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NZ court throws out mandatory vaccine for police

Here is a link to a most welcome high court ruling in New Zealand which upholds the claim of a number of police officers that the requirement for them to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or lose their jobs, was unlawful.

‘Not demonstrably justified’: High Court upholds challenge to Police and NZDF vaccination mandates, terminations suspended

Basically the ruling stated: “A High Court challenge questioning the legality of Covid-19 vaccination mandates for Police and Defence Force employees has been upheld, with the court determining that the government mandate is an unjustified incursion on the Bill of Rights.”

It also ruled that a person may rightly object to having the vaccination on religious grounds since there was the use of cells from an aborted baby used in the vaccine’s testing process. “Justice Cooke agreed with the claim, saying that ‘an obligation to receive the vaccine which a person objects to because it has been tested on cells derived from a human foetus, potentially an aborted foetus, does involve a limitation on the manifestation of a religious belief.’”

That is double good news for those who have taken just such a stand here. Hopefully the UK will follow this line.

Sincerely in the Saviour’s name,

Ivan Foster.

KICS returns after its mid-term break

Yesterday, KICS returned after its mid-term break.

Sadly, because of a small outbreak of Covid—19 in one school family, they had to isolate and that involved two teachers and a pupil. As a result, Thursday and Friday of this week saw classes conducted via the internet. That included my talk with the pupils. It went out as a recording.

By the mercy of the Lord, the period of isolation ends this weekend and normal school classes will recommence on Monday 28th DV.

Sincerely in the Saviour’s wonderful name,
Ivan Foster.

See sermon notes here

Putin – The Tyrant!

Vladimir Putin

We should heed God’s Word when it tells us: “‭Boast‭‭ not thyself of to morrow‭; for thou knowest‭‭ not what a day‭ may bring forth‭‭,” Proverbs 27:1.

This day has brought untold tragedy and suffering to the people of Ukraine.
Here are a few thoughts on the events that are such that we have little idea of what the final outcome may be!

Sincerely in the Saviour’s name,

Ivan Foster.

Putin – The Tyrant!

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours (reports) of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet, ” Matthew 24:6.

Today, the world has proof that the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is, above all, a liar. After repeatedly saying that he had no plans to invade Ukraine and that such an idea was a Western invention, he has attacked Ukraine with a rising death rate within minutes of the invasion. The scope of the Russian attack appears to be massive. Ukraine’s interior ministry reported that the country was under attack from cruise and ballistic missiles, with Russia appearing to target infrastructure near major cities such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Dnipro. (more…)