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Belfast City Council to limit open-air preaching in city centre

This is an edited version of a report in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’, Saturday 23rd October, 2021.


Belfast City Council is set to give powers to the PSNI to fine street preachers £500 if they use amplification systems without a council permit in the wider city centre.

All parties (this included the DUP – BB Editor) on the council’s Strategic Policy and Resource Committee agreed yesterday morning to approve draft bye laws that would require preachers, protestors, buskers and anyone else using amplification systems in the wider city centre to apply for a permit or be fined £500 by the PSNI or council officers. (more…)

Our Reply to Gregory Campbell

Letter sent to the Belfast Newsletter, 5.35 pm, Saturday 23rd October 2021, by Rev Ivan Foster.


In a letter to your newspaper, dated Thursday 21st October, Mr Gregory Campbell penned these words:

“Again there are those who want to abandon those values while there are others who demand that previous ways of upholding those values are the only way to proceed. The former is wrong and the latter is unsustainable.”

The ‘values’ he is referring to he identifies a few lines earlier in his letter as “a moral value system that is being attacked on a regular basis. It needs defending within the changing times we all live in.”

I assume that he is referring to the morals proclaimed by the gospel since Mr Campbell is a professing evangelical Christian. (more…)

Free Presbyterian Church — Take Heed!

A very good friend in the USA sent me the link mounted below. It is a report of the compromise and the departure from God’s Word by the Presbyterian Church in America which is not yet 50 years old! It is a report to which we all should take heed.

Here is a plain warning to the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster with regards the inevitable fruit of compromise and failure to judge breaches in the standards of God’s Word by members because of a sheltering of them by compatriots due to their prominence!

SJC Rules on Complaint Against Missouri Presbytery

The Presbyterian Church of America was considered a theologically conservative U.S. evangelical Presbyterian denomination when founded in 1973. The PCA has its roots in theological controversies over liberalism in Christianity and neo-orthodoxy that had been a point of contention in the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. In December 1973, delegates, representing some 260 congregations with a combined communicant membership of over 41,000 that had left the PCUS, gathered at Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, and organised the National Presbyterian Church, which later became the Presbyterian Church in America.

However, despite being only 50 years old, it has succumbed to evil within its ranks with its latest decision to endorse the ordination of one who confesses to be ‘homosexual’. (more…)