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David Attenborough – wrong from beginning to end!


A headline of a report of David Attenborough’s latest climate change prediction reads: “End of the world: David Attenborough sends ‘catastrophic’ warning: ‘Not false alarm!’”

Mr Attenborough is well known for his nature programmes on television, all of which are enjoyable as long as you do not listen to his comments on the origins of the various creatures featured in them!

Attenborough is an ardent believer in ‘Evolution’, that is, the world that now is and all that is in it evolved out of a ‘beginning’ which neither he nor any of his deluded compatriots can agree on! Consequently, his programmes are filled with gratuitous misinformation and downright fairy tales.

He ‘explains’ away the wonders of God’s creation and substitutes his daft notions of the creature altering itself over countless millions of years to meet the challenges it faced. Just how, when it took so long for the creature to change in order to survive, it did not succumb to the threat long before it was able to ‘evolve’ to cope with the threat that it faced, he and his ilk never explain!

The Christian believes the Bible’s record of how things began. Genesis 1 and 2 give us full details of the supernatural origins of the physical creation and of the human race. Supportive evidence of that account is everywhere to be found. An abundance of the gatherings of that evidence may be found on hundreds, if not thousands of websites. Some are much more worthy than others it is freely acknowledged. But convincing and conclusive rebuttals of the falsehoods of ‘evolution’ may easily be found in book or website form. (more…)

Thoughts on the history of professing Christianity, Part 2

We continue with extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 6 — THOUGHTS ON THE HISTORY OF PROFESSING CHRISTIANITY, AS GIVEN IN THE PARABLES OF MATTHEW XIII.

Here is Part 2, which covers pages 151 to 156.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

They are as a house swept and garnished, but empty. The truth and Spirit of Christ are not there. It is a mansion unoccupied; open therefore to be entered, as it soon will be entered, by that unclean spirit, which, after long wandering up and down, and finding no other people so suited for his designs, will, with seven other spirits more wicked than himself, again make that people his peculiar habitation. Then will be developed the full iniquity of the closing hours of our dispensation. These words have almost entirely failed to arrest the attention of real Christians. Many appear not to know that the Lord has spoken them. Else they could not as they do, “cleave to Israel with flatteries,” and tell them that they are advancing into their millennial rest, when in truth, they are fast approaching the great hour of their anti-Christian evil and final visitation from the hand of God. The chapter, however, which thus records the doom of unbelieving Israel, does not conclude without referring to another family which the Lord Jesus could, and did own as His, at the very moment when He was thus rejecting Israel. “He stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said: Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother and sister, and mother.” All, therefore, in whom the spiritual characteristics of Abraham shall be found-all who shall believe and obey, shall be owned as the family of God, whilst Israel nationally are rejected. (more…)

Samuel Morrison — “I thank God for Northern Ireland. It’s just a shame no one on Thursday could manage to say that.”

This is a very good letter which was published today in ‘The Belfast Newsletter’ and is worthy to be read and circulated by all who remember with joy what the Lord did through and for our forefathers in the time of the ‘Home Rule Crisis’!

I am sorry the Queen is unwell but do not regret the fact she missed the Armagh service, which barely acknowledged Northern Ireland or its losses.

The most striking thing about the service in Armagh was the total avoidance of any suggestion by any of the church leaders that the creation of Northern Ireland was something which should be celebrated. (more…)