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The real problem of ‘Global Warming’

One verse (among many) which highlights the foolishness of the unbelieving ‘climate change lobbyists’ and their claim that the world is in danger of extinction!

“But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men,”
2 Peter 3:7

Christian challenge to the leaders gathered at COP26 in Glasgow

This is a letter from the Public Questions, Religion & Morals Committee of the FREE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND (CONTINUING) to the leaders of the COP26 gathering in Glasgow.

Read the letter here.

In the letter our brethren challenge the propriety of the invitation given to the Pope to attend the conference  They supply multiple reasons why this invitation  should not have been issued.

It is likely that the Bible-based arguments will be dismissed by those to whom the letter was sent, but we commend the contents of the letter to our readers for the true character of popery needs ever to be borne in mind by God’s people.

Earlier today I penned these words to a friend regarding the Glasgow gathering. (more…)

A tribute paid to Mr Basil Dane

A TRIBUTE TO MR BASIL DANE by Rev Ivan Foster, his former minister before his retirement

Tributes were paid to two long time members of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church who recently went to be with the Lord.

This service, at which Rev Jonathan Creane preached, may be viewed here.


At his funeral service in Kilskeery FPC,  30th October, 2021.

“ His lord said unto him, Well done, [thou] good and faithful servant,” Matthew 25:21.

Faithfulness is a virtue we all here in Kilskeery would attribute to our brother Basil, now gone to be with the Lord on Wednesday evening past.

I first met Basil in 1968 when he started attending the meetings in Lisbellaw Free Presbyterian Church where I had been ordained and installed as minister back in April of that year. He had been to the Ulster Hall to hear Dr Paisley and then decided to check out the Lisbellaw meetings. He was not saved at that time but he later testified of the kindness shown to him as a stranger by my uncle, William Foster, who did ‘door duty’ in those days.

He attended for a short time and then in mid-September 1968, he sought the Lord and was saved. There are some of us who can still remember him, his boys and his little blond-haired daughter attending the meetings. (more…)