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Answer to Mr. Cubitt

September 24, 2021 — It is obvious that this letter is not going to be published in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

I have wondered if the various media outlets receive some sort of ‘grant’ to promote the present vaccinations which were produced by the use of foetal tissue and gag any letters exposing the use of tissue from an aborted child in their manufacture .

(Letter submitted to “The Belfast Newsletter” on September 17, 2021)


As one who has refused the vaccinations presently on offer on the grounds that they have been produced or have been tested by the use of foetal material (an acknowledged fact), I see that Mr Cubitt has resorted to the logic of Nebuchadnezzar or indeed a Hitler with regards the forcing of others to submit to his idea of what is right. Both of these evil dictators denied to others the right of conscience.

I am against abortion. That was the position of 99% of the population when I was young. However, I failed to change my view on the subject when church and state persuaded a large number of folk to adopt a ‘liberal’ view of the slaughter of the unborn.

Now Mr Cubitt, one of that ‘enlightened liberal group’, calls for me and those like me to be forcefully vaccinated and that on the pretext that I do not ‘love my neighbour’!! (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 11

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 11, which covers from page 353 to the middle of page 356. A large portion of this extract is made up of a *note.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

But whilst the saints individually and collectively, are thus filled with all fulness in Him; there will also be awarded to each, the individual meed of grace. Each will be placed before the tribunal *

* I have used the word tribunal in preference to judgment-seat, because less liable to misapprehension—the thought commonly connected with judgment-seat being that of arraignment as a criminal.

Indeed the thought of criminal arraignment ought to be connected with the ·”great white Throne,” before which the wicked dead raised at the close of the millennium will stand, to be judged out of things written in books according to their works. This is strictly judgment; but it is said that he who believeth shall not come into judgment. See John V. 24. All who have believed in Jesus previously to His return, will be raised in the first resurrection, and will reign with Him during the millennium: consequently, they will not stand before the great white Throne at all. Nor will the saints who live during the millennium stand before it to be arraigned, because the Book of Life will be opened, and their names will be found written there. Consequently, they too will not come into judgment. The prayer of every saint, in every dispensation must be, “Lord, enter not into judgment with Thy servant; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified.” (more…)

“Party of civil rights” opposes right to Christian protest

This article was sent to me earlier today and I feel that there are interesting details within it which serve to highlight the utter hypocrisy of many in public as well as pointing the way in which society is moving with regards shutting down those voices and opinions with which it disagrees.

There is a growing animosity, in Church and State and amongst the general public who have been moulded by the opinions sanctioned and promoted by the two former institutions, toward any criticism of sodomy and its related perversions, especially those criticisms based upon the Word of God. (more…)