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A most persistent plague? Heaven’s continuing frown!

Despite the many repeated, boastful pronouncements by government ministers, the ‘demise’ of Covid-19 is NOT about to happen.

Instead, if we carefully read ‘between the lines’ we will find there that there is something very ‘supernatural about this plague!

I believe, with many other Christians, that it is a judgment sent of God upon nations that have openly defied and departed from His truth. As such, no measure taken by men will overcome it!

The Egyptians may have found some measure of comfort by the ‘power’ displayed by the magicians during the first judgment God sent upon Egypt (Exodus 7:22) but that comfort was short lived as God’s judgment intensified.

There has been no addressing or acknowledging of the anger of God toward our land because of its sin. Therefore the plague must inevitably continue. (more…)

A case of misquoting the Lord and of misdirecting men

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane [and] vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness,” 2 Timothy 2:15-16.

The phrase ‘rightly dividing the word of truth’ simply means ‘to make straight and smooth, to handle aright, to teach the truth directly and correctly’. Paul refers to a ‘workman’ and it is reasonable to think that when he is directed of the Spirit of God to use a phrase that carries the meaning embodied in the Greek term, that a workman such as a carpenter or stone mason is in the mind of the apostle. My father, who was a carpenter, so often told me when I was but a lad and attempting to help him in some task: ‘measure twice and cut once!’. No one needs to heed such counsel more than one who opens his mouth to pronounce the Word of God and apply it to the hearts and minds of men.

It is easy to misapply God’s Word and thereby misrepresent the meaning of it and thus mislead and misdirect men!

I am saddened to note that such was the outcome of the words spoken by Mr Paul Givan, the First Minister in a speech he made recently in the Stormont Assembly.

A video of part of that speech has been mounted on Facebook and a copy has been circulating. It was sent to me by two friends who were asking my opinion of the words of Mr Givan for they felt that his actions did not ring true.

They are correct. (more…)

KICS – Tribute to Mr George McConnell, Kilkeel

Mr. George McConnell

Today, we left aside our usual Bible study with the children in order to pay tribute to a friend of mine and also of Kilskeery Independent Christian School, Mr George McConnell of Kilkeel.

Locally and throughout the Free Church he was known as ‘Mountain Road George’ to distinguish him from a fellow elder Mr ‘Book’ George McConnell.

George McConnell went to be with the Lord in the early hours of the Sabbath past.

He has entered into his eternal rest, having laid aside life’s labours.

Click here to read the tribute


His funeral takes place in Mourne FPC at 2.00 pm today. I am sure you will be able to view the service if you go to Mourne FPC’s page on SermonAudio and also on FaceBook.

Click here to see the funeral services.

The Lord bless you all,
Ivan Foster.