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Pardons extended to all abolished same-sex crimes

Read the BBC  article here

Once again the news is focused on the rejection of God’s Law and the instigating of man’s immorality as the standard by which humans should live. Perversion is legalised and every effort made to remove all ignominy and opprobrium from those given over to all related depraved deviancy!

The above heading is taken from the BBC news item. In it is reported that “More people will be eligible for a pardon for historical criminal convictions relating to homosexual activity, the government has said. It means anyone convicted or cautioned for consensual homosexual activity, under now-abolished laws, can apply to have them ‘disregarded’. The convictions would be wiped from record and an automatic pardon given.”

We ask: “Pardoned by whom?” “Wiped out from what record?”

Most certainly not from Heaven’s record of man’s wickedness and again, no pardon is forthcoming from the God of Heaven! (more…)

You are Invited …

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

New Year services – January 2nd (DV)

11.30 am


(Luke 19:41-42)

7.00 pm


(Isaiah 26:20-21)

Preacher: Rev Ivan Foster
(Former Minister)

All are welcome to the services
or to join in via Facebook

“‭Thou crownest‭‭ the year‭ with thy goodness‭; and thy paths‭ drop‭‭ fatness‭,” Psalm 65:11.