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Ex-Provo contrasts ‘hooded men’ case with IRA brutality

A former IRA man has contrasted the legal saga of the ‘hooded men’ with the many unsolved extra-judicial slayings carried out by the Provos.

By Adam Kula

Friday, 17th December 2021, 8:00 am

Shane Paul O’Doherty, a republican bomber who went on to repent and embrace Christianity, was commenting in the wake of a decision by the Supreme Court on Wednesday, which effectively ordered the PSNI to further investigate the ill-treatment meted out to the ‘hooded men’ half a century ago.

The ‘hooded men’ refers to a 14-strong group who were detained by the security forces in 1971 after the introduction of internment and subjected to extremely harsh interrogations, including sleep deprivation and mock-executions.

This latest installment of their campaign has its roots in 2014, when RTE broadcast a documentary about their case that included reference to something called the ‘Rees Memo’ – a government communique that was said to refer to UK ministers sanctioning torture. (more…)

Report of meeting with Chief Medical Officer regarding the Covid-19 vaccine

Report of meeting with Sir Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland , and senior members of his staff, via ‘ZOOM’ on Thursday, 16th December 2021.

A meeting had been requested with Health Department officials by some evangelical Christians some time ago, though the good auspices of Mr Jim Wells, MLA and former Health Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly.

In attendance from the Department of Health were: Sir Michael McBride (Chief Medical Officer), Professor Ian Young (Chief Scientific Officer), Mr. Chris Garland (Chief Pharmaceutical Officer), Mr. Martin Coleman (Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Officer), Mr. David Gordon (Chief Press Officer)

The members of the Christian delegation were Rev Brian McClung, minister of Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church, Rev Daniel Henderson of Moneyslane FPC, Mr Peter Johnston, an elder in Portadown Independent Methodist Church and Rev Ivan Foster, retired FPC minister.

I think it right to record that the delegation was received courteously and were encouraged by the fact that Sir Michael himself took part in the meeting even though we had expected to meet the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dr Chada. It seemed to indicate that there was a measure of recognition that the views of the Christian delegation were worthy of being noted. (more…)

My reply to a wicked and deceitful letter

Today there appeared in the columns of the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ a letter berating the disciplinary actions taken against those in the Sandymount congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland who were involved in the electing and ordaining an openly sodomite man as an elder. The writer is Professor Ruth Whelan.

Here is a link to my comments on a report which appeared in the press earlier this month.

“Presbyterian minister faces sanctions over gay couple support” 

Here is Professor Ruth Whelan’s letter.

I was most anxious to answer this wicked and deceitful letter. Here is my reply, submitted a few minutes ago to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’. Pray that it will be published and that good will come of it. (more…)