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Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 14 (final section)

We come to the final section of this chapter copied from Benjamin Wills Newton’s quite wonderful book: “Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms”. I truly hope it has been a great help to you all.

The topic of the ten Kingdoms of the Antichrist will become increasingly important for God’s people to study and understand since any who become entangled with it will pay a dreadful price.

“And all that dwell upon the earth (i.e. the ‘the old Roman Empire’) shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world . . . And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name,” Revelation 13:8, 14:11.

Damnation is the price that will be paid by any deceived into an allegiance with the kingdom of anti-christianity.

Given the blindness that is abroad today regarding the errors of the liberal and modernistic ‘gospel’ eagerly embraced by the main denominations and the zealous pursuit of money and the spirit of the merchants that is everywhere, the vast majority of people are more than ripe for the plucking by the devil and his agents! (more…)

Guildford IRA bomb family demands answers

Guildford IRA bomb wreckage

EVERYWHERE it seems, we read of IRA crimes and government and police stupidity being covered up and every obstacle that the ‘powers that be’ can muster are placed in the path of justice for the victims!

As in days gone by so it is today:

“‭And judgment‭ is turned away‭‭ backward‭, and justice‭ standeth‭‭ afar off‭: for truth‭ is fallen‭‭ in the street‭, and equity‭ cannot‭‭ enter‭‭.,” Isaiah 59:14.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

We would despair were we not sustained by the promise of God:

“‭Behold, the days‭ come‭‭, saith‭‭ the LORD‭, that I will raise‭‭ unto David‭ a righteous‭ Branch‭, and a King‭ shall reign‭‭ and prosper‭‭, and shall execute‭‭ judgment‭ and justice‭ in the earth‭.,” Jeremiah 23:5.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Pity this lady and her friends who seek justice in the case of the murder of their loved ones by the IRA and the cover up that is in place!

Most sincerely in the Saviour’s name,

Ivan Foster

Guildford IRA bomb family demands answers from inquest

By Tanya Gupta/BBC News

The bombs killed five people, injured 65 and led to one of Britain’s biggest miscarriages of justice

A woman fighting for justice after her sister died in the Guildford pub bombs exactly 47 years ago has asked the coroner to widen his investigation. (more…)

Moral perversion in London’s police

Openly gay Met commissioner Dame Cressida Dick says she’s not stepping down

I send out this article with weariness of soul and a great measure of reluctance.

I feel that I have not the inclination nor the time any more to take up the plethora of reported incidents which press upon us all the indecency which pervades our society today.  Nor do I feel that you, as those who desire to turn away their eyes from evil, have the inclination to have such things pressed upon you.

I believe it is approaching the time to “shake off the dust” of our feet with regards the many denominations and groups to whom innumerable warnings and exhortations have been addressed, and that without any God-honouring response.

Just what is the devout Christian to do in the circumstances which are rapidly developing around us?

I believe that Isaiah 26:20-21 offers us guidance on this matter. (more…)