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MLA calls on Parades Commission to oppose Free Presbyterian protest at LGBT parade

Rev. Marcus Lecky

We request prayer for Rev Marcus Lecky who has announced a protest against a sodomite ‘celebration in Cookstown later this month and also suggest the Orange Order should look at the membership of Joshua Cuddy, an openly self-acknowledged pervert and member of the Order.

The Orange Order has always presented itself as a’Christian” organisation. The tolerated presence of one who openly rejects God Word and lives in defiance of God’s holy standards, certainly challenges that claim.

Ivan Foster

Mid Ulster Pride: MLA calls on Parades Commission to oppose Free Presbyterian protest at LGBT parade

(Thursday 9th September 2021)

An SDLP MLA has said a protest by a church group over a planned LGBTQ+ parade has “no place in Mid Ulster” because it is “intolerant”.

Last year saw the first Pride Parade in Cookstown, and the small march – limited by Covid restrictions – was preceded by a small Free Presbyterian protest.

This year the parade is planned for September 18, and Rev Marcus Leckey of the Free Presbyterian Church in Cookstown has once again lodged an application with the Parades Commission to protest against it.

However SDLP Mid Ulster MLA Patsy McGlone has condemned those behind the planned protest. (more…)

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms – Part 10

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 10, which covers from page 350 to the middle of page 353.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

Whilst the Lord is thus re-gathering Israel, and at the same time sending many judgments among the spared nations, who are to be broken before they are healed, He will introduce His saints into their heavenly mansions above, according to the promise “I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. In my Father’s house are many mansions.” This is the period of which it is said, that He who loved the Church and gave Himself for it, will present it unto Himself “a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.” (Eph. v.) See also Rev. xix. (more…)

Covid Aware!

No one can claim that the pupils of Kilskeery Independent Christian School do not take precautions against the Covid virus seriously!

Even the stuffed animals on display wear masks!!