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Child abuse: Stormont ministers set March date for apology

Here is the BBC’s article

If Paul Given does indeed offer an apology to those who suffered shameful treatment as children within homes supposedly established to look after them, he is linking the Unionist and Protestant people with horrific crimes carried out chiefly by Roman Catholic clerics and nuns within Roman Catholic institutions!

That is a step too far in the campaign of ‘mutuality’ pursued by Sinn Fein/IRA and the other pro-republican, anti-British parties that make up the majority in Stormont, and in which evil parade Unionists lamely limp along at the rear!

Let every condemnation be heaped on every wicked and guilty person and establishment, irrespective of their religious profession, but let not any Unionist representative give the impression that the Protestant people share in the guilt and shame of these terrible events.

Bible Protestantism has consistently protested against the evil system of Romanism and the inevitable corruption that the false and evilly pretended ‘celibacy’ of its clerics and nuns will breed.

They and they alone are to be publicly shamed for the vast majority of the wickedness of this deplorable episode that is but a repeat of what is recognised by historians as the ongoing dark practices of Rome!

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
20th January 2022.

Shameless and brazen hypocrisy of Michelle O’Neill

Under the commendatory headline:

Powerful moment Michelle O’Neill reads list of names of 23 murdered women

Sinn Feiner, Michelle O’Neill, was praised by the Belfast Telegraph when it posted the above headline in a report of her reading out the names of women murdered in Northern Ireland.

I am absolutely sure she did not read out, during her ‘powerful moment’, the names of the many women her compatriots in the IRA murdered, such as Mrs Bullock, shot alongside her UDR husband in their home in 1972 and the Faith Mission Pilgrim, Miss Sylvia Crowe, murdered by a bomb aimed at a UDR patrol, as she stood at a bus stop near Rosslea in 1979, to name but two of the very many female victims of Michelle O’Neill’s friends in the IRA!!

Sadly, I did not hear of any attention being drawn to her shameless and brazen hypocrisy by the Unionist members listening!

Ivan Foster.

Mrs Bullock

Miss Sylvie Crow in her
Faith Mission uniform.

Burning a candle for the dead – a pagan practice!!

The following report has appeared in ‘The Belfast Telegraph’ today. The scan below was sent to me this morning by a friend.

The headlines tell us that DUP First Minister, Paul Given, has not joined the Presbyterian Church but the picture tells us that he has adopted the Popish practice of lighting a candle for the dead!

Let me state here that we consider the murder of the young school teacher in Co Offaly, in the Republic of Ireland, as a most dreadful crime. We have every sympathy with her mother and father and the whole family circle in their unspeakable grief at the loss of a beautiful daughter just beginning her life, as it were. (more…)