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A further revelation of the utter DUP sell-out

former ACC Alan McQuillan


“Policing Board don’t see intelligence on IRA‘due to Sinn Fein plea’ says former top PSNI officer”

The following report appeared in yesterday’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’. It serves to show just how horrendous was the surrender to the Sinn Fein/IRA by the DUP in order to gain power back in 2007. It also exposed the readiness of the Ulster Unionist party, the Alliance Party and the Social Democratic and Labour Party, to go along with this shameful accommodation of those who engaged in terrorism and who came to political power by that means, despite the loud pronouncements of their adherence to the principles of democracy and law and order.

But when will the Ulster Protestant face-up to the fact that we were deceived back in 2007 and our hard-won heritage cast aside for a ‘morsel’ (Hebrews 12:16-17) of political ‘meat’ by those greedy for self-advancement.

In truth, as it was with Esau, there can be no recovery of our birthright and a return to the Ulster we once knew.

That is the price peoples and nations have ever paid for their refusal to heed the repeated warnings of treachery and betrayal for they were blinded for a time by the lies which painted the duplicity as a great gain!

Esau was satisfied with his ‘morsel’ for a time but soon became aware of the bad bargain he had made. (more…)

Reply to News letter attack

The following was printed in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.


I replied, just a few minutes ago, to this very biased nonsense as follows.


I think that I can claim that my observations on the scandal of institutional child abuse, condemned as they are by Commissioner Fiona Ryan in your newspaper today, were perfectly in keeping with what others saw and said! (more…)

Doug Beattie will ask party to decide on leadership

Doug Beattie will ask party to decide on leadership

Mr Beattie is quoted as saying that the controversial tweets at the centre of this row were “pretty horrific” and he was “deeply ashamed” of them.

Nothing he says can explain why it was that he thought it acceptable to make such despicable comments about a Christian mother. Nor can he possible explain why his first efforts at ‘apologising’ we so facile and shallow and very obviously insincere.It was only when his ‘barrack-room coarseness and boorishness’ was seen by him to have political repercussions, that he became humble and contrite!

His whole defence begs the question as how he ever thought that such comments could in any way be considered acceptable.He is of Boris Johnston’s ilk.  Failing to see what was so blatantly obvious to everyone else.

He is not fit to be an elected representative and most certain not fitted to be a party leader, even when that party is one given over to such a betrayal of morality and decency as the Ulster Unionist Party!

His present actions of asking his party what he should do is but another example of his moral barrenness!

Ivan Foster