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New Year Greeting!

Please accept this as a token of our loving regard for you all, our gratitude for your support and kind encouragement during the last year and our prayerful best wishes for you and your family and loved ones for the incoming year.

Sincerely in Christ’s peerless name,
Ivan & Ann Foster

The money men spend in their mad desire to disprove the Bible!!

This article was prompted by reports of the latest folly of so-called intelligent and educated men as they pursue their latest escapade in their rejection of revealed truth in the Word of God. At enormous cost a ‘telescope’, supposedly capable of seeing into the depths of space to a greater degree than ever before, has been launched.

Little, if anything, will come of this folly.

Sincerely in Christ,

Ivan Foster


“World’s most powerful telescope launches into space on Christmas Day”

So read the headline on the ITV news site. The article so headed informs us that the telescope is designed “to answer unsolved questions about the universe, it will look further back in time than ever before to 400 million years after the Big Bang, the UK Space Agency says.” (more…)

Reply to pro-vaccine letter in today’s Belfast Newsletter

The editor replies to a letter which was published in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

The Editor’s reply:

In today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ (Declining a jab cannot return to life any child aborted in the 1970s), one ‘Dr Hardy’, ordained as an ‘evangelist’ in the Church of Ireland, argues that refusing the present Covid -19 vaccines on offer by the NHS, cannot restore life to any child aborted in the 1970s.

That is true, as true as the fact that punishing one who murdered a person or refusing to support the Sinn Fein Party, who politically benefitted from the murder of hundreds of innocent people, Roman Catholic and Protestant in recent times, will not bring back those slain, but yet the moral force behind such retaliatory views, based upon God’s Law (Genesis 9:6, Matthew 19:18) persuades thousands of people, Roman Catholic and Protestant, to embrace them as morally correct. (more…)