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‘The Jab’ – not quite the miracle that was claimed at first!!

While my refusal of the ‘Covid vaccination’ is based upon the fact that the vaccines available here on the NHS are all manufactured by a procedure which involved the use of foetal material from an aborted baby and because of this, I refused to avail myself of the ‘jab’ because to do so would be tantamount to ‘endorsing’ abortion.

We have never claimed that the vaccine used ‘CONTAINS’ foetal material.

Now, in a court case in France at present, it is being claimed by an Insurance Company, which is refusing to pay out following the death from Covid-19 of one of their clients, that such vaccinations are very much experimental and taking the vaccine is therefore to take part in an experiment at one’s own risk!

You may read the article “Life insurer refuses to cover vaccine death” here. (more…)

Bloody Sunday

Here is a statement from Mr Jim Allister, leader of the Traditional Unionist Voice party, which is worthy of close scrutiny.

It is likely you will not read anything of it in the media outlets, most of which are given over to republican propaganda on this subject!

TUV leader Jim Allister

Bloody Sunday

Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister:

“There have been many days in our history that bear the adjective Bloody, mostly at the hands of bloodthirsty terrorists in respect of which there have been no public enquiries, political apologies or international recognition.

“That which bears the title ‘Bloody Sunday’ was also indeed a monumental tragedy. I recognise the hurt and anguish of the families of innocent victims down through the years. (more…)

Christian schools (everywhere) have come under fire from activists for standing up for their values

Click here to sign the petition!

“Christian schools (everywhere) have come under fire from activists for standing up for their values”

Parents across Australia choose to send their children to a Christian school – at significant cost – because they want their children to receive an education where Christian values are wired into that education.Christian schools must be able to maintain their biblical values and hire staff who affirm and model those values.Please sign the petition below to show your support for Christian schools!