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Thoughts on the history of professing Christianity, Part 8

We come to the final extract from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 6 — THOUGHTS ON THE HISTORY OF PROFESSING CHRISTIANITY, AS GIVEN IN THE PARABLES OF MATTHEW XIII.

I sincerely trust that you found his writings instructive and helpful. One dear reader has told me how that she reads the extracts over a number of times in order to grasp the full meaning of what is written. That is a wise course of action and one in which I engage also!

Here is Part 8, which covers pages 179-185.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

If at the Reformation a few, by recognising that the elect Church was the “treasure” for which Christ died, and acting on that recognition gave thereby a new phase to Christianity and marked a fresh era in its history, would not a similar recognition of these further truths, even within a comparatively narrow circle, produce a similar result? Would it not give a new aspect to Christianity in the earth? The mere fact of this parable respecting “the pearl” forming one of the links in this evidently connected chain, would lead us to expect that, before “the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven” conclude, there would be yet once more an interference of God on behalf of His neglected Truth, resulting in some of His people being caused to teach and to act according to the principles illustrated by “the pearl.” This, indeed, is what other parts of Scripture would lead us to expect. We read in the Book of Revelation of some who are said to “keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus,” at the very moment of the Church’s last trial; and their faithfulness is such that it is made the subject of thanksgiving, even in heaven. “They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives even unto death.” In Daniel also, some are mentioned who are expressly designated “the wise or understanding ones” at that same hour. “The wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the understanding ones shall understand.” Even then, as at the close of a day of tempest and gloom the sun sometimes struggles for a moment through the resisting clouds, and darts one parting ray of brightness over the troubled scene, so may we believe that it will be in this our dark dispensation of sorrow and of failure. A testimony will for a short moment be given, raged against by Satan, crushed by the governments of the Roman earth,* (more…)

Ban on gay conversion therapy could outlaw us, say clerics

The following report is from “The Times” newspaper of December 3rd, 2021. A copy of the article was shared with me by a Christian friend.

I must state immediately that I have no sympathy for the process known as ‘Conversion Therapy’. From all reports it is anything but Biblical!

Rather, it is something that has emerged from that world of ‘humanistic philosophy’! One definition of it is given thus: “Conversion therapy is the pseudoscientific practice of attempting to change an individual’s sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological, physical, or spiritual interventions.” I believe it correct to state that it had its origins quite some time ago when Albert von Schrenck-Notzing, a man fascinated by hypnotism and mysticism who also had links with Sigmund Freud. (more…)

Letter to the editor: what is a true church?

This letter appeared in today’s “Irish News” and the screenshot of it was sent to me early this morning by a friend. I replied as followed and submitted my reply to that newspaper. Hopefully, they will print it.

Sincere regards,
Ivan Foster


I wonder has your correspondent, Mr Brian O’Hare of Newry, (Letter – Catholic Church not a Christian Church) ever read the words of the Lord Jesus when He said:
“‭Enter ye in‭‭ at‭ the strait‭ gate‭: for‭ wide‭ [is] the gate‭, and‭ broad‭ [is] the way‭, that leadeth‭‭ to‭ destruction‭, and‭ many‭ there be‭‭ which‭ go in‭‭ thereat‭‭:‭ ‭because‭ strait‭ [is] the gate‭, and‭ narrow‭‭ [is] the way‭, which‭ leadeth‭‭ unto‭ life‭, and‭ few‭ there be‭‭ that find‭‭ it‭,‭” Matthew 7:13-14.

It is not popularity amongst mankind but conformity to the Word of God which identifies the true and false within Christendom.After all, Christ had very few to stand with Him at the cross!

It must never be forgotten that the Roman Catholic Church for centuries strictly forbade  the possession of a Bible and pronounced an anathema against any who violated this decree. (Council of Valencia, 1229 and repeated in the Council of Trent, 1545-63 and in other authoritative later pronouncements.) The banning of the Bible was part of Rome’s response to the Protestant Reformation and the Reformers’ urging of the people to read the Word of God in their mother tongue.

What a contrast such a decree is to what the Lord COMMANDED Israel!

“‭Hear‭‭, O Israel‭: The LORD‭ our God‭ [is] one‭ LORD‭:‭ ‭And thou shalt love‭‭ the LORD‭ thy God‭ with all thine heart‭, and with all thy soul‭, and with all thy might‭.‭ ‭And these words‭, which I command‭‭ thee this day‭, shall be in thine heart‭:‭ ‭and thou shalt teach them diligently‭‭ unto thy children‭, and shalt talk‭‭ of them when thou sittest‭‭ in thine house‭, and when thou walkest‭‭ by the way‭, and when thou liest down‭‭, and when thou risest up‭‭.‭ ‭And thou shalt bind‭‭ them for a sign‭ upon thine hand‭, and they shall be as frontlets‭ between thine eyes‭.‭ ‭And thou shalt write‭‭ them upon the posts‭ of thy house‭, and on thy gates‭,‭” Deuteronomy 6:4-9. (more…)