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Transgenderism: Christian doctor in battle

Dr David MacKereth

An English doctor, Dr David MacKereth, is to challenge the ruling of a tribunal which dismissed his claim that he was ‘unlawfully discriminated against in a dispute over his stance on transgenderism.’

Dr MacKereth, who worships online with Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church, during the meeting with his boss, said he would refuse to refer to a bearded six-foot tall man as “Mrs”, on both scientific and faith grounds.

We have every sympathy with Dr MacKereth’s opinion and stance. There are all too many bearded six-foot tall men out there who, rejecting the truth of God and the witness of their own bodies, have been persuaded by the utter idiocy of modern thinking to adopt the perverted notion that they are ‘female’ rather than ‘male’ or vice versa!

‘Transgenderism’ is born of the devil’s deception and embraced by those who desire to utterly reject God’s order in creation. That there is ONLY male and female is testified by nature itself and by common sense.

If ‘a bearded six-foot tall man’ claims to be a female, he is, as we would say here in Ulster, no female but a ‘HEADER’!

Surely we are seeing the fulfilling of God’s Word in such madness. “‭This‭ know‭‭ also‭, that‭ in‭ the last‭ days‭ perilous‭ times‭ shall come‭‭,‭” 2 Timothy 3:1, AV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬. (more…)

Cressida Dick says she has no intention of quitting

Dame Cressida Dick

Here is a headline on the BBC-UK news site today which cries out for a comment!

Met Police: Dame Cressida Dick says she has no intention of quitting

The opening words of the article read:

She told BBC Radio London she wanted to root out “disgusting behaviour” within the Met and had told officers “enough is enough”.

If she was to truly “root out disgusting behaviour”, the first thing she would do would be to ‘root out’ herself for she has chosen a lifestyle that, according to God’s Word, is utterly disgusting!

In a ‘Wikipedia’ article on her we may read: “She is both the first female and first openly homosexual officer to lead the Metropolitan Police Service.”

Enough said!!!

Sincerely in the Cause of Christ,

Ivan Foster.

UPDATE Thursday evening: Looks like Dame Cressida Dick has changed her mind and agreed to quit her job. Wonder why?

Under the power of the enemy

Former RUC Special Branch Officer William Matchett

Here are three articles from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’, (9th February 2022). They come in the wake of the iniquitous report by the Police Ombudsman into the terrorist murder of five people in Sean Graham’s bookmaker’s shop on the Ormeau Road, Belfast in 1992.

I find only one fault with these articles. THEY DO NOT GO FAR ENOUGH IN THEIR CONDEMNATION OF THE REPORT.

I consider the report part of the Irish Republican/Nationalist continual attack upon every institution of the Northern Ireland State! Criticism of this conspiracy skirts round the input of Roman Catholicism and its offspring, Irish Republicanism with its hatred of all things Protestant and British. The ‘imprimatur’ of Popery is on all these attacks!

Unionist stupidity, weakness and political greed back in 2007, opened the door to this ongoing and increasing dominance of public life here. The DUP with the full agreement of the duped Protestants who supported the move, entered into a power-sharing agreement with Sinn Fein/IRA. (more…)