there is a more than interesting article in the “Belfast Newsletter”.

It is headlined:

Jeffrey Donaldson video does not address claims that he discussed rejoining UUP

This supports my comments yesterday on the revelation of Donaldson’s talks with the UUP some time ago regarding him departing, maybe ‘deserting’ is a better word, from the DUP and rejoining the UUP!

Sincerely in the Saviour’s wonderful name,

Ivan Foster.