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Sodom all around!

Another week begins and the ‘watchman’ must cry aloud once more: “‭Now‭ [it is] high time‭ to awake‭‭‭ out of‭ sleep‭: for‭ now‭ [is] our‭ salvation‭ nearer‭ than‭ when‭ we believed‭‭.‭ ‭The night‭ is far spent‭‭,‭ the day‭ is at hand‭‭: let us‭‭ therefore‭ cast off‭‭ the works‭ of darkness‭, and‭ let us put on‭‭ the armour‭ of light‭,” Romans 13:11-12.

The western world is rapidly becoming a virtual Sodom. That may be seen in the latest disgusting and stomach-turning report of the vileness enacted in the name of the Lord.

I just read in my daily reading this morning Ezekiel 16. There the prophet was required to set before the people of Jerusalem, just prior to their overthrow in judgment and the captivity by Babylon, the wickedness into which they had descended.

I commend the chapter to you and ask that you read it carefully. You will surely see that the spirit that is at work today in ‘Christendom’ was at work then, some 2600 years ago! (more…)

Pay-outs made to Claudy bombings families after report found ‘cover-up’ of IRA priest’s involvement

“Father” James Chesney

This story of the betrayal of the victims of the IRA in Claudy, Co. Tyrone, by the Royal Ulster Constabulary, the Northern Ireland Office and the British Government, in order to placate the Church of Rome and conceal its links, at the highest level, as this press report shows, with terrorism and murder, portrays just what the Ulster Protestant people have had to endure and the true face of Roman Catholicism!

It must be remembered that this took place at a time when the Roman Catholic Church and Irish Republicanism were claiming that the police force in Northern Ireland, and Protestants in general, were discriminating against the Roman Catholic Community!

Is that not the very essence of irony!

The British Government was in full cooperation in this evil machination, not only in covering up this horrendous crime but to the extent of sympathetically listening to the complaints of Rome regarding the charges of police harassment of Romanists and endorsing these complaints before the world and helping Rome in the creation of the image of the ‘persecuting Ulster Protestant’! (more…)

You are Invited …

Kilskeery Annual Autumn Conference



Friday 24th September


Rev David McMillan

Lord’s Day 26th September 11.30am


Rev Paul Hanna

7.00 pm


Rev Ivan Foster

We would welcome visitors at these services
or via our live on-line video broadcasts