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You are Invited …

Rev Ivan Foster will preach next Lord’s Day morning at 11.30 in

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

on the subject


“They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, [every one] with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other [hand] held a weapon,” Nehemiah 4:17.

All are welcome to attend the meeting or to tune into our faceBook broadcast via Facebook

“‭And‭ the next‭‭ sabbath day‭ came‭‭ almost‭ the whole‭ city‭ together‭‭ to hear‭‭ the word‭ of God‭.,” Acts 13:44.

The truthfulness of our statements regarding Rome and child abuse

A kind friend has sent the editor a link to an article printed in the ‘Boston Globe’ back in 2002.

That newspaper carried out a most extensive and damning exposure of the wicked behaviour of Roman Catholic priests in that city from its cardinal right down to the lower ranks.

The attached article highlights how that Romanism stands out amongst all religious groups, guilty of similar wickedness, as being the one with the greatest number of offences and the persistent tendency to deny and cover-up the offences. This has been true of Rome here in Ireland, north and south, again and again.

Some of the ‘Boston Globe’ articles are mounted on the Burning Bush and can be seen here.

The attached ‘Boston Globe’ pdf article shows that what I said in my article was absolutely accurate, and that despite the attack upon it by Claire Simpson of ‘The Irish News’, representatives of the abused victims’ organisation and a letter from the ‘Commissioner for survivors of institutional child abuse’, Fiona Ryan. (more…)

You are Invited …

Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony

Monthly Video Broadcast

Friday 28th January at 7.00 pm

“How are we to watch for the Lord’s coming?”

Speaker: Rev Ivan Foster

(This message is part of the monthly series on the subject— ‘Where are we in God’s calendar?)

The broadcast may be heard on
SGAT’s SermonAudio page