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New facts about the vaccine

Here is a link to a very disturbing article in “Christian Watch”. The introduction to the article states:

“Disturbing data from the Office for National Statistics reveal that deaths from all causes of those vaccinated in the 10-59 age group are running at around twice those among their unvaccinated age-mates. At the same time, unexplained excess deaths are higher than normal. What is going on? Are the vaccines themselves killing previously healthy people? You won’t find this story in the mainstream media.”

Here is the link to that article.

It is but further evidence of God’s hand of judgment upon the land and is NOT evidence of some man-made conspiracy, so fondly promoted by some foolish people who care nothing for what the Bible says on such matters!

Sincerely in our Saviour’s name,

Ivan Foster

Thoughts on the history of professing Christianity, Part 6

We continue with extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 6 — THOUGHTS ON THE HISTORY OF PROFESSING CHRISTIANITY, AS GIVEN IN THE PARABLES OF MATTHEW XIII.

I would commend a close reading of these extracts for they deal with the very issue of ‘decay within Christendom’ that we see all around.

Here is Part 6, which covers pages 169-174.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

In recognising this, they recognised the principle on which Christ had ever acted. The parable speaks of  “treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” The outward professing body was not “the treasure” for which Christ resigned all in order to buy both it and the spot in which it was hidden-that is, this earth. “The treasure” which He valued were His elect — His own believing people to whom alone the holy name and standing of the Church properly pertained. This was the principle of Christ; and the real strength of the Protestant Reformation was in cleaving to this principle, and practically giving it effect. It was the true power of its earlier testimony; and whenever in later times the distinction between the elect Church and the corrupt professing body has been faithfully recognised, there has seldom been wanting a measure of the Divine blessing.* (more…)

A heart-breaking report

little Arthur Labinjo-Hughes

“Nobody loves me” — the heart-rending cry of a little boy!

One of the most tragic reports, of which there are ever so many in these wicked days, appeared in a number of news reports in very recent days. Accompanying the report was a video taken from the babycam in the little one’s bedroom which shows the poor wee child crying and lamenting that ‘no one loves me’.

Harrowing baby-cam footage at trial

When I watched the video and every time I think of it since, my heart has ached and melted for that poor little boy, wee Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, 6.

The video is actually of him but hours before he was murdered. Thomas Hughes, 29, and Emma Tustin, 32, are accused of killing the young boy at their home in Solihull, West Mids.

When I related the story to the children in Kilskeery Christian School yesterday, as an illustration of what happens in a nation that turns its back on the gospel, unsurprisingly there were tears amongst the children!

My heart grieves for the sufferings this child endured. How good it would have been to be able to tell him, ‘Yes there is someone Who loves you. The Lord Jesus loves you.’ (more…)