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60 years ago, I called upon the Lord for His mercy

Rev. Ivan Foster (rtd), editor of The Burning Bush

On Friday, 5th April, it will be sixty years since I called upon the Lord for His mercy and salvation. I cried out of darkness and much spiritual ignorance, hardly knowing what it was I needed or sought but moved to seek the Lord by the returning to my mind of words spoken to me by a young lassie, Hazel, while I was travelling by a train with a companion, Albert, from Belfast to Portrush in Co. Antrim on ‘Good Friday’, March 27th 1964.

What the young lassie had said to me as we emerged from the train in Portrush station, following a very acrimonious (on my part) discussion in which she and her companions sought to witness of our need of Christ to Albert and me, was to quote Genesis 6:3. “And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man.”

I was totally unaware of where the quotation came from and I was utterly dismissive of the words of Hazel and truly never gave them another thought until the evening of April 5th in Albert’s home in Lowwood Park, Belfast. But in an instance, the Lord made known to me something of the meaning of those words and I was driven to call upon Him for mercy.

Here is a recording of my testimony given in a gospel mission in Ballinamallard, back in April 2017.

The house in Lowwood Park, Belfast in which I called upon the Lord. The window, top right, if I remember correctly, is that of the room in which I was saved.


Londonderry Republican Riots – a Mini-Gaza

LATEST | Petrol bombs thrown at media during dissident parade in Derry as involvement of children branded ‘reprehensible’

Many who lived through the republican riots of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, will know that the tactics the Hamas terrorist have used in Gaza in recent days are but those we saw almost daily in republican areas in Northern Ireland.

Sinn Fein/IRA have changed in tactics and placed an emphasis on political activity. They have been forced to do this because they were not winning ‘the war’. They have not renounced violence but demonstrate its intrinsic place in the Irish Republican’s thesis by celebrating the terrorist ‘exploits’ of recent years annually. There have been those disappointed republicans who wish to see terrorism continued and they cursed Sinn Fein and have tried to muster support for a restarting of the terror campaign.

At the ‘Dissident Republican’ annual celebration in Londonderry to mark the ‘Easter Rising’ in Dublin in 1916, the chief feature was petrol bombing by juveniles. This has ever been the standard manifestation of lawlessness and murder that is inherent in the spirit of Irish Republicanism. It also was but a display of the practice of the IRA and Hamas of sending youngsters forward to attack the security forces knowing that they will find it difficult to reply to these acts of terrorism by adolescents without  becoming targets of the left-wing media pundits and their campaign to attack any resistance to lawlessness and anarchy as being an attempt to shoot unarmed and innocent juveniles!

Youths carrying crates of petrol bombs in the Creggan area of Derry after an illegal dissident republican parade

The tolerating of such lawless displays by the government and society generally and the cloaking of the insurgency  by unscrupulous members of the press, is but confirmation that there is a manifesting around us of that prophesied in Psalm 2.

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us,” verses 1-3. (more…)

Ignorance of what follows upon death breeds ungodly laws and practices

“‭And‭ as‭‭ it is appointed‭‭ unto men‭ once‭ to die‭‭, but‭ after‭ this‭ the judgment‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Hebrews 9:27.

But‭ after‭ this‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ . . . WHAT ???????

The following headline jumped out at me when I went to look at the latest news headlines on Thursday past.

Could assisted dying be coming to Scotland?

It is a report of a member of the Scottish Parliament, one Liam McArthur, who has tabled a bill whereby, if it becomes law in Scotland, terminally-ill people will be offered assistance to end their lives!

The report continues: “Supporters of the legislation say it would ease suffering.

Opponents worry that some terminally-ill people could feel under pressure to end their lives.

The Assisted Dying Bill is drafted by the Lib Dem MSP, Liam McArthur, who expects it to be debated this autumn.

The bill was published on Thursday and will potentially be voted on next year.

The Scottish government says ministers and SNP backbenchers will not be instructed how to vote, as the matter is an issue of individual conscience.

First Minister Humza Yousaf, who is a Muslim, has indicated that he is likely to vote against the bill, which is also opposed by the Church of Scotland, the Catholic Church in Scotland, and the Scottish Association of Mosques.

Under the proposals, patients could only request medical assistance to end their life if they had a terminal illness and had been ruled mentally fit to make the decision by two doctors. (more…)