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Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 12

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 12, which covers from page the middle of 356 to almost the bottom of page 360.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

Its relation to Heaven and to the Earth during the Millennium, is analogous to that which the Holy Place occupied in the Temple. It was situate intermediately between the Holy of Holies and the external court where Israel worshipped. The Holy Place was the place of Priestly service, the place of intercession, the place where the golden Candlestick was set-the type of Christ, in that pure, perfect, unchanging heavenly light, wherewith, whether in Earth or Heaven, He hath shone and ever shineth for His people. All this, and more, the Heavenly City will be. Thence the regulations of God’s government, as well as the instructions of His grace, will reach Israel and the earth. “The nations shall walk by means of the light thereof, and the Kings of the Earth shall bring their glory and honour unto it.” There, also, remedial means will be provided for meeting the exigencies of mortal life below. In the vision of the City were seen Trees of Life; and “the leaves of the Trees were for the healing of the nations.” (more…)

Stormont hatred of righteousness displayed once again

What Jim Allister, leader of the ‘Traditional Unionist Voice’ party, correctly calls a ‘pan-nationalist front’, has once again united in support of convicted IRA criminals who presently hold positions with a publicly financed wage! This has been reported in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

TUV Political Appontments bill defeated

Mr Allister is quoted as saying after the defeat of his attempt to introduce a Bill in Stormont which would have prevented those with terrorist convictions being appointed to public bodies that the “pan-nationalist front of Alliance, the SDLP and Sinn Fein” had united to ensure Sinn Fein’s Paul Kavanagh could remain on the Education Authority, and that Gerry Kelly will keep his seat on the Policing Board.

He also said that it is difficult to view the police as an unbiased body when a convicted IRA bomber sits on its ‘watchdog’ committee!!

This is the situation which Sinn Fein, the SDLP and the Alliance parties are determined to see continue in Ulster. This has been a year in which the Bible-rejecting and anti-Unionist majority in Stormont has clearly demonstrated its bigoted attitude toward the Protestant people of Northern Ireland by opposing any significant recognition of the centenary of the founding of Northern Ireland!

The evil coalition of ‘Alliance, the SDLP and Sinn Fein’ is determined to crush every manifestation of our Protestant heritage. All three parties have shown support and sympathy for abortion and sodomy.

In this they have had the aid of the leaders of the Ecumenical churches. Under the headline: “Presbyterian moderator urges preservation of ‘precious’ powersharing government”, an article was recently published by ‘The Irish News’, an Irish nationalist newspaper. It is not surprising that the leaders of the apostasy see in any public body founded upon a partnership which includes Sinn Fein/IRA, something to be cherished and preserved!

The forming of the ‘power-sharing’ union between the DUP and Sinn Fein/IRA in Stormont in 2007 has resulted in what is now all too obvious — the dominant position of Irish Republicanism in the running of Ulster. (more…)

Ex-IRA gunrunner Gerry McGeough attacked while saying rosary at Cookstown Pride parade

A Free Presbyterian protest against the sodomite-glorifying parade in Cookstown on Saturday past, was one in which the Word of God condemning the wickedness for which He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, was publicly displayed.

On another part of the street, Irish Roman Catholicism was represented by a former IRA gunman, Gerry McGeough, and his friends engaging in the saying of the ‘Rosary’, that is praying to Mary, something strictly forbidden in the Word of God. But then what would you expect from an unrepentant former member of the IRA!!

The former gunman was punched in the face (there awaits him a much a more severe retribution in eternity from a hand more powerful than that of his female assailant) by a supporter of the sodomites who was acquainted with McGeough and had been engaged in a long-time dispute with him. (more…)