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The wilful blindness of men!

“And Pharaoh turned and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to this also,” Exodus 7:23.

As it was in Egypt at the time when God’s judgments began to fall upon that land as the run-up to the ‘Exodus’, the Lord’s delivering of His people and a bringing them on their way to the land promised of old to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even so will it be again when the time comes for the Lord to fulfil His great promise to His elect people to return again to reign on the earth.

What happened in Egypt some 3500 years ago is instructive for us today for “all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come,” 1 Corinthians 10:11.

Of course, ungodly men do not see this to be so, but God’s people should ever see the Bible as a map upon which is wonderfully outlined not only God’s dealings with men and nations in the past but, foreshadowed in such dealings, a pattern for the future. (more…)

What is the Church? A message by Rev. Jonathan Creane

Yesterday morning in Kilskeery, Rev Jonathan Creane, minister of Convoy Free Presbyterian Church in Co. Donegal in the Irish Republic and minister in charge of Kilskeery congregation during its vacancy, preached a message entitled, “What is the Church?”.

It was a most edifying and encouraging message and I would like to share it with our readers. (more…)

Presbyterian minister faces sanctions over gay couple support

Here is a report from the BBC which serves to underscore just where the ‘professing Church’ is today! The state of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is illustrative of the state of all those professing Christian churches who are part and parcel of the theologically liberal and ecumenical ‘empire’ scattered throughout the world.

I will state first of all that this report brings me some measure of comfort, as I am sure it will with all who love the Lord. It is good that there appears to be some within the ranks of the PCI who are ready to stand against the abominably wicked practice of sodomy.

However, I see that this happened in a congregation with a ‘female minister’! Where there is a departure from the ordinances of God, you will find a plunging downward into further odious pursuits! Here we have the abandoning of God’s order for the pulpit, as set forth in 1 Timothy 3. “‭This [is] a true‭ saying‭, If a man‭ desire‭‭ the office of a bishop‭, he desireth‭‭ a good‭ work‭.‭ ‭A bishop‭ then‭ must‭‭ be‭‭ blameless‭, the husband‭ of one‭ wife‭ . . .” verses 1-2.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ (more…)