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Compromise at Bob Jones University conference

Dr Steven Lawson

Dr Steven Lawson is one of the featured speakers at Steven Lee’s SermonAudio Conference entitled “The Foundations Conference”, to be held at Bob Jones University in December. Other speakers include Dr Joel Beeke. Todd Friel, and most surprisingly, Dr Clarence Sexton , Dr Paul Washer, and Rev Armen Thomassian of Faith Free Presbyterian Church, Greenville SC, USA.

Rev Stephen Hamilton of Allentown Free Presbyterian Church, Pennsylvania, USA, makes the following comments on one of the leading speakers in this conference.

Dr Steven Lawson is hailed by many evangelicals today. He is a gifted preacher, no question. He has positioned himself as a defender of Biblical Truth, even at times referencing the Protestant Reformation. However, he is also a man who tends to speak out of both sides of his mouth. (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 13

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 13, which covers from the bottom of page 360 to the top of page 365.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

But however great the blessings of the millennial age, they still fall very short of the perfection of God. Sin, death, and occasional transgression, will yet be there, and repressive power (something unknown in heaven) will be perpetually needed, in order to prevent manifestations of evil, and sights of sorrow. The spirit therefore of the millennial saints will long for something more perfect yet to come. They will be taught, even as we, to look for New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.*

(* In Isaiah lxv. 17, the subjects of joy and thanksgiving, presented to Israel at the commencement of their millennial blessing, are two — one future; the other, present. The final intention of God to create New Heavens and a New Earth, is first spoken of, and presented to them as an object of hope: next is mentioned, that which God will at that time be giving them, as a present joy; for at that time He will make Jerusalem and her people a joy.

“Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth,” strictly – Behold, I, the Creating One of new heavens, &c. For this abstract use of the present participle as not defining time, see “Occasional Papers,” No. II. Page 96.) (more…)

Two statements marking DUP’s 50th birthday!

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the Democratic Unionist Party. Two statements related to that event appeared on the BBC Northern Ireland news site this morning.

One was by Baroness Paisley, widow of the late Dr Ian Paisley, the other was by Lord Hay of Londonderry.

The BBC report read:

‘In a statement, Baroness Paisley said the party’s “more recent tolerance of changing moral attitudes in society is a far cry from the code of practice Ian unashamedly espoused”.

“Yet, despite his clear and unequivocal views, the party grew to being the majority voice of the unionist people in this province. That is perhaps a lesson which today needs heeding.”

She added that “Ulster faces very uncertain days.” ’

We have no wish to be churlish, but the moral changes within the DUP over the last 50 years require a stronger condemnation than the words of the Baroness proffer. The changes could well be likened unto day giving way to night! (more…)