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A tribute paid to Mrs Meta Thompson

A TRIBUTE TO MRS META THOMPSON by Rev Ivan Foster, her former minister before his retirement

Tributes were paid to two long time members of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church who recently went to be with the Lord.

This service, at which Rev Jonathan Creane preached, may be viewed here.

Kilskeery FPC, Lord’s Day evening, 31st October, 2021.

She went to be with the Lord 28th August 2021.

“She hath done what she could,” Mark 14:8.

Very few funeral services may truly be called ‘A Thanksgiving Service’! The Bible clearly says that the majority depart this scene of time having lived a life, which before God, is not one for which to praise the Lord since it was lived in defiance and disobedience of God’s Word. In this dark age there seems to be no understanding whatever of what Bible Christianity is. The most wicked are commonly deemed to have gone to heaven, irrespective of how they lived or what they believed. (more…)

DUP somersaults on the plan to limit open-air preaching in Belfast

Alderman Kingston hypocritically makes no mention of his support at the first for the plan in his latest statement

DUP Councillors on Belfast City Council have called for a reconsideration of proposed new bye-laws which would affect buskers, street preachers, protestors and information stalls in the city centre area.

DUP Group Leader, Alderman Brian Kingston, said that the DUP would be proposing at the Council meeting on Monday, 1st November, that the matter be referred back to Committee rather than progressing on to consultation with statutory bodies. (more…)

Christians opposed to Belfast City Council plan to limit open-air prepare a briefing on the subject

Following on the news about the Belfast City Council’s plan to limit open-air preaching, concerned Christians have prepared a briefing on the subject.

Briefing Note: Belfast City Council

City Centre Speech Permits – October 2021

The proposal involves two key issues within city centre.

1. Permits for amplification.
2. Permits for stalls, literature, and other display materials.

Some have felt this necessary because of some complaints involving Christian and LGBT activists, pro-life groups, and buskers.

This briefing note lays out several reasons why permits are not the correct way to handle this problem. It also demonstrates some further problems speech permits will create.

Free speech as a principle

The British tradition, especially, after the Glorious Revolution has valued freedom of conscience, civil and religious liberty. This is enshrined in law and practice.

You do have a right not to be threatened by speech. However, you do not have a right to be comfortable or not offended by speech. If offence was an offence – no one would be able to speak freely. The right to offend is not just a moral right but a legal one.

The very use of the word “permit” suggests that the Council has the authority to determine free expression in the public square. No public body has the moral authority to deny rights to citizens or organisations and there is no doubt this will be tried in court.

Read the entire Speech Permits Briefing Note