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The growing stench of death from the DUP camp

Blossom End Rot

It seems that each day brings a fresh revelation of the corruption and depravity that has taken over the DUP.

Here are the latest signs of the death of this party!

Ivan Foster

How can any denomination that fears the Lord tolerate within its membership those who support a party which rejoices in that which the Lord abominates and tolerates the use of the foulest of language from one of its leading MPs??

A Question for the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church and members of the whole church.

How can anyone who professes to love and fear the Lord remain in membership of the DUP? (more…)

Defiers of Dublin rule jailed for non-payment of fines

Foster and Gillespie, Paisley and McCrea, Beattie and Poots jailed at weekly intervals

(Report from ‘The Burning Bush’ of February 1988)

On Tuesday 12th January at 10.15am Rev Ivan Foster was arrested at his church and taken to Belfast Prison on the Crumlin Road. The following day, Ald Roy Gillespie from Ahoghill, Co Antrim was likewise incarcerated.

Because they came in on different days they did not meet up with each other until Thursday afternoon. They shared a cell for their last night in prison.

Alderman Gillespie was glad to be in the more respectable (only just) company of Rev Foster as he had spent the previous night with two provos who had been arrested for possession of explosives.

Having been in the Crumlin Road prison on three previous occasions Mr Foster was quite familiar with the routine. (more…)

A word from prisoner number 1425

An article by Rev. Ivan Foster 

(Written for a ‘pre-digital’ edition of The Burning Bush shortly after a third spell in jail in April 1986) 

Rev. Ivan Foster was arrested at his church in Kilskeery in Co. Tyrone on Monday 21 April (1986) and taken to Crumlin Road Jail to serve a sentence of 14 days for refusing to pay a fine imposed upon him for his part in a protest against the R. U. C. carrying out Dublin’s orders to ban the Protestant parade in Castlewellan last July (1985). With full remission of sentence, and, because the Prison does not have weekend releases, Mr. Foster was set free on Friday 25 April.

To have a prison record was not exactly the main ambition of my life. Yet it has now happened to me three times.

Of course I could have avoided all three imprisonments but only at the cost of grieving my conscience. In 1966, 1969 and now in 1986 I chose to go to prison rather than willingly comply with the punishment meted out to me by the courts. Each time I forced the authorities to imprison me as a protest against the betrayal of our civil and religious heritage. (more…)