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News reports about the meeting with medical chiefs calling for ethical vaccines

These reports appeared in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ and the ‘Irish News’. They were sent to me by a friend.

It is good to get something of the issue of the nature of the vaccines on offer by the NHS into the public domain.

The headline in the ‘Irish News’ report – Department says any vaccine link to abortions ‘remote’  requires a comment.

Firstly, here is an acknowledgement that foetal tissue from an aborted baby was used in the manufacture of the three vaccines on offer by the NHS. (more…)

The mouthings of two charlatans and rogues

Former PM Tony Blair

Today there appeared on the ‘Daily Mail’ news site two reported attacks upon those who were unvaccinated. Here are the headlines and the links to the articles.

Tony Blair labels anti-vaxxers ‘IDIOTS’: Ex-PM accuses people refusing jab of being beyond ‘irresponsible’ and says ‘blunt instrument’ of lockdown will not work again because ‘public has been through too much’

Jesus would get a vaccine, Archbishop of Canterbury suggests as he says getting the jab is ‘not about me and my rights to choose – it’s about how I love my neighbour’

As one of those who has refused the vaccinations presently administered by the NHS because they have been produced or tested on the foetal material of a baby aborted, murdered in order to conduct such tests and experimentation, I believe it immoral to murder the unborn and even more immoral to seek to safeguard my health at the cost of the murder of an innocent baby. On that basis I utterly reject both of these two criticisms. (more…)

Update on discussion of possible ethical COVID vaccine approval

I would like to remind you of what was written in the report of the meeting with Sir Michael McBride and senior members of his staff on Thursday16th on the subject of an ‘ethical vaccine’ for those who sincerely object to the use of foetal material from an aborted baby in the production/testing of the three vaccines presently offered by the NHS and which for this reason we refuse these vaccines.

“What was chiefly learned by the delegation was that the making available of ethical vaccines, presently in use in many European countries and endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO), simply put, depended upon the manufacturers of these vaccines applying for registration with the British authorities, and that being obtained, the vaccines would then be available throughout the UK. (more…)