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Two notable articles in the news

Two recent news articles are worthy of note and comment.

The first appeared in ‘The Times’ and was sent to me by a friend.

It highlights again the universal guilt of the Roman Catholic Church with regards to the abuse of children. The headline itself is horrific!

A million children abused by Italian priests, and it barely makes the news

It surely must constitute to those here in Ulster, who have sallied forth to the defence of Popery whenever a documented statement criticising Rome for its crimes against children both here at home and in virtually every country in the world is set forth, a most telling rebuke for their sad folly!

Shame, I say, upon those victims of Rome’s perversions, who jump to her defence and demand apologies of society in general when the guilty party is that organisation to which they belong and which betrayed them. (more…)

You are Invited …

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Sabbath services – February 20th (DV)

11.30 am


See sermon notes here  

7.00 pm


See sermon notes here

Preacher at both services: Rev Ivan Foster
(Former Minister)

(Prayer Meetings, 10.45 am and 6.30 pm)

All are welcome to the services
or to join in via Facebook

Public Statement from the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster


The General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster gives thanks to Almighty God for looking upon our nation in mercy, withdrawing the more extreme symptoms of the COVID-19 pandemic, which have caused death and serious illness. We are grateful for the removal of all statutory restrictions upon our public worship and are authorising our Sessions and Committees to take the necessary steps, transitioning our people back to normality. We continue to pray for all who have been affected by the pandemic through bereavement and illness that they will know grace and comfort.