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How confident the DUP membership must be in their leader this morning!!

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

Here is a headline in today’s ‘Belfast telegraph’.

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson ‘was in discussions’ to quit the party

 It must fill the membership of the DUP with great confidence in their ‘leader’, Sir Jeffrey. It is obvious that through thick and thin he is a committed DUP man and will stand by his members!!!

Note the denial and then the ‘implicit’ admission! As the old Hollywood Indian reportedly said: ‘Him talk with forked tongue’!!

Ulster, on every side, is in the hands of wicked deceivers!

“And the anger of the LORD was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hands of the Philistines, and into the hands of the children of Ammon,” Judges 10:7. (more…)

Is this yet more evidence of Rome’s guilt!

This morning’s ‘Irish News’ bears witness to yet more allegations against a Roman Catholic institution with regards the abuse of the young.

This time it is summed up in its headline: PSNI has received five reports of alleged historical sex abuse at Derry’s St Columb’s College”.

The article starts: ‘The PSNI has received five separate reports of alleged historical abuse at a prestigious Catholic grammar school in Derry dating back over four decades.’

I have to honour the ‘Irish News’ in this instance for carrying the article for though the press is supposed  to ever bear witness to the truth without fear or favour, we all know that this most certainly is not the case! (more…)

‘The truth will out’

Mr Christopher Stalford

There is a statement in God’s Word that we should all EVER bear in mind. It emphasises that the Lord will not allow hypocrisy to be linked to His name or covered by a profession of faith in Him.

“. . . the Lord . . . . will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the heart,” 1 Corinthians 4:5.

The press has been filled of late with the eulogies paid to Mr Christopher Stalford, who passed away suddenly on the Sabbath Day past, at the age of 39.

Mention was repeatedly made of his profession of faith in Christ.

That did not sit well with all who knew him. Many have said that there was another side to Mr Christopher Stalford. If there was, and there was in truth no real substance to his profession of faith, one thing we can be sure of — the Lord will not permit His name to be linked with hypocrisy. He will bring into the light the truth!

It has been well noted by Shakespeare that, ‘The truth will out’ — (The Merchant of Venice). That such an observation should be a global opinion, indicates that the Lord in His Providence has ever made such a truth abundant evident!

It is sad to read the opinion of Mr Stalford, giving by Suzanne Breen, the well-known columnist in the ‘Belfast Telegraph’, that she includes in an article on him. He was someone she claims to have known very well. Her words may be read in the reproduced report below. (more…)